Can killers stops complaining so much?



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    You know when players stop complaining?

    When they stop playing.

    I've barely been posting on the boards recently because I've all but completely stopped playing DbD. One fewer killer means the survivor queues in my area are that much worse. So really, killers complaining is a good thing, because it means they're still playing, and given how long survivor queues are, you don't want even more quitting the game.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    did you also see the part of the video where he got hit by DS even after hooking another person??

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Some killers will not leave the hook area. If you don’t use Borrowed Time then you don’t get a safe unhook. Again its obvious some of you dont play survivor.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2020

    Yea that was also his mistake as it was not even 50 seconds. Check the time stamps when the guy was unhooked and when he picked him up. It was just under 50 seconds, then he acts all surprised he still had DS. If he just waited, or tried to pick up the Ash instead, he wouldn't have been DS'd. Otz made a mistake and was punished for it. It's no fault of the survivor or the perk, it's 100% his fault.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    why should a survivor have immunity for 60seconds? even after another has been hooked .

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030
  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    Its not about the perks its about communication. This is a "HORROR" game every random heart beat you hear should install some amount of fear inside you. Now Introduce SWF When communication is added the game looses that horror aspect and creates an un-fun and definitely unfair environment.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    DS + Head On is pretty annoying too, but at least it can be once a game.

    My definition of a counter: There is a way for a person (survivor or killer) to deactivate or mitigate a perk/mechanic. There is no way to stop unbreakable from being a possibility. There is no way to really stop adrenaline from helping survivors unless they have NOED or an instadown ability. Pair DS with Second Wind and you have a dangerous situation that isnt easy to counter.

    @SpaceCoconut tries to be objective but at least admits when he doesn't know something. That's better than most people. But it does explain why second chance perks for survivors are stronger than they are for killer.

    Many survivor perks cannot be countered by the killer, and most can't be predicted by the killer. Such as perks like Empathy, Better Together, Kindred, Aftercare, or Bond. These perks allow survivors to work more efficiently but don't let the killer know (I wouldn't call these perks uncounterable, just unpredictable).

    Id argue that old DS had a counter while this one doesn't: Dribbling. I became very good at it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's not immunity. Slug them and they aren't doing gens. It's not hard.

  • _orpheus_
    _orpheus_ Member Posts: 33

    This goes both ways. I play both killer and surv and I rarely see killers complain. It’s always survs complaining about noed or other crap

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    I almost exclusively play killer. Easily 90+% of my games are killer. Despite this, my survivor rank is somehow higher than my Killer Rank. I've never pulled off a single DS (brought it a couple times, never even got the skillcheck so decided not to bother again). The response to almost every sticky situation is "Hold M1 on something". You don't have to be good to win as a survivor.

    The issues, realistically, are that:

    1) Ranking is broken. Survivors are able to rank up without escaping, while killers can often safety or even depip (especially Plague, who can almost never get gold in chaser or malicious) on a 4k.

    2) There are more good survivors than good killers. A quick look at the survivors a green rank plays against in 20 games will show you that about a third of them or more are red ranks - players they should only rarely play against, and even than only one at a time. There are no high ranked killers for these high ranked survivors to play against so they're being placed against mediocre/casual players.

    3) Survivors are much more able to bring powerful tools every game. The upcoming change to addons will somewhat change this, but survivors get to keep items on an escape, where killers guarantee they're losing everything they bring. Survivors also have a good chance of gaining an item if they didn't bring one, or upgrading one if they brought a poor one. Keys that can unlock hatch (which, if used when 1 player died and 1 gen is left, does more than 4 BNPs at the same time, instantly, 8 BNPs if 2 gens are left and 2 players died), come in pink AND purple rarities, and can be pulled DURING A GAME from chests. They're also much harder to see coming than Moris (the obvious "secret" offering, where the only secret other than a Mori is ACTIVELY DETRIMENTAL to the killer.)

    Realistic solutions to these problems are:

    1) Reworking the chaser and malicious emblems to not punish killers for using their powers, or going against survivors who didn't heal enough

    2) Giving some overall buffs to killers, or nerfs to generator speeds, so as to bring the average skill levels for survivors and killers closer together

    3) Follow through with the planned changes to addons, reduce the spawned chests to 2, and remove dull keys from future bloodwebs.

