First of all I love this game and I reckon a lot of cool changes were made like dedicated servers,instaheals nerf and toolboxes rework,etc. So now I want to suggest the next changes :
Mori's and Key's
The green mori and the ebony are too strong right now and make the game really unhealthy. I see most of the killers with mori just waiting for the unhook to mori the survivor on the spot. Even if the killer doesnt pip, it still ruin the other players fun. So my suggestion is to make that the mori only become active after a fixed number of hooks. After that you can mori survivors that you hooked once.
The other thing is the keys. I think they're fine but needs a little bit more of counterplay. Make a animation of a few seconds of the survivor unlocking it so the killer can hit him and cancel the action.
Killers addons rework
Myers is the best of example of cool addons in this game. I think the other killers need addons like his (that changes the playstyle with advantages and disadvantages. And also, buff the killers base powers so they arent addon dependables like Legion, for example.
Camping "punishment"
We all know that sometimes you have to camp as a killer. But I want to address the intentionally toxic killers, the ones that facecamp survivors on the first hook early in the game. So if they keep camping for a long time, they get a notification and if they stay in a certain radius of the hook they start losing bloodpoints(in the match and outside of it). And maybe slowdown the camped survivor death timer?
Infinite loops fix
All the maps that have infinites should have a breakable wall right next the one window. So that the killer dont have to leave a survivor everytime they are on that loop
Freddy and Plague nerf/balance
Freddy slowdown addons were nerfed but they are still too strong for something you dont have to work a lot for it. I think the problem isnt the numbers, but the fact that he can slowdown the game a lot without doing anything. Give a drawback to this addon : deactivate the passive transition to dream state. This will make that the Freddy will have to work more to get the slowdown but the slowdown could be stronger because he will need to hit everyone. So you can buff the numbers, it would be fair.
Plague is the real problem. I see a lot of players that doesnt know how to play with her and this make her look weak. But the truth is that she is strong as hell.
- The purge (vomit) is really easy to land, she can get everyone injured without having to work for it (if you rescue someone sick you become sick). And the only counterplay that she had(if survivors didnt cleanse) now its gone because the devs decided to give her a free corruption pool.
-Iron will and Calm Spirit doesnt work against her power. It's really easy to see sick survivor because of that giant green smoke on them. So it's really hard to be stealthy against her, removing one of the basic game rules.
-She can infect objects for a long time even with the base power and get a free "hit" on infected survivors.
If you want to understand more of how strong she is , watch Otzdarva and Monto playing with her. She is broken af. So I suggest to make her vomit more difficult to land and remove this damn free corruption pool. And get rid of that giant green smoke. Make the sick effect more smooth please.
Freddy slowdown addons were nerfed but they are still too strong
5% slowdown is too strong?
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Nerf Plague? lol...you had me going for a second there.
She needs buffs, not nerfs.
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Are you not aware that Mori's require you to be hooked at least once to be used?
Also sorry, not taking anyone seriously who think Mori's are overpowered but thinks keys "are ok, just need some counterplay" as if the problem with keys is that I can't time the grab in a hatch standoff and not that once I've worked my butt off to get a defendable three gen in a tight game that survivors can just find a key in a chest and be all "Ight, Imma head out" and give me the giant middle finger in the process.
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Agreed. Freddy's slowdown addons weren't even that strong when you brought 1, a better nerf too still make them viable would be too just make then unstacable.
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I don't think you know how too balance the game. Freddy's slowdown addons needed nerfs, but the numbers they gave him made them a waste of bloodpoints, just like Z block. They should revert the numbers and just make them unstackable.
As for Plague, have you ever played as Plague at red ranks? she's super weak if the survivors never cleanse, since she's just an M1 killer at that point. The buff they are giving her will make her a strong killer but not an OP one, and will let her have freedom with her addons.
The rest of the post I agree are problems, but I don't think you understand how little the things you said "needed too be nerf" are in terms of strength.
