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Killers Job is to stop survivors from playing

Member Posts: 1,262

The main issue aside from balance with this game is the killers job is to prevent survivors from playing and literally no survivor is happy about that. Killers lack of clear objective scoring is a part but...

dying state, time on the hook, death players complain on the forum/postgame every single day.

They cant stand dying. Being tunneled/ camped feels unfun...

tunneling is just chased "too soon"

Let's all be honest absolutely nothing needs to be done about tunneling. You should live your best life because you only get one.

Camping is "annoying" to people who demand to be saved... because once again you feel like you need more lives against the killer

So let's just cut down to chase and give them lives instead of hook states and respawn chambers instead of saves

Because It'll basically be the same thing but it'll feel better.

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  • Member Posts: 17

    Dang that does sound better than what we currently have. Despite what other people are complaining about these are some pretty solid recommendations.

  • Member Posts: 35

    I always thought an easy way to increase survivor enjoyment without hindering killer objectives was to allow a "ghost" type spectate once killed. You can roam the map, but can't interact with any objectives. Maybe you could place a marker like the map to let those remaining know chests, totems, gens, etc. to give more motivation to stay and help your team. Something similar to what White Noise does.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    I was an avid White Noise 2 player for awhile - and that was very ingenious feature. Even if you were 'eliminated' as a ghost you could become a very important source of help. I don't think it works so well for DBD though - people can just join another game (SWF is out of luck but such is the price of having improved intel I guess) and a ghost's usefulness would be very limited here.

  • Member Posts: 312

    Definitely not fun. I've been there many, many times over the years. Thing is, most of your killer mains don't give two s***s about the survivors fun, or keeping the game enjoyable. Some will even admit it. Some players lose sight of the fact that it's just a game, and that it's there as an escape from all the stress and aggravation of real life.

  • Member Posts: 206

    I mean... I'm aware if the survivors are having an awful experience in the match but at the same time I'm not there to coddle them or make their job easier, I'm there to kill them at any expense. Unless the game is going slow and the survivors aren't toxic, I'm not going to be friendly/kind (I.E hook 3 times).

  • Member Posts: 647

    Best comment ever.

    Ironically I did something just like this today.

    Had a disconnect and an AFK so after hooking the remaining players twice each I let them farm with healing and did 4 generators before I killed them off, they both got to pip and so did I.

  • Member Posts: 312

    As am I when playing killer. However, I don't do it at any expense, or by any means necessary. I embrace the challenge of hunting them down and chase, hit, chase, hit, hook. I've never seen purple or red ranks as killer in 3 years of dbd. Best rank is 10, and that was quite some time ago. I have the ability to play dirty, I just choose not to. I find it more rewarding when I " win " the match..

  • Member Posts: 113

    I only camp/tunnel when a survivor has been BMing me.

    Go on survivors, keep shining flashlights after slamming down a pallet.

    Wanna heal right in front of me after you slam down a pallet?

    Wanna twerk whilst bodyblocking a hook?

    You asked for it.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Well normally when I get faced camped I usually deserve it. Because either I ran the killer way to long on their perspective. Or I felt like tbagging the killer at a pallet because i duked them. If he does i dont feel bad.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    With this thread you disqualified yourself for playing this game.

  • Member Posts: 23

    I've seen tons of people on both sides agree that the chases are the most fun part (I agree as well). The problem being that a long chase for killer is also very stressful because a couple gens could easily go off in that time and you have only been doing one of potentially 12 chases.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Tbf, all I see is survivors are complaining on the forums... That's it. I play both survivor and killer.

    Survivors complain about Mori, camping , doctor too op and etc.

  • Member Posts: 552

    The game literally is called "dead" by daylight and not chases by daylight. It's their job to kill you. Not to entertain you. I play killer to have fun, not to make sure others have fun. It doesn't matter what you do, you always get complains from survivors. So I stopped thinking about them while playing.

  • Member Posts: 19

    In a sense your right, if you get the 3rd hook. They die and can't play any more for that match so yeah. But personally as a kill i feel my job is to make you feel overwhelmed, like the inevitable is approaching. Lol though i really pull this off. In addition i do agree with one person said about difficulty of pips as a killer. Getting devious as pig is the wrost. But playing some survivor matches i can see why certain things are in place to prevent either side from being too op. What i thing alot of people get made about is the exploit of the game. Window tech, safe hook bug etc. Freddy's long as arms lol.

