Why do people DC

DCING is pointless it's hurts you more than the killer you will get camped in a hook then downed after getting saved once you get put back on just let go end your game with your blood points let the killer think he's good at the game then say well your swf was bombing the hook even though you were doing solos let him get his one kill even better if you get camped hold out for as long as possible make the killer camp you for 2 gens and get his 1 kill his not good but let him keep doing it he's going to wonder why he going to blood 1 web ever 4 games because DCing is going to hurt the other survivors your being camped let them do the gens it's the ultimate L the killer getting gen rushed because he can't play

Then there are survivors DCing because there getting camped they do it because of the killers ad ons perks or the type of killer just because a killer runs devour hope and get 5 stacks look for the totem just because there's a legion get the blood points and get out the game if u lose you got points and it's over if u win more points and it's over and when mikey run tombstone and tuft of hair literally go around the corner it takes 3 gens for him to get to tier 3 just hide and get gens

There's also killer DC's the killer dc is really hard to deal with because if there is a survivor who knows the map well enough you cant catch them so don't continue to chase them go for someone else you can get 3 kills just don't chase the toxic Meg killers also DC because the survivor do something they don't like such as getting there totem get over it stop playing the game surrounded around something so brittle and could ruin everything killers also hate swf yes you know there "he's chasing me go for the save or get the gens"just know and predicted what to do try and tunnel the survivor next to gens so that they can't fully gen rush you and try and notice the swf in the lobby run some overpowers add ons and make them wish they weren't in the game


  • Unironicalygoth
    Unironicalygoth Member Posts: 175

    I dc as the killer slugs me for the 4th survivor so they can have a chance

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I dc if there is a real life reason to dc and that is rare. If i need to leave game i will juat afk and let either killer or survivors farm me as much as they can.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    The text is incomprehensible, so I'll just say. I don't typically DC, but when I do its because something really pissed me off and im going to play something else

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    edited November 2019

    I've intentionally DC'ed twice this year. I don't like to DC, so it takes a lot to make me do it.

    1.) Leatherface slugged everybody before the first gen was done and was waiting for us to bleed out without hooking anyone. If you want to derank, just play Wraith and hide in a corner FFS. At least that way the survivors can get some points.

    2.) Huntress hit me once through the shack wall, then again through the map wall. Then she facecamped me, I got rescued anyway (without BT, after reaching struggle) and she tunneled me down, hitting me with ANOTHER hatchet through a solid brick wall. After I fell from the second and third hits, my feet were a full body-length beyond the edge of the wall. Overall I like the dedi servers, but that was some serious BS.

    Note that in both cases, my DCing had no effect on the other survivors. I was dead on hook with the Huntress, and I waited long enough to see if anyone had Unbreakable on the Bubba.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    First game today on test, Oni killer, finds me right off the bat, started next to him. Ran him accrosss the map for about a minute, 1 gen done, another almost when I got hooked. He leaves, I get pulled off the hook and 2 people start to heal me. Oni comes back, ignores the other 2 and comes straight for me. Again run him around for another 30 seconds, I wasn't healed. Hooks me again. Again I get rescued, again he comes back for me. This time I get hit with an insta heal, and take off hurt with Oni following. again ignoring others. Survivors get in his way, chase gets broken momentarily by someone else. Finally a chance to start a gen, ohh wait, he's coming back. FUN another chase and he's got his power up! 1hit down. DC. I would have walked out with maybe 5k points, while the POS killker gets 8K from me alone. Why should I stay?

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I usually only DC if there no point in playing that game. Like one time I had a spirit bring a green mori to mori the obsession on the first hook for dying light ( before the change ). Like what's the point in even playing that match, I'll earn little to no points, not have fun, and waste time.

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    Why did this guy dc and screw the four of us because he was losing?

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I see 2 toolboxes against a Trapper. How many gens did you rush? There's your answer.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    this new killer is promoting one of the more annoying play styles, slugging. I got into test and was enjoying it at first, Killer was learning how to play, we were learning how to counter him.

    Couple days in, game is still enjoyable, with a slug match about 1 in 10. The other 9, killer had Ruin, BBQ, gotten better, and yes, was killing us, or we were surviving and getting out. but either way, we all were enjoying it (FYI his mori is disgustingly beautiful.)

