Survivor Mains are Funny


You know how even if your new to this game, they will relentlessly bully any killer that comes especially when their in an SWF.

I know they just want to show off their "skills" by making use of exploits and all but seriously though : real question = Do you have to bully new killers?

I have a female friend who wanted to try out DBD for the first time as she was interested in the game as they introduced Demogorgon, Michael Myers and Freddy Etc. And lemme tell you her first few hours of playing already made her start getting stressed out.

Even I get stressed out as I can't really help her through a livestream 😂 , a bloody screen.


Like also another real question, How are we to learn newly released killers in higher ranks when we are getting GEN RUSHED in seconds with little to no perks , XD.

It's impossible when your trying to farm BP for the bloodweb but only end up getting bullied by exploiters and 24/7 loopers 😂😂😂.

I'm just being silly by releasing my stress here, don't take it as a cry or a rant , I'm just being sarcastic for how weird survivors can be sometimes.
