More Survivor Perk Ideas

Trailblazer: You’re followers like to keep up with you, you’ve always been a trendsetter. While injured you don’t leave Pools of Blood but your Scratch Marks while in chaise do not disappear and last 3/5/7 seconds longer.
Brave Heart: You kick into gear when things are looking grim. After unhooking someone from the Basement you gain the Endurance status effect for 5/10/15 seconds.
Final Girl: Gain tokens each time you complete a full Generator or Unhook a Survivor, after accumulating 4 tokens this perk activates. After all other Survivors have been sacrificed you become the Obsession but gain the ability to heal yourself over 2.5 seconds once and can see the Killers Aura whenever they are within 24 meters. You can also reopen the hatch over 18/12/6 seconds canceling this action resets the timer. -Final Girl trumps any of the killers stealth abilities.
People Pleaser: You can’t help but be there for the people around even at the expense of yourself. After scoring a Protection Hit break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds, during this time you do not leave Scratch Marks or Pools of Blood. Causes the Exhaustion Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Solo Artist: You don’t work well in a group and prefer to work alone. Whenever you are within 32 meters of another Survivor your repair speeds without a toolbox are reduced by 25/20/15%. While you are not within range of another Survivor you gain 15% bonus to your repair speeds without a toolbox and can see the aura of Survivors that are not within 32 meters of you.
Sightseer: The Aura of Generators you work on remain highlighted in yellow for the remainder of the trail. Any time the Killer walks within 6/12/16 meters of a Generator you have touched the Aura turns Red for 3 seconds and you are given a sound notification before fading.
Spit-Fire: Even in the face of overwhelming odds you never stop fighting. While you are hooked and the Killer is within 16 meters of your hook for 15 seconds this perk activates for the next 15 seconds your escape attempt chance is increased by 4%/8%/16% and your Hook timer is paused, during this time your escape attempts will not reduce your Hook timer and you may attempt to escape the hook even during second phase.
Hideout: You perform at your best when you have a safe place to stay hidden. While in the Basement and outside the Killers terror radius your Healing and Unhooking speed is 125/150/175% faster. Additionally your Aura will not be revealed to the Killer while in the basement.
Upkeep: You like to keep your things nice . Cleansing a Totem regenerates 25/35/45% of your equip items efficiency.
Bird Feeder: It’s important to always admire nature because even during your darkest hour you may find an unlikely ally. While crouched near a Crow press and hold the Active Ability button for 2.5 seconds to feed a Crow putting this ability on a 60 second cooldown. Only one Crow may be fed at a time and a Fed Crow will not be disturbed by nearby players. Fed Crows are revealed to you and reveal the Aura of the Killer and Allies within 12/24/36 meters of them. Feeding a new Crow will disturb and alert your currently fed Crow causing a loud noise notification at its location for the Killer. -Bird Feeder trumps any of the Killers stealth abilities.
These are really interesting perk ideas, I would love to see the Bird Feeder perk in-game, it would be very interesting.
I think the range for the Solo Artist perk should be a bit smaller since most Maps aren't that big and Gens normally spawn close together.
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Thanks ! And yea i was actually not sure on that one. IT would have to be balanced carefully around that aspect to make it fair. So im not sure what a good range would be for it. IT needs to force the person using it to move around if they are within range of other survivors. So if its too low then it could just end up being a hard gen rush perk with everyone taking it.
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Np. I would say 24 or 32 meters, which is Terror Radius distance. Yeah, but I agree, the range needs to be close enough that Survivors can use the Perk more often than not, but far enough that it isn't a complete Genrush perk.
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Yep. Also for Trailblazer the whole idea is that its for people that actually want to have their scratch marks last longer even tho that seems like a downfall it could actually be a good thing with the right build. But it also has to have a benefit for the people that don't see that value. I plan on making a bunch of killer perks next. But thanks again for the feedback. :D