Playing killer it's hell

1° Make maps smaller.

2° Increase the amount of time for generators to be done.

Pick one.


  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    1) Maps necessarily don't need to be made smaller, but the generators shouldn't be too far apart. The amount of times I get gens popping from simply doing a gen patrol is ridiculous.

    2) The time is fine, but they need to add more objectives for the Survivors to do. Force the Survivors to have to roam the map rather than travel a fixed route whilst popping gens along the way.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    They couldn't add more objectives at this point without changing everything. I think the best we could hope for is a DBD2 that is closer to the Friday the 13th game where you can fix a car and drive away, call the cops or kill the killer with objects to complete them being god knows where on a much larger map.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    They just need to reduce the bonus for working on the same gen. Gens fly when you either leave people alone while they're on a gen, or they dogpile one and then move to the next.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Just -bp for having multiple people on them. With the facecamping penalty have the devs already shown that they are a fan of a negative impact on bps^^.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Actually as killer it's better if survivors dog pile on gens. That means they're concentrating their pressure at a single point on the map, making it easier for the killer to interrupt all of them at once and split their own pressure on multiple Survivors at the same time.

    In addition to that, even with prove thyself, survivors are less efficient if there are 3 of them on the same gen and only as efficient if there are two. That's why prove thyself is my second-favourite killer perk after self care. It forces survivors to waste their time doing gens together in pursuit of delicious bloodpoints :)

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Selfish care has shown itself to be undesirable. I've seen the effects of that backfiring more often than not.

    But Prove Thyself, my games go quicker. It's attrition. You are gradually ticking away at it faster much faster with than without, and even if you chase everyone away, you can still have one person come back to save their progress.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    You're missing one important thing regarding prove thyself. It's not very obvious, so I'll try to give you an example - I hope it helps.

    Without prove thyself:

    • Survivor - 80 seconds/survivor/gen
    • Survivors - 44.44 seconds to finish the gen, so 88.88 seconds/survivor/gen
    • Survivors - 33.33 seconds to finish the gen, so 99.99 seconds/survivor/gen
    • Survivors - 28.57 seconds to finish the gen, so 114.28 seconds/survivor/gen

    With prove thyself:

    • Survivor - 80 seconds/survivor/gen
    • Survivors - 40 seconds to finish the gen, so 80 seconds/survivor/gen
    • Survivors - 27.8 seconds to finish the gen, so 83.4 seconds/survivor/gen
    • Survivors - 22 seconds to finish the gen, so 88 seconds/survivor/gen

    As you can see in terms of overall gen speed it's only efficient for 2 people to stack on a gen if one of them has prove thyself. In any other scenario gens would be done faster if survivors split up and did gens separately.

    Now to add more context into this imagine a real game - you hook a survivor and see all of their teammates on BBQ. What would you rather see - 3 survivors on 3 different gens all in different parts of the map, or all 3 survivors stacked on the same gen? I would personally shed a tear in despair if i see the first scenario. That's when I know I'm fu**ed. However in the second scenario (or even if it's a 2 and 1 split and one of the 2 has prove thyself) I know that all i need to do is pressure those 2 in order to gain/maintain control of the match.

    Lastly, I'll mention that from personal experience usually the people who equip prove thyself (aside from the noobies and potatoes) are the survivors who don't intend to spend much time doing gens. What prove thyself allows you is to max out your objective points really quickly and then spend the whole match messing around with the killer, getting chased and helping out teammates. That's why I said that as killer prove thyself is my second-favourite perk - it's because people who use it are either absolute potatoes, or people who don't plan to spend much time on gens and just want to max out their objectives as quickly as possible, so they can move on to the fun portion of the match.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    This cant be true. Two survivors working together on a gen with prove thyself cant be just minus 4 seconds.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Ok. Thanks for the breakdown.

    Though wait, it's doubled with only two people? Isn't that a huge oversight? Wouldn't that mean they'd need to readjust the bonus anyways for parity?

    They recently changed Doc because his numbers were everywhere. Wouldn't a lower but more evenly distributed bonus across all survivors make more sense?

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    It's basically the same speed as 2 people working alone on separate gens. That's why you see a blue progress bar if you're working with a mate with prove thyself - it means that you're working at base efficiency. As soon as the third guy jumps on your bar turns red indicating that you're below base efficiency.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited March 2020

    I didn't understand what you meant when you said "doubled with only 2 people" - can you clarify? In case this addresses that - with 2 people on a gen + prove thyself they both repair at the same speed that they would if they were both working on their own.

    In terms of your second point regarding numbers being a mess - I completely agree. Noone really understands exactly what the perk does, unless they take the time to read through the theory and do some math. This is why killers fear it so much and survivors think it's worth bringing to a match (aside from bonus bloodpoints)

    Edit - in case you're interested, here are the links where you can:

    read up on prove thyself :

    standard generator repair speeds:

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    The time it takes to finish a gen going from 80 to 40. Doubles your effectiveness.....or halves the time to be less confusing.

    If I'm reading it right, you're right about diminishing gains after two people but that means if they're running off in pairs, that there's really no reason to group up to finish a gen unless you're really pressed for time and down to the wire.

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  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Exactly. Coop bloodpoint bonus aside, as survivor it's only beneficial to group up on gens in a clutch situation where you're trying to finish a middle gen, the last gen, break up a 3-gen start or deny a pop kick. In those scenarios it may be optimal to take the efficiency penalty in order to make the killer's patrol route longer.

    Aside from this it's a lot scarier if survivors split pressure AND all work at max efficiency on their own gens.

    Also, as killer I'm quite happy to give up a corner/god building/platform gen early on if I see survivors piling up on it. That just means theyre wasting their time making my patrol route shorter/easier.