Harassment from survivors

Being relatively new to this game I don't know the community that well, I enjoy playing the trapper killer. In the games I've been playing recently, at the end screen I've been severely harassed by survivors win or lose and am just wondering if there's any sort of action the boards can do about it. I attached some pictures from the most recent offender as an example, but there's been plenty more.!
Obviously I reported in game as well.
Just realized those links look super sketchy, here's an imgur link instead
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you if i was you id send that video straight to a mod if you have anyone you can contact. scum like that deserve a perm ban ....
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@dannyfrog87 said:
you if i was you id send that video straight to a mod if you have anyone you can contact. scum like that deserve a perm ban ....How would I go about doing that?
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Just have a laugh and ignore it. People are stupid and will always say stupid things.You would go crazy if you took this serious and reacted to it every time it happens.Greetz1
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The mods have access to chat logs. You simply need to report them in the score screen for harassment.
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@Vankruze Some things are serious and need to be dealt with while other things are trivial. If in the heat of the moment a worked up gamer writes something angry in the end-game comments to you that they dont actually mean, it is trivial and a waste of time to take seriously.Like i said previously, you would go crazy if you took this serious and reacted to it every time it happens.Sooner or later you will realise this. I have just planted the seedBye bye1
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Harassment is HUGE in this game... on both sides really, but I've seen it more from the survivor side. It's sad and a huge amount of killer mains block messages from non-friends on PS4 because of it. Some block messages because they hard camp and know they'll get nasty messages, but I've found that no matter how you play, survivors will say something #########. Excuses, slurs, and rude comments because the lost, fair or otherwise.
Gotta have tough skin to avoid ######### contests.
People don't like to lose and in this game, someone always loses.
I love the game, even if I don't like the majority of the community... But there are good people out there that love it and the challenge too.
If you expect the game to let you win every round, you're gonna gave a bad time. If you gripe and attack people after every game, you're a piece of ######### and you know it.
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@Zinggy09 said:
Just realized those links look super sketchy, here's an imgur link insteadThat's nothing new to me, especially common from swf groups. After a while you become immune to that kind of bull and just start ignoring it. But in any case do report
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Just use uprage or leave match buton.Mostly survs dont write nothing smart.Just trash talk from kids who cant lose game but want play.0
@Vankruze said:
No don't listen to @Pirscher don't ignore it otherwise you'd be enabling it. People like that are a part of the problem, if you have provided evidence using the in-game report that's all you need. Be patient, players like that are no longer welcome in the community and will face bans for it. Never ever okay to say such horrendous things to others and expect not to answer for it. I sincerely hope that person is banned very soon, there's no place for people like that in any gaming community let alone dbd who's just recently took an active stance against harassment! Ban hammer time!!When it comes to toxicity you must remember that more often than not the goal is to upset you. While reporting could work, I believe that too many low ranked players whine about camping and tunnelling and waste valuable report space and time so that it takes longer for the harassment reports to be read. So in the meantime simply act oblivious to it all. Toxic people want a reaction, therefore if you don't give them one they won't get their kick, satisfaction, etc whatever they get from it. Honestly, the devs should just put a filter into the report tool so that if the words: camp, camping, camped, tunnel, tunnelling, and tunnelled appear in the report it gets put on a back burner or simply deleted.
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@Pirscher said:
Just have a laugh and ignore it. People are stupid and will always say stupid things.You would go crazy if you took this serious and reacted to it every time it happens.
So the person being insulted is the problem and have to solve it.
And the one acting like a piece of s*** is entitled to act like that.
Lemme guess : "He should be thougher and defend himself better, real man are toxic to the other, muh Darwin y'a know >:D"
My god these millenials...
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And it is not an excuse.
No wonder why Trump got elected, with a majority of morons.
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@Zinggy09 said:
@dannyfrog87 said:
you if i was you id send that video straight to a mod if you have anyone you can contact. scum like that deserve a perm ban ....How would I go about doing that?
another thing just close the bubble in the chat click it on the right. well you could have a look on here maybe message one of the mods directly or devs? show them the screenshots. if they see that kind of toxic nasty crap they might deal with it immediately not saying they will but could try reaching out to not queen? i mean i know if i was a mod and i saw video evidence where it was just that guy being like that i wouldnt hesitate. to me that kind of abuse and pure our being a prick warrants a perm ban. doesnt hurt to try
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@Pirscher said:
Just have a laugh and ignore it. People are stupid and will always say stupid things.You would go crazy if you took this serious and reacted to it every time it happens.
That's the worst advice you can give someone after he was insulted like that. It's lines like those that make the community think they can do what they want
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This is just one of the reasons why I detest a lot of survivor players. This person here even uses the N word. Only the finest for the survivors.
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CallMeRusty420 said:
This is just one of the reasons why I detest a lot of survivor players. This person here even uses the N word. Only the finest for the survivors.
