Let's talk about Billy...



  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    6 months ago it was nurses add-ons. Not until now is Billy or his add-ons an issue. He has been exactly the same for 4 years. Survivor entitlement is growing exponentially.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've always hated Hillbilly. People are just speaking out against him now.

    Also, learn to use the phrase "entitlement" properly. Entitlement on here is the new Triggered. Overused and losing meaning.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130
  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Ok, then please point out where I have said that he is overpowered. NOT too strong for how low his skill floor is, NOT has too much going for his kit in one button press, but blatantly overpowered.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That's implying he is OP. If you want anything changed to him, it would be a nerf.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I don't imply. I observe, document and find meaning within said observations.

    What I have said is that Hillbilly is too good at a base level for some areas, specifically the lower end of the skill spectrum and in some ways lower levels of gameplay. Too good, not OP. I have also said that he is strong and that is fine. I have never implied or outright stated that Hillbilly is OP in any regard, and the closest thing I have said is too rewarding for having so little drawbacks.

    All I have ever said is that maybe having the highest mobility in the game tied to an instant-down and destruction might be a little on the absurd side in terms of balancing and what is acceptable with the range of killers that we have currently.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    So you're calling Billy broken, then? As in, his ability breaks the game because no one else gets what he gets?

    You keep bringing up what he does have, without looking at what he doesn't. It's a very subtle way to imply broken without actually considering the facts, and it's disingenuous.

    I get that your saying that he gets too much reward for what seems like the most braindead power, but the honest reason it seems like that to you is you are used to the killer struggling at all levels for a kill, which incidentally is the reason most players and even the devs see him as a point of balance.

    He is literally the only killer where you can say if you did bad, it was entirely your fault (barring horrible level RNG), and the fact you complain about getting out positioned with bad RNG is part of the reason no one is taking what you say seriously.. Hillbilly is one of the most affected killers by bad RNG. He can't do much at badham, if survivors play smart he can't do ######### at Lery's or even (stranger thing's level), Osmound isn't exactly a great level for him because most pallets that do exist here are safe and the center building ######### every killer, hadonfeild is obviously not his best stage, And I could go on about minor things in each and every level that screws him to some degree or another.

    Also, it's a bit ironic to downcast the opinions of players who actually play and have played Billy for any significant number of time. If everyone with actual experience with him is telling you the same thing, at what point do you say to yourself that maybe YOU are the one who needs to re-evaluate?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm not calling him broken. I'm calling his ability dumb and over-encompassing. The only thing he is missing from the complete DbD package is a stealth related ability, but the problem there is you're a Stealth killer, or you're not.

    My point about positioning and RNG was also that too many people present a point that shouldn't be brought up since it's out of a player's hands. I've also said that I've faced too many Hillbilly players who just hold their saw up for a minute just to get a chainsaw kill, when I could have already been on a hook in that time if they used their hammer.

    There's also a difference between earning a kill, and it being handed to you. Myers and Ghostface have to actually work for an instant-down and it's all their power has besides being Stealth killers.

    Your point though about about killers struggling for kills is both a new and welcome point, and also ties into what I've been saying for a good while now: Buff every single other killer already.

    As for the experienced players point, most of them just spouted points about high-level play when my discussion was about the exact opposite. When a stupid amount of comments are basically "High level play this, git gut you entitled survivor" when I state that this is a look from a neutral player who's gone against this character more than you people have played him, and had a fair bit of experience playing him myself, you tend to see all of them as those they try to brand you as. They seem like they just want an easy-street killer they can just grab and 4k all day with little effort.

    When I hit purple ranks on console for the first time, it was 95% Hillbilly, 4% Myers, 1% other. It was so boring to play and I picked up Hillbilly to see what the fuss was about the next season. I played him for a good amount of time and flogged everyone. The only "bad" game I had was the first, with high purple flashlight SWF on Yamaoka Estate against a low green killer who had never played the character.

    So, no. I don't need to re-evaluate because nobody has experienced what I have. I've always had opinions here that go against the norm and people don't like it.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Thing is, no one is denying the experience you had with him. He is a simpler killer to play overall, but that's mostly because his ability inherently causes misplays due to fear of the one shot. If you have faced him as much in red ranks or others as you've said, getting used to what he can and can't do shouldn't be difficult.

    I play on PS4 as well, and honestly I used to main Billy and have been playing since about a month after the game released on console. Back then, when there was like 6 killers and hag sucked, you basically only played against doctor and Billy, with the very rare nurse who often times sucked anyway. Maybe that's part of the reason many of us who've been playing that long or longer, don't see him as too bad. We've put in thousands of hours against Billy's and are familiar with what works and what doesn't, meanwhile he sweeps lobbies with less experienced players.

    But the thing is, that's a terrible reason to nerf him. To say that new players should Trump being experienced in the game and learning how to play with/against the killer properly is a dangerous precedent and an unsustainable model for a video game. People joke that the games a revolving door, and I've seen plenty of people leave, but this type of balancing would serve to alienate completely the audience who supported and continue to support the game through hours put in, overall money spent, etc. And therefore learning to play against him is more preferable to nerfing him and buffing everyone else (which, let's be honest, would never happen anyway)

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Side note, where I see you've taken issue with the fact that some area's benefit him too much, I only wanted to illustrate that he's just as bad if not worse of map balance wise because so few levels fully support his power. At the same time, sometimes it's ok that there is an almost unwinnable situation on one side or the other, because 9/10, that situation favors SWF, which can't be balanced without nerfing solo. And therefore some outliers are ignored in the servive of a game people actually want to play on both sides.

  • yoyofrost
    yoyofrost Member Posts: 17

    I'm not sure why you're under the impression that people care about console killers. Everyones knows Ps4 controller is NOTORIOUSLY bad for fast turns/flicking. Of course you won't see a Billy, Oni, or Nurse on console unless you have XIM.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Insta saw is not busted. You just dont know how limited HillBilly is without steering addons. You can waste plenty of his time if he tries to insta saw you on jungle gyms, shack or some short loops. The thing is insta saw Bily will always try to one shot down you and if you cant avoid that chainsaw you just need to get better at it.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Getting 3 gens done in 80 seconds while one is being chased is too much pressure as well!

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Not has too much going for his kit?

    And there s more going for Hillbilly players with steer addons but i dont have any vids of those. But you can always face some in a game and see it for yourself .

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've seen the Monto and No0b3 Drift King Billy videos.

    I probably just have Killer Fatigue in regards to Billy, since I versed so many such a consentrated timespan. I still stand by what I say about the character, but it probably comes from a place of over-exposure.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Your ignorance is laughable, but ok.

    Im rank 5 both sides atm on PC, but console is my preferred because I like the community better over there. You dont see m2 Billys at high ranks on PC either.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    yeah...no... Having a set of items that reduce power up and cooldown on a one shot by 30% and 34% respectively is insanely strong, especially with no downsides and other small advantages. It takes his charge down to 1.75 second and his cooldown to 1.3, so there's literally zero need to play smart. Billy's balancing factor is his charge up and cooldown, and reducing both by a third with no drawbacks and other benefits is nuts.