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Apparently a lot of ladies play this game. Do you think this is true?

I mean...I am a lady and I do love a great slasher movie/game so...why wouldn't a play a game that has all my favorite spooky boys in one place? (Along with a few new favorites) I will admit I have run into a lot of other ladies while playing. It's about the same rate as me running across other ladies on League or Overwatch. Usually my teams are an even mix of ladies and fellas with sometimes the favor being more to one or the other.

I'm just bored and curious about what your experience has been like with this. This isn't for anything serious I'm just bored and this question was on my mind. I think it's great this game appeals to everyone and seems to have a pretty evenly mixed crowd.


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  • Member Posts: 134

    There are a lot of ladies in this game, I can confirm. I played in Asian region, specifically Malaysia & Taiwan area. Have a few discord groups and quite some number of girls on it. Some of them still actively playing and so good at the game.

  • Member Posts: 982

    gamer girls don’t exist in dbd, we’re all just in your head.

    wooshing sound ✨

  • Member Posts: 323

    I wonder how many of those ladies are actually good looking. Not trying to be a smartass. I also know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But I am curious

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    From my experience that is true. I've come across a far higher percentage of female gamers in DBD than just about another other game I've played.

  • Member Posts: 406

    Maybe it's just an xbox thing but most people I've met through random dbd lobbies are males. But when I join a party with my male friends they always have like a million other female friends that they invite. So I never come across them but they exist.

  • Member Posts: 1,946
  • Member Posts: 175

    This is what I'm wearing right now.

    And yes, I'm a lady.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I must admit I have have played in cod tournaments heavily played cod experienced some hostility but dbd has to be the most funny thing as a female.

    They really get mad about a female killing them the amount of abuse I have received is crazy. Most of it directed at me because I'm a female.

    I've never experienced such a thing on this level in all my many years of gaming.

    Being called a.. (can not say the actual word so) lady of the night that sells her body for money.

    If course a girl would use scummy tactics to win (female dog)

    Just a small selection of what I've received clearly had to adjust the wording.


  • Member Posts: 2,002

    most of the people I play SWF with are women. no surprise to me

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    seems like nothing that cant be answered with the good ol' "gg ez"

  • Member Posts: 377

    I'd easily say close to 30% survivors are female, in ps4 eu.

    If I count just my group of friends I have 13 female friends who play dbd, mostly survivor

  • Member Posts: 662

    i don't know i mean does it even matter what's in our pants? we're still humans. it makes no difference, people can do what they want, girls or boys, men or women. i've never understood why it's so big deal if a human with boobs plays videogames lol what :D well anyway, all my female friends are gamers, and then again my male friends are just interested in cars and stuff and don't really play any videogames and that's completely normal here.. so i don't get it, is it really a big deal?

  • Member Posts: 169

    There's quite a few of us, I know for sure since I play on Xbox where every other group post is "Girl gamer," or "female host."

    Kinda hate that stuff though.. I just wanna play a game, if I wanted a cheap lick I'd go see my ex-

  • Member Posts: 100

    There are, there's also a lot of gay people that play this game, myself included. And everyone, is just as toxic as the standard straight male population you find on the game and elsewhere hahahahha.

    Jokes aside, it never occurred to me about what kind of people play the game as long as there are players. The fun is what matters.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    My wife and daughter play in our swf.

    And my other daughter has been a rank 1 killer.

  • Member Posts: 241

    I've met and played with about 10-15 different women over the years. I'm not super outgoing so it may not seem like a lot for 3 years, but it is about 40% of people I've known through this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I've no clue the ratio. I've read studies that claim it's damn near 50/50 but when you look at the data you notice they include mobile games like candy crush. To me those don't make you a gamer. From my experience I mostly find guys playing video games and the occasional girl. Maybe it's just the games I play.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Haa haa yes that is normally my response to this type of behaviour and oh my word does that upset them more lol


  • Member Posts: 512

    Wow that's a lot more responses that I thought I'd get. It's nice to see this thread stayed civil and I'm happy to see some of the stories about families gaming together. Sucks that it seems girls still get shitted on but that's sadly to be expected unless we're in a group with friends. This is honestly a good chunk of the reason I'm not ready to stream myself playing killer yet because I just want my stream to be a chill place to hang out and laugh about funny things (*cough cough* DBD bugs *cough*) and draw while we talk about our lives and I don't want any viewers having to deal with any off hand toxicity due to what I'm streaming.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Hello! As as a fellow woman I can say that whilst I have a couple female friends who play the game, most players I find solo-queuing are male.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Heres the deal. Some of the people who play this game are trash. They throw insults around just to get reactions or because they are little little people. The type of insult changes depending on who's being insulted. Girls get the ######### or ######### mantra, minorities get the flavorful race specific hateful comment associated with their heritage.

