Use fly hillbilly power its official Ban-able ?

Mirfua Member Posts: 27

When you play on hillbilly & use him chain saw (M2 power) to just jump from any big hill or bumping in objects, you can fly(jump) on high places (like: loops, cars or same) where any survivor can get up... you can get Ban'ed ???

I play main on hillbilly from 2016 & its not new him power part... just at last time i see a lot cry about hillbilly power exploit...


  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    I dont think you can get banned for that

    Actually I would discuss every ban for using exploits, because you shouldnt be punished for using faulty product

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 496

    Could say the same thing about the super speed nurse bug. Instead of disabling the add-on that they know is causing the issue until it's fixed, they'd just ban you for using it

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Flying Hillbilly is there since launch, so Id say its safe.

    Still, the Nurse situation is bullshit. You are supposed to get refunded for getting faulty product, not punished for using it. I get digital market is a different thing, so it doesnt work like that, but common sense still applies

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 496

    Yeah the flying hillbilly thing is more of a silly/fun thing to do and doesn't offer TOO much of an advantage.

    With nurse I don't see why they don't just temporarily disable the add-on. Just imagine someone new to the game trying nurse, applies that add-on and gets banned for something he doesn't understand

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Intentionally abusing bugs for an advantage should be bannable. That would require reports from the "victims" and if you are reported multiple times for the same thing, this should be a ban. Although I agree that buggy addons and perks should be simply deactivated. That's simple to do unlike bugs with the environment or any mechanics which can happen on every map or with every killer / survivor

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Well, technically it is an 'exploit', but why would you be banned for that? It doesn't give you any advantage, if anything it hurts you by wasting time. It's just a meme thing to do

  • Mirfua
    Mirfua Member Posts: 27

    i don't speak about use total broken killer like nurse (i love old nurse & new nurse are dead for me after her unfair nerf...) New nurse are bad she have double stuns, cant hit survivors "when person in front of you" after blink, she cant blink in places where she blink before nerf, all !!! not only 1 addon are buggy AF & not work normal, her new power recharge system its bad i understand why peoples stop play on her...

    Also abusing bugs for an advantage don't should be bannable. I agree what its "bad" but devs must fix game bugs... We pay money for game, new skins, dlc's or archives...

    Flying Hillbilly is there since launch & DEVS don't do any with what (i play from 2016)... I don't speak about exploit bug: by bumping with x1 or x2 "speed adds" in spec. objects in map fly to see a stars ⭐️ or get on main build roof... its real bug & devs must fix or just remove "speed adds" till not fix bug)... Also i never use 'space" Hillbilly in public matches... We just one time try in KYF with a friends to avoid random "space" fly's in public matches... Peoples are toxic & they always abuse report system become die or not like killer....

    I just want to know or i can use him (M2 power) to just jump from any big hill or object to get on high places (like: loops, cars or same) where any survivor can get up... ??? i don't speak about "space" fly's on main building roof with "speed adds" ...

  • Mirfua
    Mirfua Member Posts: 27

    New nurse are broken & bug'd AF... double stuns after blinks, all adds (not only one) are bug'd & not work like must (expl: x3 blink not work), she cant blink in places in what can blink old nurse... new recharge system are bad & i understand why peoples stop play on nurse...

    Intentionally abusing bugs for an advantage don't should be bannable. Devs just must fix bugs in game or just should be simply deactivate possibility use broken adds, perks like they make with light/dark offerings... we pay money for game, dlc's, archives & new skins & want get working product...

    Also Flying Hillbilly is there since launch, so i want know or we still can use him chain saw (M2 power) to just make high fly's & jumps from any big hills or objects to get on high places (like: loops, cars, walls or same) where any survivor can get up... I don't speak about use "space" billy (1-2 speed adds) & bump in spec. structures in map to get on main build roof or fly in cosmos...

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It's not a faulty product. It works. Theres one aspect that is buggy at the moment, sure, but THAT is what your argument hinges on?

    Also, you paid to RENT A LICENSE to play it, which can be revoked at any time, as is in it's current state. Things change, for good or bad, and neither entitles a refund.

    You essentially supported the company in making the game however they want, as long as you can play it for a bit.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It should absolutely be bannable if you're intentionally doing it for an advantage.

    Which is why they post warnings in game for things like that (legion blade exploit for example), so that people are aware that they are exploiting an issue.