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68

    I do agree with you that certain perks are unpredictable. For your own definition I think Unbreakable belongs more on the unpredictable tier and not the uncountarable. I never take the chance of slugging for to much time just in case a sneaky Unbreakable is on play.Ever since the change I’ve been hit with DS like 3 times while the pre-nerf basically every game so it have been very helpful for me so to each their own on that regard.

    One time I was dribbling a survivor I knew had pre-nerf DS, third time I did it a Meg ninja blinded me and I literally just wanted to throw my controller through the window 😂.

    No grudge hold against Space Coconut. He just sometimes comes off as annoying and whiny when trying to explain certain stuff. In the second chance video for example he just sounds like he doesn’t how to counter them at all. And his gameplay with the trapper was pretty painful to watch. Surprising he managed to get the 4K.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2020

    SWF is more of the issue but the game is even unbalanced against 4 "good" solo queue players, SWF just exacerbates the issue even more.

    How do you accept the issue but are also confused why they come to the forums to complain? When there's a balance problem with the game people will complain in order to bring it to the devs attention to try and get things fixed. That seems like a pretty normal scenario to me.

    "there's so many killers who can just one shot a survivor."

    There isn't that many, and most of them have substantial requirements to do so.

    "Mori without even hooking them."

    I have no idea what you're talking about here, this literally isn't a thing. The only thing allowing this is a DH at 5 token...if the team really left it up for that long they misplayed hard. Not to mention that is an extremely niche scenario that rarely ever happens. This isn't even worth bringing up.

    "It's like all killers just expect to get 4 kills easy every game."

    I don't get why people like to default to this made up scenario. This is not what anyone is asking for at all. Especially seeing as you already admitted yourself that there are indeed balance issues which makes their complaint valid. How does a valid complaint lead to "killers just expect to get 4 kills easy every game"? I don't see how that is the logical conclusion we come to based on the information we have agreed on here.

    "Toxic survivor behaviour begins with the killer...from my POV anyways."

    I disagree entirely. You could have zero campers/tunnelers etc and it would still be happening. They play toxic because they are bored with the base game because it is currently too easy as survivor and they're trying to make the game more entertaining. They are able to get away with it because they know they are the power role and have the extra time to goof around because they aren't the ones on the tight time clock, the killer is.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Not even remotely. They are the majority of the games.

    I'm not strictly referring to bad setups from rng, I'm also including the myriad of maps that are extremely bad for killer simply because of their size which inhibits the majority of the killer roster from maintaining pressure to any significant degree.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    I certainly hope map reworks are coming. And yeah I'm tired of seeing the same boring posts over and over again about how oppressed killers are or how they run into SWF deathsquads every game. The cherry on top is the "I'm quitting the game, your survivor queues just got longer!" posts. It's so old.

    As for Ruin changes vs the maps, yeah I agree. You don't need Ruin to win games if you know how to pressure gens. You're not able to do that on a lot of maps though, so if they resolve that issue it'll be good.

    Yeah there are a lot of annoying survivor perks, but we all know why BT and DS are so strong. BT needs to be as strong as it is, but I will admit DS is obnoxious at times. There's so many ways survivors abuse it past its intended use of anti-tunneling. It's better than dealing with the old DS, yeah, but it probably does need some adjustments

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68

    With your own definition I think Unbreakable belongs more on the unpredictable category and not uncounterable. But I do understand that when it works it can be SUPER STRONG, but if you don’t really slug for that much then the perk is entirely wasted. If it was straight up uncounterable than they would just get there ass up every game.

    I remember this one time I was dribbling a survivors who I knew had pre-nerf DS, mid dribbling a Meg ninja blinded me and managed to get the save. I just wanted to throw the controller through the window. Ever since the rework, I have been hit with it about three times. Two times cause I tunneled close to the endgame and one time because I added to much pressure. So it has helped me but to each their own.

    Plus now it’s much more counterable since it feels that it activates cause of your way of playing the game and not because they just want to. Sure you could dribble them but It could create a huge problem if some smart ass decided to blind you mid- dribble.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271
  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    OP complained about people using old ruin and then says devour hope is a good alternative lmfao.

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111
  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    A comment bitching and moaning about me pointing out bitching and moaning lol try harder.

