Thank god I don't have Hangman's Trick unlocked
Cuz that perk is now THE worst perk in the game. :P
(aura reading of the perk reduced from 8/12/16 to 2/4/6)
Monster Shrine no longer #1 at being #0?
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Did they nerf it from ptb?
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No, Its still good, they only nerfed range a bit.
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What? I've JUST unlocked it. I've been avoiding it for a year.
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Sabo changes go live, and they think that just by reducing the bonus wiggle points survivors get by being dropped is going to fix that LUL
We can now say hello to actual apocalypse of this game. Ya'll hear about Deathgarden?
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A bit? It got reduced by 10 meters. It now only reads the auras of anyone slightly more than a second away from the hook.
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That change shouldn't really surprise anyone. That perk was ridiculously good.
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I think the extent of the change kinda surprises me. IMO, anything less than 12 meters makes the aura reading useless. This is half that.
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It was 16 meters on ptb now it's 6 why?
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This perk is meant to show you if someone is close to a hook for sabo purposes. The range does not need to be as big as it was to suit that purpose.
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What a ######### joke. Back into the trash it goes.
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The notification already tells you if a sabo attempt is happening.
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Perfectly logical and normal change.
And that doesn't change the fact that the survivors will now have to move away from the hooks as soon as a killer picks up a survivor even if the killer doesn't have the perk. And obviously do something else to avoid BBQ too. It annoys me already.
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Mainly because everyone and their mother kept yelling: "Every survivor within 16 meters of a hook has their aura revealed?! That's awesome! Good bye BBQ hello Hangman's!" etc. For reference, that's KINDRED'S killer reveal radius at tier 3.
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Kinda pointless to keep it that low. Should've kept it at the middle.
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With 2.5 second sabo, you need a little more warning.
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That was too hard of a nerf on the perk. Bump it to 6/8/10 and it'll be fine.
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For a single hook, not all.
But if you really want equal treatment, I gladly accept that Kindred reveals the killer's aura at 6 meters from all hooks.
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Hangman's Trick should uhhhh launch a shoulder mounted grenade launcher at anyone sabo'ing a hook.
I want to see those Dweet based ragdoll physics as he's launched airborne.
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Hangman’s Trick: 6 meters
Saboteur: 56 meters
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Why would someone run the perk just for the chance that a survivor is running sabo...and that doesn’t even counter it...that doesn’t make any sense. That is a very, very niche perk that isn’t even that good in the moment it’s niche situation arrives.
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With a 2.5 second sabo, the Survivor can literally get hit and then break the hook in your face anyway unless you have a high amount of STBFL tokens. A warning isn’t going to change that.
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I prefer old Hangman's Trick. At least that perk had some utility by making hooks respawn super fast, even if someone was sacrificed on them. It was dogshit, but fun to see survivors be super confused when the hook their buddy died on respawned
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Well that's disappointing. I was hoping Hang mans trick would stay the same if they were going to keep saboteur the same.
Killer mains...the red headed step child of dbd.
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Agreed. That unique ability to repair hooks that a survivor was sacrificed on, usually those remain broken for the rest of game was cool. I don't need aura to know someone is near a hook. I would prefer they buffed the repair speed to repair a hook in 2.5 that would be something. Instead they just removed was niche before, even more so now.
Maybe they can move the repair ability to Monstrous Shrine a few year from now when they get around to it.
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Hangman's is now a great perk...
...for seeing the survivors breaking all of the hooks around you.
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a bit....dude... its less then half of what it was....
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You have equal treatment in actuality since kindred works on other hooked survivors even if that survivor that's hooked doesn't have kindred equipped
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Are you guys really surprised by this? Those numbers were pretty insane on the ptb.
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I knew it was going to be nerfed but not nerfed. I expected maybe 10/20/30 meters but not 6 meters. Like...that’s not going to do anything for you lol
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Then it would be impossible to finish a sabo if the killer hits you during the interaction.
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So are Sabo changes, but did that get changed?
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To be fair the PTB version was busted.
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Then remove the notification and bring back the 30/20/10 seconds auto-repair! I don't give a damn about the notifications, the autorepair was the best part of that perk! If someone sabotaged a hook in my face, I would just drop whoever I'm carrying and give a weak chase, then come pick them up again and hook. Didn't need to slug for a whole minute and waste pressure, or chase someone else and lose a hook because the slugged person's definitely getting picked up.
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But you'll know that a sabotage play is about to happen, then you can change hooks.
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Why does the warning require a perk, if it's needed?
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That's the thing though.. the survivor will wait to see which hook you're going to first before sabotaging, they won't pick a random one and hope you're going for that one.
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Why did it need changed in the first place? Why remove the hook respawning?! That's why I ran that perk!
Hangman's Trick wasn't just an anti sabotage perk. It allowed the Killer to reuse hooks broken by a full sacrifice. THAT was the ENTIRE POINT of running Hangman's Trick! It was one of my most VITAL perks on Trapper and based my entire build around that fact of being able to reuse hooks no matter what.
Setting traps gained more meaning when I could reuse the same areas more often. Time spent setting traps wasn't as wasted and it allowed a Trapper to do what he was built to do. I could find a possible 3/4 gen and lock that ######### down thanks to Hangman's Trick. It allowed me to constantly use the same few hooks and never have to worry about being forced away from that dead zone of traps. My time spent setting up traps was made worth it due to HT.
Now with HT being made into something effectively worthless (6m is no better than using your own eyes in every case I can think of but a couple for anti sabotage and is 100% worthless for anything else) my Trapper just became extremely weak. HT allowed DEFENSIVE Killers to DEFEND their area! Now, HT is never going to be touched again and people like me have to work even harder to make a painfully slow Killer like Trapper worth playing.
Might not even bother playing Trapper anymore to be honest. HT did THAT much for him!
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You actually think Deathgarden is a better game lol
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It would still require good positioning, since you won't be able to reach the hook before the killer if he has an advantage (without SB, ofc), and if you're waiting for a sabo play opening, then you're not doing gens.
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Hey glad to finally see someone else who ran that perk for the hook repair who's as pissed as I am that they removed that part of the perk when they decided to change it to give it the same aura reading that saboteur got. Not everything has to be mirrored on both sides, devs! Hangman's Trick worked fine the way it did before! There literally was NO REASON to change it!
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I believe the mod is talking about the perk, not the sabo action.
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Not really. Even if you did, 3.7 seconds ain't gonna cut it.
I'm calling it: This new Hangman's Trick will be worse at its job than the old one. I think you guys took one of the weakest perks in the game and nerfed it.
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They changed it bc the old HT would completely shutdown sabotage, and the whole point of sabo changes is to bring it back for solo players to have something else to do other than gens.
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That was 100% expected, there was just no doubt about it
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Down the survivor and the hook despawns.
Then smack him on the same hook he sabo'd for being a monkey
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Again, that’s not going to happen without STBFL. Trust me, I’ve both tested it and tried it publically.
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Damn. That's a big drop. I think 16 was a bit too much. But 6 was way too far.
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Damn man that is hard nerf xD.
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You're saying they did that to make solo players sabotage? Do you actually believe that bullshit? Only people who will run sabotage builds are the same toxic survivors who'd run at you with their flashlights as soon as you downed someone. Not solo survivors trying to be altruistic and save random people from hooks.
And god forbid that something that has been in the game for two years acts as a good counter to the changes they made to survivor mechanics... nope, this underused perk is totally overpowered, can't have a single hard counter to sabotages anymore! Got to nerf Amanda even more! Pig too strong, let's go after Surveillance because it works well alongside new Hex: Ruin and Make Your Choice.