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@ChainsawCharlie what you mean with demogorgon sucks? You think he is weak or too strong?
6% actually + Thanatophobia (16% max) + Dying Light + Pop Goes the Weasel.
But what bothers me is that Freddy have this free 6% because the survivors enter dream state passively. So you can make the number stronger but make freddy work for it.
Yes I am aware. I was saying to keep this condition AND add the condition of minimum hooks. If the survivor finds the key and find the hatch before you is his win bro lol. He did enough gens so the hatch can spawn and found it. This process takes a lot longer than hooking one person. So mori's are definetly stronger than keys (And you are hearing a killer main here). As a killer , you should look for the hatch too if you find that no one is doing gens and manage to find the survivor looking for it. The only thing that bothers me now is when I do this and get to hatch but the survivor gets priority because there is no counterplay to the key usage. But if you add this animation thing, and play right you can stop the key use.
She doesnt need any buff, people need to learn how to play with her. And when they do, this game will be literally hell.
Bad plagues struggles at the rank 1. Watch Otzdarva and Monto playing against rank 1 teams, they stomp easily. Plague is a m1 killer except that if she gets everyone sicks she is basically a infinite tier 3 myers and now that she has the free pool of corruption, she is a irisdecent hatchet machinegun huntress with 115% mov speed. Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhs_5tM6l6A and tell me I'm wrong lol
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We've had plenty of time to learn her already. She isn't anywhere even close to overpowered.
Do you play her at rank 1 regularly?
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Swing Chains is 8% and Jump Rope is 4% previously Swing chains was 12% and Jump Rope was 9%, it was nerfed because it was combined with Thana (16%) and Dying lights (3% per stack)
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Back when there was a lot of actual discussion around camping (not just bitching), several folks tried to point out the flaw with an idea like yours.
You CANNOT punish campers. Literally. Someone camping in order to be a dick is rewarded by the act of camping itself. Someone who downs the first guy and stands there watching him die in order to ruin his day has already decided they don't care about points, and don't care about the match. So any blood point or time penalties you apply are pointless at best, or punish people who have a good reason to stay at that hook.
The only way to actually end camping is having Survivors die on the first hook. And even then, the guys who camp to be jerks will just down em and camp the slug instead.
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Yeah. No.
Just accept what DBD is, a bug filled mess that will never be fixed. 3 years after release and they still create infinites on new maps, where not even any exhaustion addon is needed.
Demo does not suck at all, he actually is probably a tier, if played right.
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Your key logic is so backwards I don't even know how to respond to it.
The issue is not now, nor has it ever been hatch standoffs or looking for the hatch when you're down to 1v1, which is all your little animation would solve. The issue with keys is even if survivors don't start with them (if they do at least you know it going in) and they find one during the match in a chest, you're somehow supposed to psychically know that? Am I supposed to be dropping chases to check survivors hands constantly? Did you forget we're a little occupied with generators?
You wanna fix keys? Simple, they don't spawn in chests under any circumstances, if you wanna cheese for a quick hatch, you let the killer know up front so they can bring a Mori to counter, THAT is balanced counterplay. If a killer has to announce to the survivors that they have a Mori, survivors should have to announce to the killer they have a key, and there should not be "surprise keys" just cause they got lucky and found one after screwing themselves with a 3-gen.
I find it VERY hard to believe you are a killer main if you somehow believe that Mori's are more powerful than keys. Particularly because as a killer using a Mori, particularly an eboni Mori, all but eliminates any chance of pipping, and again, I have to announce it at the start of the game. A key can be found mid-game, and cause the escape of not just the key finder but their entire team.
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I agree that ebony mori is too strong. The green one though, I think that is fine. I also find that killers tend to camp and tunnel now just so they can get the mori but if they make it so you have to wait for a certain amount of hooks before it becomes active then you might as well just use devour hope.
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Plague new top tier Killer?
