[Dead Dawg Saloon] Close Hooks

I really like the new map. The design is unique compared to the other maps, and the breakable walls are an awesome feature that I can't wait to see in the other maps.

However, if I had one problem with it, it would be how close the hooks are.

During a match, one of my friends got hooked. One by one, we all tried to get them unhooked, but we were all slugged by the killer. The hooks were so close, we didn't have time to wiggle free, despite being so close to our hooked comrade when we were downed. Not even my Tenacity and Flip Flop helped me.

The hooks over by the gallows are far too close. Like, basement hook levels of close. Maybe it was just the map shuffle we got, maybe it's more incentive for us to try to be a sabo-squad, I'm not sure. I just feel like the gallow hooks could be spread out a bit more.


  • SquidFacedMan
    SquidFacedMan Member Posts: 148

    The map is very badly designed. Massive amounts of dead space around the edges. Not sure what Devs aren't understanding from the feedback about map size and layout that people have been giving them over the years.

  • miachan22
    miachan22 Member Posts: 36

    I was going to post about that too. They are SO CLOSE and A LOT of hooks, its frustrating. During the match a survivor was hooked, in the 'glowing' notification about the hook you could see the other hook.