red rank killer
why all red rank killer camping and why developer cant do anitihng about this campers
If they camp just punish them and get generators.
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let him die in first hook right
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Uh, because they can and you're probably paying the price for previous games?
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Wonder if it was really camping or the killer hooks a survivor and then every survivor and their mom come running over saying “Mine!Mine!Mine!” and the killer no longer has any obligation to leave the hook. Just look for the trade lol.
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Yes, if their camping him. Unless you work together with your team to get him. You would rather die with him?
You can get him solo but it depends on how the killer is camping them and what perks/killer they are using.
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Hi, rank 4 killer here. If I'm camping it's because I see you trying to rescue or it's the endgame and I don't feel like chasing you away halfway across the map to have another person save. That is all.
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Hes not see us just pick up axe and wait hes just do wait we do gen but if some 1 go hes down to and we need to safe them to so who do gen and first survivor die in second hook and we cant escape to
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I'm so sorry, but I have no clue what you just said.
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The developers aren't going to do anything because I've seen survivors accuse me of camping when I was chasing another survivor on the other side of the map. So frankly survivors words are hardly their bond on this accusation.
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How do you do gens if youre hooked?
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i'm not camping :(
yeah i'm defending my hooks, but im not gonna camp anyone for no reason.
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I was on about if your teammate is the one on the hook. If you get camped then gg.
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The emblem system really punishes the camping style. Killers that are always camping just cant pip in the red ranks enough. You sure you dont mean green?
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I think people over exaggerate "camping" and "tunneling" when it really isn't. I play survivor at rank 1 just like killer and I rarely see this very often.
Most the time people blame it on those things instead of taking responsibility for their misplay and the killer capitalizing on it.
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I'm a rank 1 killer and you sound like one of the entitled survivors who expect the killer to hook someone, and then go to the other side of the map and wait for the person to be saved BEFORE starting any other chase. If a killer is actually "camping" at red ranks is because 1+ people at the the hook trying to save them and he doesn't want to lose pressure, because without this pressure you lose. If the case where you THINK he's camping is because he hooks someone and then starts a chase with someone else who doesn't leave the hook. The last reason why a killer might "camp" is because every other survivor is easy to scare of gens and run to far for a chase.
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I don't see a lot of red rank killers camping, I do see a lot of tunneling tho. Which I used to rage against, but now I just move on to the next game and send them a gg.
As much as we hate it when we play survivor, there are tactics survivors used that are frustrating to a killer as well.
Do you ever play killer? And I mean competitively. Not just meme around doing dailies. I mean really try to rank up and get to red/purple. Because it can be quite the struggle sometimes, and may require unfun tactics to stay competitive.
And just to throw this out there, that is why we have BT and DS.
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Oh look another survivor that doesn't belong in red ranks smh