  • Nyctophilia
    Nyctophilia Member Posts: 30

    Can we delete this thread in the same way? No matter is reported anyway. Seriously, how much can cry come from a survivor who supposedly plays in the higher ranks. If you cry that the killer kills you so often, you should really uninstall the game, because that means nothing more than the killer is superior to you and you are just bad. The task of the killer is to collect points by killing Survivorn on the hook and then it doesn't give a ######### how he kills someone. Your survivor also does everything possible to survive and achieve your goal: Infinite Loops while the other surviving generators repair. Or body blocking, to make it difficult for the killer to achieve points, up to DC if the killer was superior to you. Up to perks that numb the killer at lockers or give the survivor a speed boost. Honestly stop complaining, you noob survivor.

  • DevilsCabanaBoy
    DevilsCabanaBoy Member Posts: 2

    I am new to this game and let me tell you. The amount of messages I get when I camp when running 1 perk to farm blood points. The messages come, mostly, from purples and reds.

    I don't care what perks you are running. I don't care that you camp. Hell, baiting with a hook or a downed survivor is brilliant. Play how you want. Adapt. That's what this game is about. Not, how to make it easier, crying over better balance, but feeling that frustration. If the game was easy why would you play?

    The elitist mentality has to go. I've asked a number of ways to start grinding blood points and all i hear is...get these 6 killers to 40 to teach their perks and you can only do that if you don't suck.

    I'm ok with it. And I get my butt kicked regularly.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I play mainly killer and disagree with your DS, BT, and ruin points. Running DS and BT is a waste vs me. I don't camp, I don't tunnel. Your BT will not proc all match and you might get a chance to DS me if you are one of 2 left during EGC. I don't often see EGC though as I 3 to4k 80 percent of my matches.

    The 20% of the time I let my wife drag me into survivor play is always filled with camping and tunneling killers who cry about gen rush after the match. They ignore the fact they gave up all map pressure to focus on one survivor or camp. They cry about DS or BT yet they are camping and going for the just unhooked survivor.

    I hate running DS but feel forced to run BT just to give other players a chance. This is why I hate playing survivor. I prefer to throw together random builds and play.

    Yes gen speeds are a problem, but it does not need a nerf. Survivors need a rich BP-reward second objective that feeds into the gens. That will pull them off gens, reward good BP and make life easier for killers. Map size needs work as well. I prefer Trapper and hate when I get large maps.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Op, you're straw manning and assuming all killers care about, complain about the same things, or play the same.

    Fact.....We don't.

    I main pig....I don't really care about ruin. I don't care about BT. I don't care about DS, and smaller maps would BOOST THEEE ######### out of me.

    My spirit on the other hand, Cares about ruin, doesn't care about BT, cares about DS, and does better on larger maps.

    My plague, doesn't care about ruin, doesn't care about BT, cares about DS, and doesn't care about map size.

    My wraith, cares about ruin, cares about BT, cares about DS, and cares about map size.

    We're not the same, even within ourselves we're not the same. Until you understand that you won't get the full picture. Every survivor plays the same and has the same problems....killers on the other'll hear about 20 different issues from 20 different killers all valid from the perspective of that killer but invalid on others....think about that.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Michael Myers has a addon that allows you to Mori before even hooking a survivor

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    I really don't think Gen speeds should be the answer to balance the game better for killer, since making this post I have been playing a lot of Killer games and can actually understand peoples replies on here abit better, regardless I haven't wanted to come on here to complain to the devs about why they should be "thanking me" for playing killer...I don't get why Killer mains are being so annoyed just move on to the next game, I'll have a game where I'll have a SWF team and then the next game it's a EZ 4k.

    I have been getting gen rushed a lot easier lately but that's only due to certain maps being bigger or having better loops than others so I don't think gen speeds need nerfed the maps are in desperate need of a rework. Look at the new lerys, tbh i couldn't tell you the last time i escaped on that map because of how better balanced it is for the killer!

    If I could change anything on this game it would be to remove generators alltogether, nothing bores me more as killer or survivor than the generator mechanic behind this game. There should be more interesting solutions for the survivors to escape without it feeling so time based for both the killer and survivor if that makes sense.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    You are aware that survivors complain just as much if not more then killers. You used killers complaining about ruin as an example, but survivors were complaining more about ruin way before killers were.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Every killer who camps Is trash and low skilled. I dont ever camp nor of I rarely tunnel. And stay red and purple ranks. Camping is only viable if you see other survivors around that hook. I respect every killer that wrecked is without camping or tunneling and have faced quite a few who can. My husband is a rank 1 every single season and never camps not even end game and gets 30k many games and mainly 3 to 4ks. Killers are definitely the whiner base. And always have been.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    BT doesn't need a nerf since it's already been nerfed. Dont stay close to the hook of you don't wanna be hit with bt. Or just go after the one with bt then.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    THIS! It's like killers just want survivors to have weak perks. Just learn to counter them. Even after the instaheals nerf I didnt see survivors complain as much. Or after any nerf for that matter.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    So if i hook a survivor and the other 3 blatantly run at me and the hook right after i've put someone on the hook and they refuse to leave the area does that make me trash?