    If its unknown, then you will be told to die of cancer, that you are incestuous, or just a crappy player who needs to git gud.

    The thing with streaming is, most of the people who watch streams are chill. The ones who aren't, well you have the power of the chat. Build up a following who likes you for you and your streams will take care of the #########.

    I've noticed that followers have almost a familial structure and they take care of their own.

    Want to stream, just do it and forget about it. I actually just streamed a game where i got 1 hook and couldn't hit crap with my harpoon. Chased a bill for 3 minutes and never got him. Best part is no one was watching lol.

    Anyway, just stream and have fun!

  • Member Posts: 869

    This game has a surprising number of every demographic playing. Women and men of all races, children, old folks, straight/trans/binary/etc.

    I'm not a major proponent of identity politics or anything, but It's funny, most of the friends I got playing this game are gay, female, and/or mixed race, I think I've only actually added and befriended 1 single straight white guy in this game.... ND now I just realized how few white folks I actually interact with outside of my work 🤨

  • Member Posts: 1,118

    Does it really matter what their sex is?

  • Member Posts: 597

    I always assume alot of female gamers just pick ambiguous names so desperate boys don't harrass them when they want to enjoy a game.

  • Member Posts: 1,791
    edited March 2020

    Hey there ladies.

    Single 33 yrs old Male looking for a grill to put my meat on so we can BBQ and Chill.


  • Member Posts: 512

    True. Of you don't mind linking your stream I'll drop by. I really enjoy watching smaller streamers. I just feel chat is more cozy.

    No. But I think it's interesting to see the clear shift in gaming from the 90s to now. Like EVERYONE got an N64 then there was a big gap where the market shifted from being child focused to male focused and now it's all inclusive when it comes not only to advertising but streamer and big names.

    Personally for me I never really cared I just played games because I thought they were fun however I would be lying if in highschool I didn't get super hyped when I found other girls in my school who played Mortla Kombat and Doom. Those slumber parties were the best.

  • Member Posts: 628

    DBD ngl has one of the most inclusive communities out there. Our discord of about 200 players is about 60/40 male and female, and there are lots of queer and trans people too.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Guilty as charged. And then I've often been described as sounding like a boy going through puberty so I really don't say anything.

    I don't mind people knowing but it's just easier in the long run. Because I'll either get dick pics or get told to show my dick because they don't believe I'm a woman

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Now I understand why we cant escape killer. Gals dont do gens.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Am a lady and am so glad there are other ladies out there playing too! Am not alone even though when I play Ark there's like no ladies playing.

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    No clue. I main killer and have nobody to SWF with do all I just kinda assume you have the same gender are whoever you're playing as.

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    A woman?!



  • Member Posts: 597

    I just see players as players. You can be good as either gender or just as toxic.

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  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Oh that's okay, I get the "I bet you're a guy" then I correct them and it goes right to "oh I bet your pussy stinks, wash that ######### out."

    They use whatever they can at whoever their target audience is lol.

  • Member Posts: 134

    I don't know your exact situation, but guys really like to insult closed friends all the time lol.

    I have played in swf with a few girls, and they all don't escape insults and profanities thrown their way from my friends (not me because I'm shy and usually don't speak much with girls around).

    If you don't know them at all, then yeah they are abusive pos. But if you know them for some time, even a few days, then it is possible that they start looking at you as a friend. Guys are weird sometime even as a guy I don't understand them.

  • Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2020

    Probably depends on the game, DBD seems to be played by all. Other games, higher chance of it being the healer / support role or ranged dps / Archer class.

  • Member Posts: 25

    In my on console I find women alot but they never seem to play killer it's always survivor

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It doesn't really matter but it is interesting. There is a perception in gaming that the vast majority of players are male. I don't know what the actual percentages are but from my experience that seems to be true. The fact that this particularly violent game draws a substantial number of female gamers to it is curious. Or at the very least to me, surprising.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I found this article which seems relevant to the topic:

    Pretty interesting read.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    Honestly think more girls and gay guys play this game then straight men lmao

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Oh yeah I just meant toxic people use that. You're gay? F bomb. Black? N word. Chick? Vaginal insults.

    I assume most are 12 year old wanna be cod trash talkers just trying to be edgy and hit chords.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    I'm a woman and a killer main. rare combination apparently.

  • Member Posts: 157

    My wife carries me into red ranks every reset, without fail. There are several others here who play DBD with their wives.

    Also, I follow several women who stream DBD---about a 60/40 split on my Twitch follows, I'd say. The game seems to attract all kinds of people from all sorts of places, it's nice

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