I’m not a big DS fan but I was using it and it was a camping noed trapper in the end game and he picked me up in front of the hook and i hit the skill check but it did nothing, as a killer main I hate DS but c’mon fix your game
This is a problem, can't go down next to hook or his animation will prevent yours.
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Too bad
you shouldn't rely on a single perk to win anyways, and hey ds isn't a 100% confirmation you can use it
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Ok, so camping with NoED is fair game then? Nice logic. Decisive Strike is designed for going against people like you it seems.
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It might not be the most fun game, but it's still the game. Whether or not you like it, you chose to put yourself at the mercy of the game.
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Well, yes, but if I get heaps of games like this, then the next step would be the question "why am I even playing this game?" leading to quitting and the eventual downfall of the game as a whole. Sometimes it's better to just take a loss for the health of the game.
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I play both sides and agree while facecamping and tunneling with NOED isn't fun, it's not something the devs control 100%. The game mechanics are not always fun and fair, but I would argue (sorry i didn't post this in my last reply) that it might just be the people you are playing against. A few good games or a few bad games can really sway your opinion on the tools that the other sides use.
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They can't, but we can band together as a community and try to put a stop to it. The devs have given us the tools, but we as a community now have to keep these people in check so we don't have another League of Legends or DOTA 2 case where the community is so toxic and the game hard to get into because of a few people spoiling the experience for eveeryone.
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I agree, but i think it would have to be a very careful community event. If after every game you glame the killer for choices they make, then no one benefits. That being said, the Devs cant just say "no facecamping" and then enforce it with something like bans. Whenever i Play killer, I genuinely try to avoid camping, but if my hook gets rushed then id be an idiot to leave ya know?
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of course it's fair
as fair as using ds, but op was intending of using ds for toxic purposes, soo it's good what happened to him i guess
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how can "WE" ban together and put a stop to something the devs have said is a tactic, though not so nice of one? I mean there isn't much the community can do but play the game... sure you don't like it leave the match some how, up to you how you do that. but what of the killer, unlike them you have a choice to struggle or not. their only way of "quitting" is to stop moving and just go afk while the survivors do what ever for 5, 10, 20 minutes. Or they could use the perks they have, just like you can choose to use or not use the perks you have. come on be realistic there isn't anything anyone can do about camping. the survivor rulebook does not exist except as comedic trope in samination's and other's minds.
I play both sides, I get tilted at game play every so often but I take a break from the game.
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He got downed off the hook by a camper. He was going to use it AS INTENDED.
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I don't have the answers. I won't claim to. The devs call it a "tactic" and half the community disagrees.
People will call on "the rulebook" but I just see it as not being a tool.
It'd be nice to have some hidden system that takes into account people who regulary DC, face camp, tunnel and all that other fun stuff and prioritise matchung those players together similar to the DC gell that one of the Street Fighter games implimented.
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well we have a visible system for tunneling called DS. then we have the dc penalties, and if you look in the emblems killers loose emblem progress (not blood points) for being to close to the hook, this includes picking up traps, setting traps etc. so it's there. just probably not the "tool" you wanted. I understand people being upset by it but if they just want the one kill then they camp letting the other three do gens and totems the whole time. sucks for the one being camped but it's part of the whole. there is not much more to do against face camping. Slugging only has the mechanicof un-break-a-bill, or no mither getting up, or people healling the slugs up.
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DS is fine it just needs many tweaks and nerfs
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not sure i agree with this. I picked up a guy who just hook bombed and immediately had the hook prompt and they still DS'd.