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I play mostly survivor seeing as how the lobby always crashes when I try to play killer ever since the dedicated servers for console went down.

    I truly don't understand how people who play killer can complain. The game is inherently built to make the killer superior to the survivors. Even the game's back story with the whole entity thing is biased towards the killer experience. I mean as far as story goes the entity doesn't snatch people up to torment the sadistic killers with a game of cat and mouse.

    When the dedicated servers were up and I was able to play as killer I found it to be every bit as NOT challenging as I would have imagined it to be after having played survivor for like 3k hours.

    As an example when playing as killer I abided by the following self-imposed rules from my experience of what made playing survivor totally NOT fun.

    1. I literally set a timer at the beginning of the match. If I came across any survivors in the first 2 minutes I would not hit them , hook them, or down them. The only circumstance under which I would M1 hit them is if they didn't flee from my presence if they saw me in those first two minutes.
    2. No camping the hook.
    3. No tunneling anyone. After 45 seconds of chasing someone I basically looked for an opportunity to break pursuit. Maybe by going in the direction of where someone was pallet vaulting or if someone popped a gen or if I saw another survivor during the chase.
    4. No basement hooks.

    Even following these rules with no add ons and only one perk I still had to TRY not to kill all survivors or at least get 20k BP at the end of the match.

    I played as every killer except for the following:









    The only one out of all the killers I played as that I thought was a bit challenging was the Pig, at least until I figured out how to user her lunge attack properly.

    As a killer even without any add ons or perks you are:


    Faster than survivors and you gain speed the longer you are in pursuit of them

    The only one in the match who can attack

    Know where all the gens are

    Play as survivor for a hundred hours or so and you can easily see how much more challenging it is. The only reason I can see why it is this way is because the devs rely on killers to host the match. The killers wield a lot of power because the game relies on them to be there because the game is asymmetrical. No one cares if survivors complain because it doesn't matter if a survivor rage quits a game but if a killer does then the match is over.

    That's my $.02

  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    I don’t complain about DS being used to stop tunneling.

    I do complain when DS is used by survivors to do heinous criminal acts.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    I, uh, did play survivor for a while. I escaped the vast majority of my games, and promptly got bored because the vast, vast majority of them where almost entirely me holding M1 for a while and then escaping, or making mindless use of pallets because if I use each pallet I come across with some even mild restraint I can take up enough time for the remaining generators to pop.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Because your entire post is based on wrong statements.

    DS does not only come in effect when the killer is tunneling, read through the thread and you will see many examples where a killer didn't tunnel and yet gets hit by DS. Here is a point where I kinda doubt that you are a rank1 survivor for ages, do you expect me to believe you that you only ever used DS when you were tunneled? I highly doubt that I have seen it so many times come to use without any tunneling at all and the same goes for BT. When I do play nurse bbq, i hook a survivor yet i only blink once or i am in the middle of the blink when the person gets unhooked. So tell me why should I traverse the entire map when i can just turn around and find 2 or at least 1 survivor immediately again? The perks just give too much power even considering that only one out of four has to equip in order for the killer having to respect it.

    Why do you think old ruin was used instead of devour hope when both existed? Yeah right lets assume the hex lasts, ruin made for a longer match while having a survivor exposed is neat and all but punishes the killer via emblem. Ever played billy and using the saw for curves and not only for mobility? It is a sad song good billy mains sing. Always funny to see keyboard warriors explain how people like zubat do suck for using ruin.

    Oh yeah BT, BT was buffed so many times that it just is a safe unhook even tho the unhook was utterly ######### in the first place. Not the unhook itself but when it was made, alot of survivors simply unhook while the killer is around in order for him to come back while the rescuer hides. So none of the perks actually just work for their intended use but beyond it.

