FPS-Shooters game hiboxes, DbD hitboxes and Deathslinger

honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Its no secret that Deathslinger gameplay is exact the same as any other FPS Shooter.

However, actual FPS-Shooters, have an adapted hitbox; Which in DBD they are absolutely different.

For any newbie to FPS, this may not seem like a problem, but in DBD, most shots look wonky, buggy, for both sides.

I have now over 50 games as Deathslinger and I do not think he is weak, but he is nowhere near the "Top 5", which for a killer which absolutely requires a high skillcap (not only because you have to aim, but because you have to work around DBD hitboxes, which for a veteran FPS-Shooter player, I think that's a bad joke).

Can we do something about it? Perhaps add a little "vacuum" to his really small hitbox, to compensate for DBD UNADAPTED hitboxes for a shooting character?


@Peanits @Almo @McLean and every other @devwhoactuallyplaykiller

Also, keep to the post, read what the topic is about and stick to it. =)

Post edited by honestlybaffled on


  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    you're used to hitscan, not projectiles, that's your problem.

    with projectiles, you have to lead your targets

    dbd is more comparable to TF2 / Overwatch / Paladins with characters with projectile weapons, not hitscan weapons.

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175

    I've played a lot of overwatch, TF2 and some paladins, I know how the hitboxes there work.

    I used to main Ana, Pharah and Zarya and I hated Mcree.

    Here is how TF2 hitboxes are:

    And in overwatch they're broken.

    I know how hitboxes in those fps games are and that's what my topic is about.

    @HamletEagle I never said he is weak or strong, the topic is not about his Tier.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,051

    Back when they had to revert Huntress' hatchet hitboxes because of this, they even mentioned, that Survivor hitboxes aren't wellbuild for projectiles. I kinda hoped witht he instruction of Deathslinger they might finally make projectile specific hitboxes, but I guess that wasn't possible.

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175
    edited March 2020

    @HamletEagle Read Freudentrauma post.

    I mean, hitboxes in this game are not precise and are not adapted to shooters, even if it were hitscan, the issue would still be there, its a survivor hitbox problem, I don't know what else I can tell you to explain what the post is about, I am sorry.

    Huntresses hatches are the size of a truck and if anything, they can hit a survivor even if it doesn't precisely hits them.

    The vacuum I mean, is to add more generosity to the needle, because the hitboxes of survivors are not their actual bodies, if by readinga ll this you still don't get the point, then I apologize for not elaborating well enough, but I can't do any better.

    I don't know if this image is still true, but it probably is close enough to huntresses hatchets, in case anyone for whatever reason, still thinks that Deathslinger needle, is bigger than huntresses:

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    If he would need to charge his shots like the Huntress do, then he would be a meaningless worse version of the huntress. The rest I can agree. He can counter long loops.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    I see someone's never played Apex, their netcode and hitboxes were worse than DBD's lol

    I've never really had that much of a problem with it, on either Huntress or Deathslinger. If anything I find dedicated servers to be the biggest hinderance, I get hits 2 feet behind the survivor's head.

    Also every time you say FPS Shooter (First Person Shooter Shooter) I die a little inside lol

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175

    Wrong, I have played Apex and they are absolutely huge (actual character model), which is not dbd case, so I don't know what you're talking about.

    And I made it specific, so no funny-ideas stupid comments could be made about "FPS" and someone ends up bringing minecraft, barony or stuff like that.

  • murderer897
    murderer897 Member Posts: 16

    I have had many shots which I believe should have connected but just didn't .

    I also believe that the survivor shouldn't be able know when deathslinger will shoot , the survivors just move last second it's pretty stupid .