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@bernardo6526 The problem with the key is, it is irrelevant if you find the hatch. Or the survivor. If the survivor has a key, you need to hit him in a distance where you can hit him a second time without him being able to reach the hatch in time. If the survivor is close enough with a key, he has simply escaped.
And regarding camping punishment... this topic gets old. You will never be able to get a solid solution to this and if this nags you, I'd say add a "20 sec unhookable" timer on freshly hooked survivors. And make flashlights need to charge like the aura ability of keys do. And add a cooldown on crouching. We can discuss that, but it is simply community and that will never change and there will never be a solution to this that does not look silly to everyone that is not behaving like this. I'd rather say, add a base killer ability to stare at hooks without moving. For each 10 seconds face camping, one gen pops and the hook state is increased automatically. That way you don't have to facepalm when survivors prefer Domino Downs over gens. This is not a serious suggestion btw.
But I also think that Plague is not weak. Great counter to not cleanse. Simply take the infinite Tier 3 Myers while coughing like hell. But I think she is in a good spot and does not need any change. And I agree on addons that should change the playstyle like Myers and Hag has. Just shifting the numbers up and down and in many cases just to make the killer power viable at all is simply boring.
Regarding the Forever Freddy Build: That was a problem of the perks, not the addons. Addons can be way stronger than that 6% slowdown, while the perks do up to 30% or in late game. And the perks are even stronger on Plague and Legion as they have built in perk triggers for that build. On Freddy Id rather say that the addons were a bait to make survivors waste even more time to wake up. The interaction takes longer after every wakeup and going for the clock also takes at least 20 seconds, before you go on a gen again. How long do you work on gens to get a 20 sec delay by a 6% reduction? It is almost 4 full gens
Btw Monto can get ez 4k with Clown as well. If you take him as reference, every killer is OP
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Green mori is fine tbh
"Freddy slowdown addons were nerfed but they are still too strong" Lol this has to be a joke right?
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The community. The way we treat each other and lack of empathy for the other side.
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Feel exactly the same way. Keys need more nerf as well. You get to 3 genes and finally the game is playing in your hands. Then all of a sudden, either 3 survivors or all four survivors just randomly escape because of a key and give you a middle finger. In my opinion, it should just be that one person with the key escaping and not all four.
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That’s literally the point. Killer tries to kill, survivor tries to survive. We don’t give prizes for playing fair. If I happen to find a key in a chest hell ya “aight imma head out”. That’s literally how “surviving” works 😂
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I hate how the game runs like an early access game. I hate how we still have only one gamemode. I hate how the new sabo changes are probably going to be put in and now queue times to play survivor are going to go up.
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Mori's are a staple item in killers gameplay if they wanna use it. It's not going anywhere nor should it get any changes. You don't seem to understand that Mori's already require someone be hooked at least once. So your suggestion of they should hook survivors a certain amount of times is a bit of a mute point. But if you wanna go there with Mori's then let's go there. Let's go ahead and Nerf adrenaline. While we are at it nerf balanced landing those are some strong survivor perks that are OP. Better comparison, let's just do away with survivors ability to choose maps. I'm sure killers are tired of sweaty try hard survivors always burning a Cooldwind offering. No we shouldn't. We shouldn't nerf any of that stuff. We should not nerf Mori's.
I don't see keys often so I don't care much about them right now either way
Legion is not the only killer dependent on Add-ons. Name one Hillbilly player that doesn't run spiked boots and Thompson's moonshine almost all the time. Name a Billy player that unironically runs the silencing muffler add-on. Name a Spirit that doesn't run Prayer Beads add-on. Name a Huntress that doesn't run infantry belt and either ebony head or other heads or status effect Add-ons. I couldn't bring my self to care enough. Let survivors or killers bring whatever add-ons they want. If add-ons get changed or don't so be it.