    It is odd, you claim on the one hand map sizes are a problem yet gen pressure is good. See that doesn't make sense when maps are too big for killers to put pressure on gens how can the gen pressure be good? How do you make those assumptions about killers that they just want easy kills, 4ks and nothing else? I do not like to generalize because it is stupid. Same could be said about the other side, all survivors just want free escapes and nothing else and are super lazy who can do nothing but hold m1. Fact is that it is way easier to rank up as survivor and it is also a fact that with the dev blog entry about ruin that indeed yes the game is being catered for survivors.

    SWF is the nice example for it, the mode simply gives survivors alot of perks, which they actually have to equip to obtain the info but you get it just like that. Add stuff like OoO into the mix and you have basicly the entire time complete info on the killer by all 4 survivors. The game is balanced around solo play, devs simply ignore the issue that swf brings because "goofing around with friends". Probably one of the most pathetic excuses ever to avoid having to balance the game. Alot of the toxic garbage in this game is enabled via the devs because they choose to ignore problems because to be frank, i mostly bully/troll killers because I am bored and know that I can ######### up way too much before I have to play serious. I think i am not the only one with that.

    What I see is people that do want to have fair (skillwise) matches most of the time which is not possible due a ridiculous flawed matchmaking. And whenever the devs do decide to implement their superspecial superduperwooper mmr which is going to fix matchmaking, people will be unable to even see what they played against, did they do good or not? Should they have won due to mmr? Was it the expected result? Nobody will know but more importantly nobody can complain.

    Oh and another contradiction is your hardcore survivor bias. DS/BT get used because killer only tunnel and camp and that explains the high usage of these perks. But on the other hand you have no problem insulting most killers for using ruin as it was used 80% by red ranked killers. Did it ever occur to you that this was due to gens/maps? Nah they are all lazy and just want easy 4ks. 🤦

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You're really gonna count MM tombstone?

    If he ever even reaches T3 with that addon before the gates are powered your team was really, really bad. It's literally just for meme's, it isn't strong.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    First thing: killers are not to blame for the high DS usage. From my experience the camping/tunneling has increased noticeably after the ruin change. (also to @thesuicidefox :) The increased DS usage came along with the DS change, way before the ruin change. It is simply the power of DS that increased the ussage. I don't doubt that increased tunneling also causes a part, but the pickrate increased mainly because of the DS change

    In addtion to that, just as a side note, camping is just that common and successful, because a lot of survivors are really greedy for dem goddamn unhooks. It almost always pays out to stay near the gen. If more survivors would make usage of the minute they have before next state, camping wouldn't be so popular. Killers can be sure that someone is in close proximity of the hook.

    You hate 4 man q? For what reason? If you don't go on comms? And toxic survivor behaviour does not begin with the killer. Already said above, you are quite biased. You complain about the generality of killers, and think the generality of survivors behaves like you? (If you do act like you write). You never see survivors complain? Maybe because you don't click the right threads. I can tell you something different. And you are one of the examples. I also read that you apparently think that 'each' killer wants 4k. This is also not true. But they want less regular 4 escapes. Like you probably want like 50% escape games or chases that last longer than 10 seconds.

    @Zaitsev would be cool, the problem is that this splits the player base and might cause even longer queue times.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    This is funny XD like the forum was full of "it is ultra rare it needs to be strong and is now useless" on insta heal nerfs and even toolboxes declared useless even before they are released.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    With the current Ruin state I can hardly believe that "not chasing for 2 minutes" is really resulting in a 4k. I'd like to see videos of that. Doing so normally should mean that there are 3 gens finished before you start your first chase.

    And I don't get your "why killers are the superior role". Knowledge of gens is necessary to be playable at all. I mean, how much time do you want to spend searching for gens, while survivors spawn right next to it? And Invincibility / only one being able to attack... I don't know why you list that. Because Jason could be killed in Friday 13th? Just think how ridiculous it would be if survivors could fight back. Like having infinite mobile pallets or unlimited pre-rework DS? I think, the "Power Role" here should be more defined by the killer's ability to definitely end chases. And that is for example not possible if someone really knows how to run Ormond map, because there is one safe jungle gym beneath another.

    The things you list are simply a requirement to get a base. Sure that makes the, the power role in the first place, but that is kinda common sense. What exactly do you want to say with these points? "Take advantage of being invincible"?