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Wait... That was all you got? Damn you got off lucky
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It's to the point I think I might get one of these from Amazon and start wearing it in my stream.
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I always hit em with a good o'l video
Nothing gets them more pissed than this, I have it posted on my Steam profile just for them :chuffed:5 -
@Vietfox said:
You say that probably cause you play more as a killer than as a survivor, but i can assure you there are quite a few toxic killers as well. I got death threats twice from different killers just because i survived, and one of them with precise details about how he would kill me.As a killer player, i got thousands of insults and death threats.
Regardless if i win or not.
It has come to a point where i give props to non toxic survivors in the aftergame chat if the match and after-match were nice and without BM.
And no, a nice match isn't always a 4 K.
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FrenziedRoach said:
It's to the point I think I might get one of these from Amazon and start wearing it in my stream.
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@Giche said:
It has come to a point where i give props to non toxic survivors in the aftergame chat if the match and after-match were nice and without BM.Aye, i pretty much do the same, though i usually congratulate a decent killer BECAUSE of toxic survivors. Yeah okay it might be a little mary sue of me, but when you know killers face a ton of salt just for doing their job, it doesn't cost me anything to send a nice message now and then, whether i survive or not.
I guess all i can say to the OP is that we aren't ALL juveniles without the mental capacity to win / lose with some grace.
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@Zinggy09 said:
Being relatively new to this game I don't know the community that well, I enjoy playing the trapper killer. In the games I've been playing recently, at the end screen I've been severely harassed by survivors win or lose and am just wondering if there's any sort of action the boards can do about it. I attached some pictures from the most recent offender as an example, but there's been plenty more.!https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/editor/w6/adn0fcg1fafm.png
Obviously I reported in game as well.
Yea no this is the normal salty survivor comment but hey at least it was just a small amount of salt, the piles can be muh bigger!
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Yeah, I'd definitely fart on his pillow before bed time. Post Indian food meal, of course.2
This is the only thing that makes me glad I play I ps4. I dont have to see or hear the toxic bullshit from people like that. People can be such salty ######### and clearly this guy had a major stick up his salty ass. Myself and 4 of my friends I think seem to fall into the "nice" and "peaceful" survivor category. I might get angry everyonce in awhile from getting killed but I dont ever come close to that bullshit. I mainly get pissed at myself for getting caught in the first place. Ive had plenty of games where the killer found me in mere seconds and hooked me and I died first and I never rage quit. I accept it and move onto the next match. It is what it is. Some people just need to chill the ######### out and realize its just a game.0
You can submit your grievance via the in-game report form.
Also, you may send a report to the support ACM team HERE
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@Zinggy09 said:
Being relatively new to this game I don't know the community that well, I enjoy playing the trapper killer. In the games I've been playing recently, at the end screen I've been severely harassed by survivors win or lose and am just wondering if there's any sort of action the boards can do about it. I attached some pictures from the most recent offender as an example, but there's been plenty more.!https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/editor/w6/adn0fcg1fafm.png
Obviously I reported in game as well.
I still feel disgusted with those brainless kids,i dont mind insults at me,what really bugs me is the fact that there's people who don't know how valuable life is to throw these comments...by the way you'll see alot of this in this game,racism and all bunch of stuff,these kind of things that Behaviour should really look for and to encourage people to report them,kids with no brain should learn how things work..
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@Mycroft said:
You'll just have to get used to it. It's fairly clear and obvious after 2 years the developers cultivate and profit off the game being clearly one-sided and encourage the most toxic attitudes. Every time you hear one of them mention "fun" be assured they don't mean the person playing the killer.This, so much.
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Jesus Christ...another one of those threads?
Can't you just grow a pair and go play another game?2 -
in this thread;
Killers acting as if killers aren't also toxic in end game chat.Both sides are cancer, report, hide the chat, move along.
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This community is the most toxic community I've ever seen. I've been harassed and told to end my life more times playing this game than any other game. Hell, it's not even this bad with fighting games or LoL. And that's saying something. Yeah, it's honestly not the majority of players but I've yet to get a message from a killer being toxic (If console had post game chat, it would be a different story) while every other bit of toxicity has been from survivors mad about one thing of another.
I like to tease and poke the toxic people because they always give me a good laugh, but I always report and block afterwards. Given that you're on PC, just report and move on. It's unfortunately part of this community, so it's not going anywhere. Gotta take the good with the bad.0 -
@SenzuDuck said:
in this thread;
Killers acting as if killers aren't also toxic in end game chat.Both sides are cancer, report, hide the chat, move along.
Two wrongs don't make a right, especially when there are always 4X as many survivors.
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@Mycroft said:
You'll just have to get used to it. It's fairly clear and obvious after 2 years the developers cultivate and profit off the game being clearly one-sided and encourage the most toxic attitudes. Every time you hear one of them mention "fun" be assured they don't mean the person playing the killer.It's sad but true.