Tips for Deathslinger? (Console)

I'm mostly having trouble aiming the Redeemer and landing my shots. It's a lot harder than I anticipated from watching people on PC play. It doesn't help that I am rank 2 so I'm getting destroyed by good survivors while trying to learn him. I've tried various levels of sensitivity as well, but can't seem to find one that works for me for Deathslinger specifically.

Anyone have any tips? I'm already aware of "practice" and "git gud".


  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488

    First person shooters have always been finicky on console, due to most of them adding aim assist to console versions. Pc just allows better aim control. I mainly play on ps4 and while I was playing the ptb I knew full well it was going to be a much more difficult experience.

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    Some find quick shots easier, while I prefer aiming for a while - it confuses the hell out of the survivor and it gives me time to predict. Just keep playing him and find your play style. That’s the best I can give.

  • NoFace
    NoFace Member Posts: 151

    I've actually been hitting shots quite frequently and consistently. I think you just need to get down where the center of your screen is for the quick shots, remember that's the hit box is small, and sometimes just don't shoot immediately and line up the shot.

    I've missed many shots as well, so don't worry about thinking your bad. Trust me. Oh and one more tip, this is more for killer in general but, try to stay calm and breath, trust me it will do wonders.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Huntress and Nurse have always been more about positioning first. But if you're just trying to land shots, aren't there speed reload add-ons? Just spam till you get a feel for it.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I've found that aiming as they run makes survivors try dodge more, and end up running into obstacles more, meaning a free hit. If they're heading for a window or pallet, try quick shoot them before they can drop it. M&A comes in very handy as most times they'll try crouch to hide, meaning if they don't see you, free harpoon to the back. Also, if you manage to harpoon them through a window, be careful where you aim the hit. Too low and you hit the window itself and they get away free. If they do block you from hitting them while harpooned, I'd say take the stun and place them in DW. They're going to be forced to heal, so theres some wasted time. If you really can't afford the stun, attack with the weapon and it breaks the chain for you, but they won't be injured. Hope this helps in some way.

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    Thanks for the tips everyone! I seem to be having better luck by taking the time to aim my shots rather than quick scoping it! I hope to keep practicing and get better!

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited March 2020

    tracking through the right stick is very difficult on console, so there are a few things I suggest you to try

    • every once in a while take aim, even without a survivor on sight, just to make sure you are looking straight - not too high, not too low. This will aid you when a survivor will finally come in sight and condition you to look at the right height all the time.
    • the first time you encounter a new survivor in a trial, test them: aim for a couple of seconds and see what they do (juke? try to lose LoS? just run straight?). Do this once again when they are injured, since their response will probably be different at that point
    • if a survivor needs to reach a certain area from a single path, don't aim at them directly, but aim at the path they need to take. Either they'll come into your iron sight, or you'll close the distance enough to M1 them anyway
    • if you don't have to quickly shoot, take aim at their general direction and correct height, then instead of adjusting the aim through the right stick, use the left one (meaning, strafe left and right). The more distant they are from you, the more useful this is.
    • if you miss a shot and survivors are running away, but you still want to chase them, don't reload immediately - wait for them to be somehow cornered and/or near a pallet, or lose LoS before starting the reload. Since you are slowed down, they could even think you are trying to mind game them and run back to you lol

    In any case, my suggestion is to simply don't care if you win or lose, just train your aim, even if they are gen rushing you... who cares. Some day, they'll all pay 😎.

    Good luck.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    @Edys "In any case, my suggestion is to simply don't care if you win or lose, just train your aim, even if they are gen rushing you... who cares. Some day, they'll all pay 😎."

    Jesus, rip and tear till its done I guess. In all seriousness this helped me, cheers.