    Today, 8 games run, 6 sluggers, 1 Tunneler.... most common reason given by the killer for slugging, "If I pick someone up, my power is depleted entirely!" 1st off, it isn't, you keep about 15 to 25%. 2nd, You can gain back the power very quickly, especially if you've hit players already, 3rd, this exact same excuse can be applied to Myers, Ghostface, and several other killers, yet you won't see it that much in them.

    of those 6 games, 24 survivors in total, about 14 disco'd, myself included on 3. the other 2, one hoped for a lucky hatch, Others just went AFK and waited until it was over. So how is this fun for the survivors? If this is how the game is going to be, If you're going to continue rewarding killers for this play style which gives nothing to the survivors, then why continue to play?

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Just play the game and dont get triggered about literally everything.


  • Apackawolves
    Apackawolves Member Posts: 65

    Myers and Ghostface can’t cover large distances quick like Oni though. If the survivors are within range, any big brain Myers or gf is gonna keep downing people until their power runs out. I think that’s pretty obvious.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    No, but Billy and Spirit can, yet they aren't running around slugging everyone. Billy, once mastered, has to be one of the easiest to run around doing exactly that Ride around and down someone, step on the gas and do it again. But agian this doesn't happen anywhere near as often as Oni.

  • Apackawolves
    Apackawolves Member Posts: 65

    They have an unlimited power though, it’s not the same. Oni Myers & GF have to commit time to charging their ability, which is a very precious resource in these days with gens popping so fast.

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330
    edited November 2019

    I'm seeing a whole lot of

    "I DCed because I queued up for a game and don't want to finish it", and to that I say

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    I'm sorry, but you're not going to convince me that the only way you can prevent a gen from being done is by slugging. This killer has more potential, Easier charge time, and a sick ass mori, that say slugging isn't needed. The last round the killer slugged, 10 to 15 minutes+ queue to get in the game, slugged everyone within the first few minutes, walked out with about 12k points.so 20+ minutes 12k pts. And that was worth it? Ohh BBQ!, 24k! ohh wait 2 DC'd so 18k Blood shards... yeah, that doesn't sound worth it, at all. you'd do better off letting the 4 survivors go, or hell deal with only killing 1 or 2, and walking out with 25 to 28k. and in full chili stacks and you're making out with 50K+ for about 25 minutes total... yeah, I'll take playing the game over slug fest any day.

  • Apackawolves
    Apackawolves Member Posts: 65

    I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying that killers who have to invest time into charging their ability are going to be more likely to slug so they get the most use out of it, instead of wasting it carrying people to the hook. I understand your frustration, but you are playing on the ptb....

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    Because they're big ol' dookieheads, that's why. Yeah, I said it. Ban me.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Because he har no perks in red ranks, and probably was trying to play a match as a new killer but you guys just were much better

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Because they're either not having fun or they're mad about something.

    Doesn't justify it, but it isn't any deeper than that in the vast majority of situations, basically the only exception is disconnecting to give someone hatch instantly. All the "yeah I dc'd, but I got a bad map..." and "yeah I dc'd, but the killer did this thing..." are just pointless justifications, if someone absolutely has to DC it's honestly better if they just do it and get it over with.

  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    people also like to dc to inflate some kill to escape ratios when they really want to get something nerved, since there was no punishment for it over the years it kinda became part of the community

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Well if people did that according to what Peanits said in another thread they were wasting their time.

    Matches with disconnects in them are straight up not counted in their statistics.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    In all honesty i would have done the exact same thing. Why would anyone waste time on a healthy survivor compared to an injured one. The only difference i would have made is probably spared you the final hook until i had hooked the rest of the group. It may sound scummy but at the end of the day the killer is not your friend. Also the amount of crap killers have to put up with be it in game toxicity or post game messages. You get really fed up and just think fk it.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Trying to do daily, or most likely archive challenge.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited November 2019

    You're able to play however you want.

    Baddies and entitled players will always disconnect.

