Does playing killer too much feel depressing?

I play killer in spurts and then take a break if my friends aren't playing. Yesterday, I played killer all day. I don't think I did a single solo survivor game. I usually do to break up the monotony of playing killer for too long. But, it felt depressing to play killer after a while. I think what did it for me was playing Hag. Exit gates were powered up. Hooked the 3rd survivor and downed the 4th near an exit gate not opened. Picked her up and didn't see a hook nearby without her wiggling free. I thought to myself "okay, I'll let her bleed out." She moved to the corner. I sat there thinking to myself, "this is the crap I hate being done to me." It's an ETERNITY waiting to bleed out. I decided to open the door and let her go so we can all move on with our lives to the next game.
Bleed outs are ZERO fun for me. Like, what am I going to do in the time it takes for the player to bleed out? I could alt+tab. I could probably clean up something real quick. In the end, it's a waste of time/life to wait that long. I think this is something Behavior could look at to keep move the game along. But, I highly doubt it as they are so far up their 5th point of contact, they think their poop smells like roses.
Doing anything too much is depressing. I was a survivor main for all my 100+ levels now I'm hoping over to killer. Try playing survivor. And if you're on PC and want to have a great time laughing add me on Steam. I'm not great but I gurantee you'll having a ba llin even the most asinine games
Edit: I'm cool with doing KYF. No bloodpoints but at least it's funny.
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Personally I try to make it fun. I try fun builds and ######### around with the survivors. I play ghostface so I can do stupid things like t-bag back. I also usually analyze the lobby, map and their playstyle before making a goal for myself. For example if I go farmhouse I can set myself a goal of getting 1 sacrifice because of the map. I try to have realistic expectations like that. And if Im playing like the game or something I can try to go for 3k.
Main thing that I keep in mind is that my enjoyment of the game depends on my mentality. Watching tru3 also helps. The way he reacts to toxic ######### that would've tilted me in the past, has really improved my overall mental.
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Thank you for the offer to play, first off. I do play way more survivor than killer. That's why when my friends aren't on, I switch to killer to get more of a different point of view and understand each killers abilities more realistically than KYF. That's how I learned about Hillbilly's chainsaw time and being able to 360 it right if they don't mess with the timer. But, like I also said, I'm not afraid to switch to solo survivor after a few killer games. It just feels really lonely compared to playing solo survivor or SWF after a while.
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I try to make it fun, too. But, with how match making is, I go against a lot of red rank survivors who know how to loop. Even if I stop chase and try to find someone else, it's the same result. It gets frustrating after a while. Every so often, I'll find cool ones and have fun with them or just plain potatoes. As far as getting past toxic survivors, it's not that hard getting red ranks as survivor. Killer has to do all the work as I rarely see any red rank killers now. It took a while for me to actually get lobbied with red rank killers whether I was SWF red/high purple ranks or just solo queue. I don't bother trying to get red rank killer anymore as that was a one and done ordeal for me. I'm happy with staying purple tier but constantly get red ranks even when I'm in green. I can understand one red rank in purple. Okay, maybe two. When I see all 4 red ranks constantly, it just gets annoying. It takes 0 skill to get red rank survivor as you have other players to rely on to get objectives done. Let alone, the altruism category really carries your safety pips, in my opinion.
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It does get depressing for me. I player killer most of the time because I have no friends that play DBD on PC. I'll play solo survivor but the odds of getting a good group is slim When you play Killer for so long, you unintentionally go into a competitive state because in order to get points and pip or at least maintain, you have to push yourself to want to win. Least that's the mindset I am in since I'm a Rank 1 killer so I have to go against mainly SWF people who are just infuriatingly to play with. Especially the ones that are toxic in the end, regardless of whether you win or lose, you're in the wrong because you did something or you were someone or you used something, etc. It takes it's toll so it is recommended to take breaks.
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I only get down when the game is basically unwinnable. I had a game earlier where I went against a 3-stack SWF on Blood Lodge. One was solo because he ended up in my next lobby without the others. They had an OoO and multiple gen rushing toolboxes. I couldn't get any traps to work and they all escaped. Feels bad man
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Well, I used to play (as killer) all weekend, for hours. Now, 3 or 4 games are more than enough. The honeymoon is definitely over.
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That's just a yes.
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I'm sorry, no. Compared to survivor, killer is so much easier and less stressful. The amount of effort you have to do to blood farm is absurdly low compared to survivor also.
I've noticed that killers expect the game to be completely tailored to them. I mean, the original poster even starts with the fact that he was going to get a four kill. How much more does he want? The fact that there was no hook around is the mechanic of the game to give the survivor a chance to escape. The survivor should have been trying to escape, and wiggling when you picked them up to pull them away from the gate when you picked them up. To demand anything else is to ask to circumvent balance and build in mori for all killers.
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Oh no, it's #########