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    Wow it's almost as if, and correct me if I'm wrong here.....that the game was designed around a killer trying to KILL 4 people before they could escape.

    It's almost as if that's their ENTIRE ######### GOAL.

    It's not a 1v4 see if the survivors can run well game...

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    Well, 39're obviously new here, so that doesnt surprise me. But you should look back for 6 months of time or so. Complaints everywhere.

    Difference is, most survivor complaints turn into patches and changes while killers get to sit and be told to "adapt".

  • Member Posts: 404

    That's hilarious since survivor mains outnumber killers and always have. Keep living in that bubble of yours.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    And what is fun for the opposite side ? Killing. Exactly. Dying sucks especially in this genre as survivor because you will die fast if you did bad/got in the wrong place no matter what. If you cant understand that feel yourself like a gen. It doesnt live long the same way you live as a single survivor and if you really cant stand that id advise you to play killer. As a killer you will stay in a game till the end no matter losing or winning.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Personally I think it's okay for a killer to get flashlight blinded after a pallet stun or drop. Simply because it's a way of escaping. By blinding the killer you have a better chance of losing them. So I don't get why that deserves a camp/tunnel. Hardly fair.

    All the other things though, I totally agree, flashlight clicking, teabagging at pallets, healing next to a dropped pallet in your face is a survivor being cocky and deserves to be camped or tunnelled. I for one try not to be toxic. I don't even use flashlights because what's the point? You use it to blind the killer at a window/pallet, well done you're toxic. You use it to save a teammate, well done you're toxic.. like honestly it's crazy.

  • Member Posts: 357

    It doesn't deserve a camp/tunnel but killers make up ANY reason to justify it. No matter what a survivor does if the person playing killer is a camper/tunneller they're going to do it, even if you were the most polite survivor ever.

  • Member Posts: 314

    First off, and I'm being serious when I say this, only half of what you said made sense. Second, I would play as the killer if the game didnt crash every time I try to.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    No. The Killers job is to kill all survivors, and not to prevent one survivor from playing the game. tunneling and camping needs to go. Nothing can justify this bs.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Tell that to all the toolbox carriers now that want to use all of them because of "the nerf". No, the reason why it's not going to be banned is because a lot of killers aren't designed to have time to chase while your buddies gen rush.

  • Member Posts: 314

    I guess the few times I've played killer I never took winning too seriously. You can easily still rack up like 40k BP even with only one downed survivor. For me the fun in playing killer is the same kind of fun you get when you work at a haunted house on Halloween. It's fun to scare people a little sometimes and I think that's where the fun in being killer mostly is. TBF I did have some survivors teabag me at the exit gates once and didn't really appreciate it especially because I gave them a real clean match ie no camping/tunneling/basement hooks and no toxic/op perks etc but teabaging isn't anything I would ever do as survivor anyway because it's pretty immature. Maybe in a private custom match with friends as a joke but never to some random.

  • Member Posts: 314

    Yeah it's a shame really, because the idea behind the game is pure gold, it's just got a lot of loopholes that allow the fun to nose dive fast. I also notice most of the major streamers have toxic gameplay as their main theme. I almost wonder if someone made a YT or stream that was the opposite if it would be more fun to watch, and maybe change some of the culture around the game? I got into the game because I've always been a big fan of most horror franchises and really wished the gameplay was more reminiscent of the kind of fun that is all things horror/halloween. Sometimes it is but it's more 50/50 in that regard.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Sorry, but if someone is gonna be THAT cocky and BM while they're at it, then they get whatever comes to them.

    There are no formal rules for this, so it's at the killers discretion.

    It's why I try to avoid poking the bear.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    By consistently staying on gens you doing the same to killers. Your cant see that because your logic is one sided. The same way you re not suppose to try to finish gens that already in progress.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    For solo players who match with a 2 or 3 man SWF, a killer tunneling or camping one of them is very good for you. You can complete gens and cleanse while the killer stands there. Tunnelling sucks, sure, but it does not behoove the killer to tunnel sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Add indefinite looping to the list of things that need to go.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Thats nonsense. The killer is still able to do anything he wants, while survivors getting tunneled cannot do anything besides trying to run away, or can just look at the killer while being on hook. You just showed the ultimate bias in your post.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Being a killer main, and playing for the rank rather than the BP at this point i have all the perks and such I'm just trying to get better as killer. Hence why I have been playing every killer from nurse to bubba. I get trashed for wiffing or get trashed for using an end game bubba.

