Matchmaking is super broken

You've most likely heard this a thousand times now, but I'm here to say it again. Matchmaking based on the rank system is extremely broken. I play on Xbox, and last night I got into a match shortly after xbox servers were up and running again. I was playing against a hag, and looped them quite easily. They got genrushed to all hell, and I couldn't help but think 'Man, this guy sucks.'
After the match was over (we all escaped) I checked the killers rank and they were a rank 20.
At the time of writing this, I was rank 9.
This poor baby hag got absolutely obliterated by this team of ranks 5-14, and could barely land a single hit the entire time. I genuinely felt bad for them, that's the worst I've seen matchmaking on my end for quite some time.
Please, please fix this. It's not fair on the new players, or those who want to have a challenging match. I doubt anyone enjoyed playing that match to be honest.
Since the dlc launched I think my MM has actually improved.
I stopped playing when the nurse got reworked. I came back for a little bit in Feb. I deranked all the way back to 18 on my killer because of my break. Every match was against purples/reds. I stopped playing again because of that. No matter my rank there was a good chance I would be paired against reds. I don't like using the meta every game. Sometimes I want to mess around and have fun. I can;t have fun if I'm getting bullied cause the game is imbalanced.
Now that the dlc dropped and there's more people playing killer, there's less people playing survivor. My que times are about the same but now I'm no getting reds nearly as much. It's better than it was. Just more evidence to suggest MM is fine, the issue is hardly anyone wants to play killer.
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I would agree with @EvilJoshy that since the latest patch the MM is nearly Ok. I mostly played against redrank killers, ive not had in a long time before.
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I feel like my MM has gotten a whole lot worse, whilst more players are trying killer that means I'm facing a lot of rank 20 killers. Not to mention people playing to level up the new survivor are attempting to farm as much as possible, which is making the games feel longer and more pointless.
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Is there even a timeline to release MMR?!? It seems like it was talked about and then just meh... deal with rank 1 vs rank 15 games because a fix is coming “eventually.”
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I think I'm rank 14 right now. I played like 6 games of deathslinger yesterday. I had one game of rank 14-18 and 1 r1. Another match of green and purples. One of all yellows. One match of like 2 reds a purple and a green. Then more yellows. For the most part the majority of survivors I was being paired with were between like 10 and 15 with the occasional high rank. Which sounds like it's what MM should be doing. This is the first time I played since the dc penalties were introduced. I am noticing people flat out walking in front of me, letting themselves get hit so they can suicide hook.
"I'm not that good a shot. I don't know why you gave up?"