Freddy is fine where he is right now. His add-ons aren't as difficult as you paint them to be. I've beaten my fair share of Freddy's with some of his tougher add-ons and I've played my fair amount of Freddy games and had a mixed time. Did good, did ok, did bad. Honestly as it relates to Fred and Plague there isnt much to be done to make them 100% perfectly balanced. Particularly Plague. They made the apple add-ons because she was weak and now, she feels more fair i'd say. She's not perfect don't get me wrong but she's a lot better from how she started. The only reason plague was considered over powered is yes because of corrupt purge. But guess what, good/experienced players know how powerful her corrupt purge is. So you know what they do? They don't cleanse cause it's easier to loop an m1 killer then plague with corrupt purge. So simple, don't cleanse. Of course with the apple add-ons that's a bit harder but point still stands. Don't cleanse and run her around the map. At the very least, if you do cleanse do so at a pool that's as far away from your objective as possible. That way when she gets corrupt purge a bunch of her time is wasted traveling across the map trying to find you.
Loops are powerful though I'm not sure what could be or should be done to them.
As it relates to camping there already due exist means of punishing campers. You have decisive Strike for survivors I. The event they pick you back up after getting off the hook. There's breakdown which breaks hooks (not basement hooks) she. You get off it yourself or with help. There's kindered which shows the aura of the killer to the other survivors if they are within range of the hook you are on. There's borrowed time other survivors can use to allow you more time to get away from killers. Besides killers are already punished for camping. Not as hard as you may like but they do get punished. Standing there doing nothing watching you die means survivors are around getting their objectives done. The killer isn't doing what they are supposed to and thus they get de-ranked by the end of the match.
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I agree that the reward is the act of camping itself but right now, you can pip while camping a lot so it's not fair. The bloodpoint penalty should apply outside of the game also so the toxic camper feel it harder. A player who is camping because its needed and not to be a dick wont suffer with the penalty obviously. I will edit the post to explain more about that idea.
You cant escape with all four when there is 1 gen left. And honestly, if the three survivors escaped you deserved because it means they ran around the entire map to find the hatch, them find each other and them open it. If you dont find anyone in this a lot of time, you just deserve to lose lol.
If it takes longer to open the hatch and you can cancel the survivor action, there is no problem on hitting him the second time. He wont make it in time if my idea is implemented. And about Monto you're right, he is good with every killer. But the Plague potential is sick (no pun intended lol), her vomit on gens last 35 seconds only with the base power. Her power can pressure a lot of different spots on the map, not like Hillybilly but no survivor wants to be free infected. This isnt normal, what other killer can get a free hit on everyone 35s after going to other location? Monto explores this potential to the max in his vids and wins only with the power itself while in the Clown videos he only wins because he loops better the survivors.
Balance landing was already nerfed. Adrenaline you can only use in the end of game and there is noed for adrenaline gamers. I understand the mori, its kind weird the way I wrote, I'm going to fix the post but check my other comment about it. It's interesting the idea of not letting survivors choose maps, this can make easier to face toxic swf squads but if they fix the bullshit loops maybe we wont need that. The means of punishing campers aren't good enough, I see a lot of toxic campers (camping on first hook on the beggining of the match) pipping. This isn't normal, if they dont get punished enough they wont stop doing that because it can still be a valid strat.
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Well you gotta understand, nowhere does it say in the game or rules that you can't do this and can't do that. Yea we may not like being camped but nowhere in the rules does it say they can't do it otherwise insidious should have been deleted from the game or never even created in the first place. As for my talk above about nerf this nerf that survivors shouldn't burn map offerings. I wasn't serious about it. Ultimately whatever happens happens regarding nerfs, buffs, or changes. We aren't all game designers and developers. It's honestly really hard to balance a game like this especially with players that have vastly different skill levels. We can suggest ideas but who's to say if those ideas will even work or not and completely mess up the balance for other aspects of the game? Developers gotta take it one step at a time making sure each change doesn't ruin the fun factor and playability for the rest of the game.