    Post edited by Raccoon on
  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    That in and of itself is scummy. After first hook, I wasn't pulled right off, no one was close, killer left the area, about and maybe 30 to 45 seconds later, I got pulled off and they start to heal,, but there's the heartbeat. So for that 30 to 45 seconds what was the killer doing? Not patrolling, not looking, just waiting. That was the truly scummy part he waited for someone to save to come back and chase me again. The 2 that got me, came from different directions, running in. How easy would it have been if he was patrolling? He was lucky in the fact that 2 came. If only 1 showed, 2 would be working gens, another would have popped in the time he chased me instead of 1.

    If I was pulled off in front of him, I get it if he chased me, I'd hate it more because the survivor farmed me off, but that's not the killers fault. But to go a short distance away and wait, that's just a petty, camping, tunneling killer. Not fun, not scary or thrilling, not entertaining, and deserving of a dc.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    You should look up entitled, you don't seem to understand the word. "Play however you want" is acting entitled, wating a killer not to tunnel, camp, slug, is desire.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited November 2019

    Most survivors DC to force devs nerf certain killers. It's a well know trick and works very well.

    Usually I see killer's DC when they lose a game

  • lightning_lif3
    lightning_lif3 Member Posts: 14

    Because he is a rank 1 trapper so not only does he have to set up for 3 minutes be only has brutal strength it was either his first game as trapper but it was surly his last

  • youngking0904
    youngking0904 Member Posts: 2

    In my opinion if you DC for any reason, it sounds like an excuse for losing. Take the L like a champ, take your bloodpoints and keep it moving, there's always gonna be toxic survivors/killers gotta just deal with it. Ive dealt with This new OP doctor, camping killers, tunneling killers, gen rushing all that but i don't just quit my game and cry about it i take my death and continue. Make it where if you DC more than 3 times at all for any reason other than server issues, you get banned for a week, 5 times=a month and 10 times=ban for 6 months(bet salty players stop quitting)

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2020

    One of the latest challenges is to knock people down. In order to win that challenge I preferred to slug people to allow others to heal rather than hook them early on because I was afraid of people choosing to disconnect on first hook, which only would have made the challenge harder. But I still did it a couple of times later on. Everybody survived and I passed the challenge. (I’m sure they all thought I was a bad killer but up until then I had been gotten 3Ks minimum in my previous 5 matches.)

  • Teshie
    Teshie Member Posts: 19

    I love how every Survivor player complain about slugging and camping here. No but jokes aside. Camping only gets your team a free escape and it's not like Survivors don't have any second chance perks like Unbreakable to counter slugging and camping. But Killers shouldn't DC either. Same thing. You don't learn if you DC as Killer.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    In short, ppl dc because others do not play by their rules. This is the digital version of taking your ball and going home...

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Lag so bad you spawn and the killer is carrying you, lag so bad you can't even move or move the wiggle bar one inch. One of your "friends" unhooks you 2 feet from the killer, a swf team decides to bully you as the solo survivor, a farming gang is farming and apparently didn't tell you and are healing you over and over as the killer downs you again and again using you as some sort of BP generator, your "friends" decide to do everything under the sun instead of coming to unhook you, a low skilled scrub with insidious hides behind a wall and downs the lot of you in 2 minutes, a low skill scrub decides to slug everyone, you get slugged as the killer hooks the other survivor and you know he has a cypress mori he plans to use on you, you get downed as the second to last survivor and you dc to give the hatch, you get tunneled to death and this will be the second hook and it'll be no different than the first one, you've been tunneled all game, you will no doubt depip anyway and you are on your death hook. You know the killer wants to do something for some type of achievement...rift...daily...whatever...you dc to stop him from getting that done...at least on your watch.

    I am sure I could think of a few more.

    DC over camping...not on the first hook anyway. DC over tunneling and many of the things I listed above...yes.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I have Major Depressive Disorder (Moderate-to-Serious). I take medicine for it and most of the time, it works great and I have fun and don't DC no matter what happens in-game. What's the point?

    DBD is a great help, because when I start getting uncharacteristically irritable and DCing for something stupid I did, or for a hard tunnel, I'll stop DBD and play Sims instead, then wait two or three days for my additional medicine to do its thing.

    In short, it's almost always me being mad at myself for something stupid I did, or because my brain chemistry is out of whack. When normal, I see no reason to DC and have fun most games, and even laugh at a facecamp, stupid action I did, or a hard tunnel