how do the devs expect killers to win

I know that ruin was nerfed a little while ago but this just recently popped into my head after I got put against 4 rank 5s as a rank 13 (2 of which had over 1k hours) as huntress (I had good addons) on rotton fields. I just don't understand how the devs expected killers to win without a perk that "slows the game down just a little bit" and with an AWEFUL matchmaking system. I know this just sounds like a killer main crying but I do play both sides and I'd like to hear other people's thoughts.


  • BingBongBoi_69
    BingBongBoi_69 Member Posts: 39

    I know that this doesn't apply to all killers but this does apply to a lot

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    i mean, you were huntress (a 110 killer) on one of the biggest maps in the game. i wouldnt expect to win on that.

    tbh, the biggest problem in this game comes to map design. killers wouldnt be forced to run 9000 slowdown perks if maps were smaller, and survivors wouldnt “gen rush” anymore as there would be so much more killer-survivor interactions if the maps were small.

    on small maps, just try to actually apply pressure on gens and keep the survivors occupied. but in big ones? its most likely a gg once you load in if you dont have slowdown perks and the survivors are average.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I know killers that didn't depend on ruin and decimated the trial. Try to play more without using crutches until you get better?

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Well to answer your question you would have to ask first what determines a win in dev view. pip, kill, fun etc. idk

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Well starting off, your not supposed to win, your supposed to tie, as in 2 kills and 2 escape. I believe the devs have mentioned this is what they expect.

    As for rank matching, that one is tougher... because for the most part rank doesn't matter. Yes, better players are going to be red ranks, but to be fair a lot of bad players are also red ranks. They are attempting to resolve that with their new MMR system. But we still have no idea how that will work.

  • AlightBULLDOG
    AlightBULLDOG Member Posts: 54

    Honestly I don't find being a killer difficult at all... Like I don't even bother spending blood points on them. Every killer perk is powerful with no draw backs, and as a lvl 13 killer and I'm only that low because I don't play killer very much other than to complete challenges. Yah sometimes all the survivors escape but for everytime that happens I kill every single one in a 6-1 ratio in my favor, so I don't get when people say that survivors are OP...

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I hate to be that guy, but at rank 13, you really aren't in a position to say killer is easy. Get up around rank 4-7 where you get solid rank 1 survivors running meta perks and map offerings, then tell me how easy killer is.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    with massively powerful add ons using only a few of the strongest killers, while micromanaging injured survivors and aiming for a 3 gen at the end, occasionally with a mori thrown in.

    That's what I do anyway. it works pretty well, though I do wish the sneaky and setup killers were more viable.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    Depends on your definition of "win". The devs want survivors to have fun and usually escape. Perhaps you should lower your expectations and consider a "win" to be killing one or two.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    i don’t have much faith in the new match making. There won’t be enough high skill killers to match every high rank SWFs in the lobby. So less skilled killers will be matched with those teams. I think from frustration perspective nothing will change....

  • BubbaSawyerMeats
    BubbaSawyerMeats Member Posts: 108

    patrol a small and defensible part of the map, slug and tunnel (even eating DS). ignore far off generators

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    I'm a brown rank and always get put into matches with green and red ranks. And I usually get a 3 or 4k, it depends on the killer you play.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    I'm a rank 1 clown main and I 4k consistently on maps like Thompson House and Temple of Purgation. Killer is easy af git gud.

    Alright, jokes aside, the best you can do is to make survivors 3 gen themselves. Pick 3 gens in very close proximity to each other and guard them at all costs. That doesn't mean you stay by them the whole game, you still go and apply pressure on other spots of the map but frequently come back to check on the 3 gens. Anything else and you're literally depending on survivors making a plethora of mistakes. Even then, this strategy still requires survivors to be potatoes. This is where another strat comes into play, killing off the weakest survivors. It may require a bit of tunneling but it's for the best. The less survivors you have to deal with, the better.

  • manytimes
    manytimes Member Posts: 10
  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    This rotten fields temple of purgation good luck im happy i main a killer with a build in slowdown boop my snoot

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    Imagine if the deep wound timer on Borrowed Time didn't stop when you're mending or sprinting.

    Would you then say you knew survivors that didn't depend on BT? That survivors need to play more without using crutches until they get better?

    The issue with that is killing one or two survivors is something you can guarantee almost invariably by just taking Bubba and facecamping - it doesn't feel like (because it isn't) an achievement of any sort. The devs want survivors to have fun and usually escape, yes. The issue people take is that the devs want the killer to essentially be a harder-to-cheese AI. Both killers that had the ability to put survivors in a bad place, rather than relying on them to do it to themselves (nurse and spirit), have seen hefty nerfs these past few months. They're trying to ensure that killers can't get too good, so that even the most casual of survivors still do well. Before the last rank reset, I hit purple rank on survivor (much more easily then I did on killer) while still learning the basics of looping as a survivor. Just holding M1 a bunch will drive you to a win, somehow.

  • AlightBULLDOG
    AlightBULLDOG Member Posts: 54

    Because honestly I face red, purple and green survivors all the time... So yah I can say so... Sometime I get trolled really good, but most the time I kill everyone.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I got a mix of red, purple, and green earlier thanks to rank reset. I crushed them on haddonfield. Now a week ago, I got 10 matches in a row of solid rank 1 players with 1500 hours minimum. 3 kills total.... in 10 matches.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    considering there is no definition of "winning" for this game, that is a hard question to answer.

  • rephaim
    rephaim Member Posts: 96

    I can't see survivors for crap on Thompson House or Temple of Purgation. Basically disappear right in front of me until I hail Mary swing some grass then a survivor manifests injured

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Huntress on rotten fields is kind of rough. Ruin before was used as a bandaid fix for the horribly large maps in the game...which are still there and now you're not expected to even come close to winning on them. Nobody's gonna blame you for not winning on coldwind, red forest, Ormond as Huntress or Deathslinger etc because it's kind of impossible. Imo, old Ruin made big maps playable and small maps too easy.

    I would say to use corrupt intervention in place of ruin but, surprise surprise, it does almost nothing on the large maps and is only useful on a few.