    If they cant or wont disable it, telling people,"hey this isnt supposed to do this, if you abuse it, you will be banned" seems a logical recourse.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    My thing is, they should post it in the news of the game. Not the forums. I've played this game since release and only started using the forums a few months ago. Most players aren't registered here.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Tthis doesnt work like that. If the bug is rare, then then you cant prove someone is abusing it. If its common, then the bugged feature should be disabled. So basically banning people for exploiting bugs is just being lazy. Doesnt matter is its an addon, map, perk or killer, it should be temporary disabled and fixed as fast as possible. Unless there is a REALLY special case, banning for using bugged features, should NEVER be accepted

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited March 2020

    That's what I said as well "Although I agree that buggy addons and perks should be simply deactivated"

    (edit: @Archimedes5000 ) But there are simply bugs that cannot be fixed by setting a flag to "don't show". What if for some reasons pallets have no clipping anymore for the killer? And every killer can just walk through to get easy hits while they are still able to kick it and could play fair? Should they "remove" pallets from every map? Should they rework every map to have window loops instead of pallet loops until the bug is fixed? If the fix for that takes several days, they could only deactivate the whole game, because any workaround would take possibly even longer to implement than the actual fix.

    You guys are pretty fast at calling the devs lazy. They deactivated several maps that had issues in the past, so they actually do it like this if they can. I just don't understand why they did not do that on Legion blades addons and currently on broken nurse addon. But I'm pretty sure it has a good reason, as they did that with maps.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Thats still a faulty product.

    "this car is fine, it only has a few cracks here and there" do you think it makes sense?

    Yes things change, features are added, removed, changed, disabled, etc. BUT I CAN USE ALL FEATURES THAT ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. This is how it works. Calling something a "bug" is admitting that the product is faulty/not working as intended.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    No, the logical recourse here would be "hey, this feature is not working as intended and ruins the game, so we will temporairly disable it. We are sorry for the inconvienience"

    Couldnt care less if its used for advantage or not, its in the game then I can use it.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    You just bumping off the objects because you having insane speed. Thats not an exploit.

  • Mirfua
    Mirfua Member Posts: 27

    Yea basically banning people for exploiting bugs is really looks like Devs don't care own players... Become ban peoples who don't use forum & just play a game looks like devs more ez just ban peoples & don't care a problem ....

    I guess Devs must inform us in the news of the game like: Don't use specific adds on nurse its broken !!!, "Speed adds" on billy are broken dont try fly on roof on main buildings or same ...

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Hmmm so what would be the solution here?

    Ok, so suppose there is a bug that Killers can clip through pallets.

    So what? Are you going to ban every killer that walks through it? Or are they supposed to pretend that the pallet is still there and walk around it? Do you see how ridiculous this is?

    This would be a GAME BREAKING bug, that would require IMMEDIATE fix. Basically devs would have to either do an emegency meeting and fix it, or disable servers for couple hours for maintienance and then fix it. If it would turn out to be impossible to fix fast enough (24h or something), then they should revert the game to the last stable build.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    What are you talking about? I'm talking about exploits in general. Regarding the spacebilly this is hardly an advantage you get from there. Unless you are an uber pro and space jump to land on survivors with a running chainsaw

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Yes you can but there are basically none. Sometimes on gas haven map you may have a loop close to ladder. That seems to be the only common place for me as i dont play with engravings myself. Also survivors will just abandon loop as soon as they see you trying to do that most times.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    This was just a sample. But as I said, when the space bar still appears so you can break the pallet, don't walk through it but kick it. Don't exploit it. Or get the ban if you are reported for that. And yes, of course it needs an immediate fix, but this is not always possible. I don't have no non-game-breaking example ready, but as soon as it is a bug that you simply cannot fix within 24 hours and that you can't simply disable by setting a flag to make the bug disappear, then they should send out information that this is a bannable exploit.

    And as I said, they deactivated broken maps when it occured. I don't know why they didn't deactivate broken addons so far. They had the moon offerings and splinters first deactivated and then removed in several steps, also removing them from the bloodweb was buggy. This just seems to me to not be that easy as we think. I don't know, I just expect they would do it if it was so easy, as they did it with maps.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited March 2020

    We have to disagree here. Banning the killer for something like walking through pallets would be ridiculous, especially if there would be no trigger conditions and everyone could do it.

    What devs should do is such situations would be:

    1. Try to fix the bug (up to 12h)
    2. Disable servers for maintienance and and try to fix it again (up to 12h)
    3. If the issue is still not resolved, revert the game to the last update (from the backup) and then rework the update offline again (up to 2 weeks or so)
  • Mirfua
    Mirfua Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2020

    Yea, or then they should send out information in game news like with legion... about new bannable exploit...