    T-bagged or annoyed by people just trying to be hot ######### or something of the sort. Grant it, it doesn't get to me how it used to but now that I have dealt with it so long I just begin to try and outplay the opposition. And I began to take pride to getting hate. But I will still never forget when I was at my 200 hour mark. Being t-bagged and GG ez'd the entire game. It's never fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    Survivor can juke killer. Survivors even have 2 chances to juke if he has ds. You just showed your little knowledge of a game.

  • Member Posts: 314

    No dude. I DC even if I see someone else getting camped or tunneled too hard. I think this all boils down to a case of just putting yourself in the other players shoes momentarily. The whole hook mechanic of this game is very unique in the sense that it takes you completely out of gameplay while forcing you to watch from a limited perspective. I can't think of many other games that force that experience on anyone. It's really not fun. It's not bad to the point where it makes it unplayable but it quickly becomes frustrating and not fun if you're sitting there while some other player exploits a broken game mechanic like that. I mean, we play games to have fun, but the game mechanic in and of itself is kind of intrinsically toxic or lends itself to making toxic behavior very easy.

  • Member Posts: 314

    Wow. You described one long toxic cycle. I honestly don't get this game. What is this whole division between people who play one side over the other? I feel like this game would be a lot more chill, but still suspenseful, if the servers actually worked to allow people to play both sides equally.

  • Member Posts: 420

    You realize you’re putting the job of having fun for survivors onto the killer, right? We have all been continually chased and camped. They are correct that this community says “tunneled” when they really mean “chased too soon” most of the times.

    Its a great feeling to be chased across the map over and over while they pop gens and the killer loses. That’s pretty fun.

    What it sounds like you’re saying is that it’s not fun when the killer can out mind game you and down you over and over because you didn’t bring DS and weren’t saved with BT.

    Outside of being face camped, most of everything is in your control if you’re good enough.

  • Member Posts: 314
    edited March 2020

    No dude, you're literally putting words in my mouth. I never said that.

    The killer does have a lot of responsibility in the game, like it or not. It's because it's because it's an asymmetrical game. The devs and marketing peeps even describe it as such. This means that it's inherently not a balanced game. Basketball is a balanced game.

    I think there's a lot that could be done to balance it for both sides while still keeping the killer more powerful than the survivors by enough of a margin to make it suspenseful/challenging for survivors without devolving into pure hopelessness/pointlessness.

    For example it would have been really easy early on to employ a simple mechanic where if you hook someone and you're within a certain range of them the entity slows down and if someone rescues someone while the killer is still near the hook or within a certain time from the other person getting hooked they get no bloodpoints. Then you give incentive to the killer/player not to camp and you also give incentive to the survivor not to be a dumb### The devs haven't done anything like that and instead just roll out perks that address the issues in a roundabout way. I might be paranoid but I think there might be something behind why there's a big divide between people playing survivor/killer. I don't play killer simply because I can't connect to a lobby/match as killer as there's something buggy about the game. I wonder how true this is for other players?

    The times I was able to connect as a killer I didn't face camp people or tunnel, I broke pursuit with someone after maybe 45-60 seconds and still had fun.

    I think maybe the devs intentionally let some toxic gameplay mechanics abide because it just makes people more into the game. I see a lot of people complain about the game and yet they/we still play it. It's almost similar to how a slot machine works in that it creates a cycle of toxicity that's hard to pull back from.

  • Member Posts: 694

    Depends on what you think playing means. If you think dbd is a skill check simulator then yes it's kinda annoying. Personally I think chases are the most enjoyable part which is why I don't stealth much.

    I don't agree with staying on the hook being bad but I can see why slugging should stop. Thing is this is what happens when games go so fast, it's more beneficial to leave them slugged and have another survivor run over to heal than take the extra time to pick up and hook them.

  • Member Posts: 476

    Underrated comment.

    This forum has a heavy killer bias.

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