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Could you post some footage of this? I am genuinely curious.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340


  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Not sure why I even read all of that or even bothering to reply. Like i said in another comment, I've been playing a lot of killer lately i've yet to have any issue with someone running DS or BT. I'm not sure anywhere in my post I said or asked you to traverse the otherside of the map when you could just go back to the hook to down someone, i Said Killers tunnel, it's not tunneling if you go for the guy who just unhooked the other survivor? Legit that whole DS paragraph made 0 sense to anything i've said. Survivors only run DS beccause they get tunneled so much, it's a FACT. As for your concern i'm not Rank 1 i've got plenty of proof of that.

    Again a reply about trying to slow the game down even more, as a Killer and Survivor slowing down generators is such a boring and cheap way around making matches longer. Just saying survivors don't want to be sitting there for 2 minutes holding down the same button doing "skill checks"...I was glad when they got rid of it and if you really want to slow down generators Thanataphobia with a few stacks of Dying Light works pretty good too...might take till 2 or 3 gens are done before it has a real effect but it will still make the game "last longer"...

    Yep maps are too big (certain ones) Crotus Prenn is a broken map with the main building containing too many loops and pallets...yeah gen pressurising is good at a certain point in the game, being clever and trying to force survivors into a 3 gen situation is a fun tactic for a killer to try...

    Pretty sure i didn't say anywhere that survivors want a free escape...I actually said i enjoy getting into chases with the killer and i don't mind if i die, i'll move onto the next game and continue to have fun.

    BT is a boring perk, i only run it with Were Gonna Live Forever for the stacks. But if the Killer really wants to hit the same survivor who's the most vulnerable then they deserve a BT hit.

    Not sure what to say about SWF because I've came across it loads of times, getting bodyblocked etc and it is annoying, i've also had 4ks alot against SWF. If it is such a big issue i'd make the maximum queue with friends at 2 and make a ranked mode for 4 swf or something. But last thing this game needs to do is split it's playerbase up.

    The whole matchmaking change i dont care about, end of the day i just want to have fun playing this game, I get 0 joy out of sweatting for a pip at rank 1 and not getting anything for it.

    Not sure where i insulted killers for running Ruin? The only thing i said was i bet most Killers struggled if it got cleansed straight away...also i'm pretty sure it was 80% of Killers in general because they removed it for newer Survivors to find the game more enjoyable which from a business POV is a smart choice, when i came into this game, every game was Hex Ruin and Thanataphobia or Dying Light, it's boring and put me off playing it. Lery's is such a good map now, I couldn't tell you the last time i escaped on that map because it genuinely is balanced and they'll work on more maps to be balanced like this.

    I feel like you're just trying to make me look like an idiot or something. But everything i said in my post i stand by. Killers need to stop moaning and just get on with the game, "i'm doing behaviour a favor by playing Killer"...seriously...then all I see is DS/BT nerf questions too...k let's just let all the survivor perks get nerfed because we want to make it much easier on a killer :) okay maybe 60 seconds is a bit much for DS but even then slugging stops that player from doing anything anyways so it's easily counterable.

    Killers just need to try and have fun instead of feeling like the game owes you free kills.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I play both sides as well, I just haven't reached red ranks as a solo survivor yet. As a killer main here is my take on the situation

    DS: I simply refuse to play in a way that annoys survivors since it increases the chances of them DCing. My only problem with DS is that I shouldn't get hit with DS after hooking another survivor because after that it no longer becomes tunneling and it isn't the killers fault for getting another hook in less than 60s

    Ruin and Sally's nerf were unjustified.

    PT. 2 of my take is that all this complaining that's going on is because the devs are nerfing everything that's making killers strong and/or viable

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66

    "The DS complaints... DS is used so much because of killers who are lazy and just want an easy kill. While I get that survivors would feel less reluctant to use DS if they weren't getting tunneled every game, I hate running DS it's boring as hell. But sadly I gotta force myself to run it because killers feel like it's fun to instantly down and target a somewhat exposed survivor. You only got yourselves to blame for the high usage of DS."

    Let's be honest though, DS was meta basically since day 1 this perk was introduced. Saying that people use DS now because "kILleR sToP tUnNelLinG" doesn't make sense to me. Unless of course killers suddenly started to tunnel after DS got reworked? - No, I don't think so.

    Meta is meta because it's the strongest setup/build. Not because it's some kind of reaction to an opposite side (e.g. what was old MoM supposed to counter). Meta is boring and ppl will naturally complain about it.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Footage of the lobby crashing or of me playing killer?

  • Turtlesrock
    Turtlesrock Member Posts: 50

    Counter arguement, can survivors stop being whiney toxic entitled kids when they die at the end of each game?