    Nurse have broken adds don't use it or you will get ban'd...

    or... Space billy fly's on roof with engravings (or same) are banable !!! dont use it !!!

    But when you don't get any information about what its exploit & get ban'ed its looks like devs don't care own players (me friend just get ban'ed for exploit about what he don't know some days ago... ) & i want know what exploits are banable??? or: what its OK you can use him... i never use any exploit for all time on live matches if i know about him..., but when you don't know whats its ban'able exploit & get ban'ed its looks strange...

  • Mirfua
    Mirfua Member Posts: 27

    Yea devs must try to fix the bug & don't ban peoples for use him.. If the issue is hard resolvable, revert the game to the last update (from the backup) and then rework the update offline again (up to 2 weeks or same) or remove possibility use adds or maps who trigger exploit...

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Yeah, removing an addon is not really more work than verifying reports and banning people...

    Well I hope no one will really get banned

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Mirfua @Archimedes5000 So what about the lightburn bug that is currently a thing? Lightburn Wraith with a flashlight while cloaked causes the Wraith to uncloak and get stunned. Then there comes the bug. You are uncloaked, but cannot attack and the power button says M2 to cloak. To resolve it, you need to cloak again, to bring you back into a working state. Here the survivor can exploit. As soon as you are cloaked again, he can lightburn you, causing the same bug again. And repeat it until the flashlight is out of charges. Or the Wraith simply tries to escape from the survivor, who could rush after the killer to lightburn him every time he tries to uncloak. Having one or two flashlights in the game totally breaks the game for a Wraith, when the survivors exploit this bug. And this is a real issue, I had that happen twice to me.

    So mistakes have been made, we can discuss what sould have correctly been done in the past, but this is the state as is. What is your suggestion? Really revert the game back to a state like half a year ago? Completely deactivate Wraith? Completely deactivate flashlights? Or simply say, don't abuse this or you get banned, as this is currently a state where you will have no solution within 12h that is in any way acceptable

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Question 1: how long has this bug been a thing?

    Question 2: why wasnt it fixed as soon as it was released?

    It should be fixed as soon as possible, its not a common bug, but still. Its not and shouldnt be bannable, it should be fixed

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Mirfua @Archimedes5000 And just as addition: if the nurse addon bug becomes more popular and is starting to getting abused (I just heard about 200% movement speed?!) and then if this is not easy to just deactivate an addon or whatever causes it, this is probably related to the changes when she got the rework. So "go back to the latest stable version" would bring back old nurse, old Doc, old Instaheals and old Ruin. Just to show the impact of such an approach

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Thays why it has be fixed/adressed as soon as it is reported, not when its common knowledge and commonly abused

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I said, we can discuss what would be the best approach back then, but the mistakes have already taken place. I'm talking about the current state.

    This is a common bug because it happens on EVERY lightburn action, meaning possible in every game where Wraith faces a flashlight. I don't know when this occurred first but it is round about half a year old.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Sure this is already fixed? I did not get an update recently, and I'm pretty sure this is not solved server-side

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Well obviously you cant revert the state of the game back one year. Also if the bug was in tje game for 1 year then its not that game breaking.

    The only thing that can be done in this case is just fixing it, banning people will not fix it

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Apparently you did not face this bug yet. It is game breaking. People just don't exploit it that hard. Either because they play fair or because they don't know it. And the nurse bug is at least a thing since February 9th and was not fixed at eleast until March 7th, regarding forum and youtube posts I found.

    Banning people will fix it temporarily as it prevents people from exploiting it. I don't say they don't need to fix it, I say it is legit to ban people for abusing it, as long as they CAN'T fix it. If they were lazy and DON'T WANT to fix it, that is another thing.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    If it was in the game for so long, then its not that game breaking.

    Its there for so long, and it wasnt bannable for so long, you can wait a bit more until its fixed. Banning for it suddenly after a year of doing nothing would be even more unfair

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Of course... this is just an example situation so that your perfect solutions would not work. What about the nurse thing? This is just about a month. And it IS game breaking if you want to play Wraith. Wraith is not playable if someone exploits that bug. As I said, people don't do it that often. If they would, you cannot play the game as Wraith.

    I think the only ones it would be unfair to would be Wraith players. Are you serious? "You exploited it for so long, just go ahead. It probably became a habit so it would be unfair to suddenly expect fair behaviour, after we ignored this hell of a bug for so long" Like #########

    But ok, if you wanna ignore my point and give alternative excusions to talk around what I point out, then just go ahead and ignore my arguments.