The MOST toxic piece of gamer I've EVER met, I really hope he gets banned somehow...

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Yesterday, playing with my usual red ranks SWF we got to play against a rank 1 face camping crouching Pig, The game went normally, we did the gens, NOED popped and that's what got her a 2k by face camping and tunneling (pay special attention to what I just wrote), he sent a GG EZ to all of us post game, even when I was one of the 2 who survived... we just didn't reply.

Now, here's the best part of the story:

The Pig posted a post game image, in a DBD Xbox Club I'm in and am a constant part of by posting and commenting vids and pics, where HE EDITED the post game results and added a skull, meaning "we died", took off NOED and placed a BBQ perk and added a title and description to the edited image saying "EZ 4K, no camping, no tunneling, they got mad and spammed me post game LMAO!".

I instantly thought "WHAAAAAT?!", and proceeded to comment on his image:

Me: This is an edited image, you only killed 2 of us BY FACE CAMPING AND TUNNELING AND THANKS TO NOED, I have a video of you standing still and face camping someone with me standing less than a meter behind your back, btw, we didn't spam you anything, you sent a "GG EZ" even when 2 of us survived"

Him: Sure woman, whatever you say

Me: That moment you think gender is an insult

Him: Shut up ######### face u ugly and no one loves you

Me: Well, I don't think I'm ugly, but if I actually were, my ugliness can be fixed or ignored with money and/or excercise, but your IQ will stick with you for the rest of your life

Him: This is the exact reason I face camped your ugly asses and got a 4k

Me: I guess you're gonna have to edit the title of your image, you just accepted face camping... You're still lying on the 4k though...

Him: Face camping is just a strategy, deal with it

Me: The problem is not face camping, the problem is you editing a post game image and posting it in DBD clubs saying you got a 4k with a gamestyle you DID NOT use

Him: Can you just ######### stop commenting my pic? Do something with your life FFS

Me: Sure man, just remember to edit the title for other people not to notice your lies, my comments are staying here btw

*He erased the image from Clubs and blocked me, but not before sending me a private message saying "ur a piece of #########, remember that and don't ever think your not" (Grammar right...?)

Reported him in both DBD and Xbox, hope it leads to a punishment to be honest

EDIT: The problem is the edited image, insults and lies. I think camping and tunneling is a valid strat and survivors need to learn to deal with those.

And for the people saying "ReD RaNkS SwF?" I can 4k a 4 men SWF as a rank 1 trapper main, get good and stop using that as an argument please.

Post edited by Carlosylu on
