Anyone playing more because of corona?

Just wanted to see if anyone was on the same boat
My college has cancelled until mid September since Wednesday (I still have PLENTY of study and assignments to do though...should probablyget on that) and I work in a hotel so you can imagine how my hours are looking right now..
Definitely have found myself playing more but I can't really tell from queues if there's a difference because the chapter just came out as well
Same here! My college has been cancelled, unknown date of return, so I've been grinding on DBD.
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Proper me! Would be playing a bit more even if it wasn't for my little brother being off as well so still have to work around when he wants to play ps4 as well.
Might actually try to level all my survivors, only thing is acbh coming out soon but I don't really want to start a new game until after exams so being able to on and off play dbd matches here and there is also very handy
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I feel you dude. I have to let my two siblings play often, so when they get to I just study.
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Yeah that's exactly what i do, still annoys me a bit though because it's actually my playstation but I don't have much control over when I get to play if he gets to it first
At least it gives me incentive to get proper working on the stuff I have to do haha
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Despite living in a place where the virus is hitting decently hard, my personal daily routine hasn't been impacted yet, so my DBD playtime is likely to remain unchanged for the time being.
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What country are you in if you don't mind me asking, completely understand if youd rather not say
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New York City. Definitely nowhere near as bad as some other countries, but relative to other states in the country, we could be doing better.
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I'm working with animals, they need care everyday. No more free timw for me and my nurse. :)
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Of course, I'm being at home for two weeks I do is play a way more. I should start doing some school stuff though, yikes 😂
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It is a tasty beverage. So, yes.
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Man I'm not even considering trying to complete the rift, takes way too long for way little reward if youre on the free one and you're completely right that theres only so much dbd at a time you can stomach
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Aw fair play, wish you the best
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Nope i finished the rift a week or 2 back. Im playing Sea of Thieves and Shadow of War in meantime.
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Schools closed for 2 weeks = More gaming time.
More free time to finish the rift (sweet) + playing every Kingdom Hearts games.
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Lovve kingdom hearts, my favourite series ever but I'm waiting til remind drops in price before I replay kh3
You almost have me wanting to play through 2 again now
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Thank you <3
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Not really. My college hasn't been shut and with my hours I'd rather play borderlands 3 to unwind rather than getting frustrated with dbd.
But during the holidays, maybe
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Yes. I'm a teacher and all schools, colleges and childcare facilities have been closed for 2 weeks. So I have a lot of free time now. Especially considering we are being told to stay at home and only venture out when absolutely necessary.
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Same here bro xD
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My school gave us school laptops to take home over the break after they took them all in to decontaminate. They didn’t say why but we all knew, plus a teacher said expect school to be out for at least three weeks. So hey guess we have spring break, spring break part 2 and 3 all at once 🤣
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They cancelled school in our district for 1 week ,before spring break starts.
I'll take the chance to play.
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There is no quarantine in Russia , at least not yet . Even if there was I'm working at chemical plant 2/2 and it doesn't look that it's gonna be shut down
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Yes im past school and college age but im a huge sports fan was really looking forward to march madness and sec college baseball is pretty big in the south hopefully this ends before the football season starts if college football get canceled there will another civil war the south eats sleeps and breaths football its a religion in texas
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they announced yesterday that all schools in my area would be closed until after easter due to corona.
i expect to finish the rift early this time xD
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Of course nothing is shut down in Russia, Russians aren't afraid of anything
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I wouldn't say that , panic among people is growing .
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Hi from Italy here. Yes, i have more time to play
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I ran into a Plague named "Corona Virus" and I nearly died laughing so hard.
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I would be if the Nashville tornado hadn't knocked our internet out like two weeks ago. :(
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Aren't you guys on a city wide lockdown or something? I heard no one can enter or leave. Compare that with California, where there is literally so much money in SF there's literally no way they could slow down anything out here.
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I'm in Ireland so I've no idea how it is in America since we've been just keeping up with our own cases and other country's travel bans, how bad is America right now?
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Well honestly it's different all over apparently. It's frustrating because simultaneously we're hearing how crazy everything is and the stock market is crashing, etc etc. But then you got people going to parties and gathering on the weekends like it doesn't matter at all... I honestly think some states, like California, simply have to carry the lez faire attitude about it because we are to big to slow down properly. The stock market would probably die if all those tech companies in SF had to slow down for even a day.
Also, I'm customer facing all day, entering folks homes, so that's my reference as to how the majority are doing/feeling about things.
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Its crazy i work in retail we have been flooded with customers buying food and tp i feel like its only a matter of time before me or a coworker will catch it being in contact with large crowds every day
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We've had in door gatherings of over 100 people and outdoor of over 300 people all banned so it sounds a lot different but we're a lot smaller obvs so I get that's something thatd be simpler to implement than in America
We know it's going to affect our economy badly by shutting places but I think in the long run it will still be better for the people and the economy if we prevent it from becoming as bad as say Italy has it
I feel like I'd be so paranoid trying to go about as normal if I was in California though hearing that hahaha
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Stop my heart actually goes out to retail workers right now, a friend of mine works in a big supermarket in my town and was put on a 1pm-1am with 10 hours notice before the shift because everything has been so busy with people stockpiling
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Where i work their not even letting the elderly wokers stay home and they are the most at risk of death factory jobs that cram hundreds of people in one building every day are still full speed ahead along with restaurants
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Yup my school was closed yesterday until April 6th. First day in and I'm already bored 😅