Idea for people with teammates that DC

I’m not quite sure why something hasn’t been implemented like this but wouldn’t a bonus for survivors and killer when someone DC’s be good? It could go something like this:
When survivors DC 1 generator is removed from the game unless there are 2 or less generators left. This would help compensate the teammates when a survivor DC’s (whether it’s because they’re annoyed with a toxic killer or they bugged out, etc). Then only if there are 1 or 2 generators (not after all generators are complete or EGC has started) there could be a few things to compensate:
- All survivors are healed a full health state (increasing their chances of surviving but not by too much) and if all survivors are already at full health, they all gain 4% increase in repair speed (this would not stack if multiple people DC, remaining survivors would just gain a health state or receive no bonus after the first DC) OR
- All survivors repair 10% faster (this would also not stack, there would be no bonus if another person DC’s)
Then to compensate for the loss of bloodpoints for the killer, they would gain 1500 BP in every category for every survivor that DC’s and if they have certain perks that stack like BBQ, they would gain a stack if they have not yet gained one from the survivor that DC’d.
DC Penalty would also be slightly changed BUT better explained by the devs (possibly explaining to new players etc how the DC penalty works), this could be implemented with a 5 min timer as a warning even just explaining “hey, if you DC too much it’ll slowly increase the time until you’re permabanned from DCing too much” then after that it goes to 15 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 1 day, a week, permabanned (or something along those lines), and it will decrease a “tier” every few days or so, so people who bug out won’t be penalized very harshly.
This way players will be compensated when a teammate DC’s but it won’t really be used for strategy since the DC penalty does exist (which could possibly be a little bit harsher after the original warning). Survivors will not be too much stronger and still weaker than if the player that DC’d is still there. Give me some feedback on what you think :)
I think this is ok but you are about to get flamed for survivor bias or some other unreasonable stuff.
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It would be nice to compensate the other survivors somehow but pretty much any form of that would be exploitable by swf.
Also disconnecting is uncommon now, it's usually hook suicide, which gets into even more complicated territory. Giving a bonus to the other survivors if one kills themselves or were facecamped to death on first hook would be nice, but then they would also probably end up getting rewarded for just letting a teammate die on first.
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I would say based on how fast they died and if the killer was near but that could just be the same response for suicide penalties, "Oh I wanted a 4% and then my finger slipped". Which now that I think about it, if you get facecamped first hook, what if you got the bps that the killer lost.
Edit: The first sentence was talking about how suicide compensation would work.
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Would be good as well for when someone joins the game and doesn't move at all and gets hooked and instantly dies, or joins the game and D/C 30 seconds in and the game wont end because it started with 4 players.