Why are a lot of killers here hypocrites?

So many killers complain about getting gen rushed in 5 minutes but then slug everyone then hook

Complain about survivors hiding, looping and gen rushing then tunnel, camp and slug

Using op add on then complaing about insta heals

Same can be said about survivors but i notice more hypocrisy from killers on the fourms and reddit



  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    I reckon it is probably an equalish amount of people on both sides being hypocrites, but because 70% of the posts on these forums come from killer mains/biased, they're usually the only ones you see complaining

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    'So many killers complain about getting gen rushed in 5 minutes but then slug everyone then hook' You haven't figured out that, for killers to apply pressure, they need to slug?

    'Complain about survivors hiding, looping and gen rushing then tunnel, camp and slug.' I don't think any honest killer complains about 'hiding' and 'looping.' Maybe looping comes from map imbalance. Yet when survivors claim 'tunneling' and 'camping,' they use broad strokes when applying those terms. I've been called a tunneler when the dude that was just rescued runs into me. I've been called a camper when survivors will loop around a hook. Slugging is viable, as it applies map pressure.

    'Using op add on then complaing about insta heals.' What do you consider an 'op' addon? Iri head? Insta heals were nerfed because they were broken. Like the old DS, the insta heals could negate an entire chase, among other things.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816
    edited March 2020

    I obviously know killers need to slug its about when killers intentionally never hook just slug all 4 survivors then start hooking

    when i played on pc for like 2 weeks i got harrased and told to ######### by killers cause i looped them for 2 gens or cause i disappeared using a stealth build

    Op add ons i mean iri head or insta saw theres more but i honestly cant remember rn cause i havent played for 2 weeks

    Edit: thanks for not just calling me and entitled survivor main and actually discussing

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    This is the most likely answer to OP's question and goes very much with what I said in my post. It is both sides quite a bit. Also, the forums here are notorious for their toxicity and for being overwhelmingly Killer sided. Reddit is a breath of fresh air for being looking for discussion, positivity, and a pretty equal representation of Killer v Survivor.

    That said, no matter the platform we should all do our best to consider both sides and be more positive towards one another. <3

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Slugging is fine its when killers intentionally slug all 4 then hook

    I got told to ######### because i looped a killer or cause I disappeared using a stealth build and i got called a "toxic trash gen rushing baby survivor main" by a killer when he was afk for like 2 minutes

    Op add ons are like insta saw or iri head i know more but i honestly cant remember rn cause i havent played for 2 weels

    And thanks for actually discussing and not calling me a entitled survivor main

    I replied to this comment a few minutes ago and i think it deleted my reply but im not sure so this might be the second time you read this

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    When a killer goes out of his way to slug everybody at once? Yes, I agree, that's toxic. You shouldn't mix that type of player with the general killer playerbase. Just like we killers don't, or at least shouldn't, add the SWF hit squads in with the general survivor playerbase.

    I've been bm'ed because I successfully mindgamed an infinite. It happens both sides. Just ignore it and move on. Not belittling your experience, just that it's not uncommon. It's a competitive game by nature, and you have players that project their inadequacies on the other side.

    I don't think any one add on is op. A combination can make them, though. Iri head, for instance, it one shot, but Huntress only has one hatchet. She misses, she's down to M1 slapping. It's only when it's added to the Infantry Belt that it is a bigger threat than it should be. Devs should look at that, not nerf the individual addons.

    There are hypocrites in this game, I agree with. I've found myself sometimes falling into that after a few frustrating games. Just need to roll with the punches, and sift through what is accurate, or viable, and what isn't.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    This is really well written, I have to agree with it except for one little bit: just ignore it is not a good advice you can take every time sadly..

    as a not pro looping solo or 2-swf without voice com surv, the toxic killers can really frustrate you. And this hasn’t changed to better or worse with the ruin change. Only really change I experienced was after EGC was introduced: killers are now never giving the hatch to the last surv which I have seen quite often before!

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    I've noticed a great amount of killers sayin they slug, camp and tunnel ever since ruin was nerfed (that was the excuse for all that) ruin could easily be found and cleansed within a few minutes 🤷🏻‍♂ i don't get salty if i die, can't win them all, but if i die unfairly by all of the above then that's a different story.

    I played with ma friend the other day, he escaped through the hatch with a key and then the killer messaged him callin him a baby survivor for bringin a key, the toxicity is just gettin worse.. It's like oh wait as the last remainin surviour I will let u down and hook me 🤷🏻‍♂

    I sometimes play killer, i tend to chase after the healthy survivor that went for the save bcs i find it unfair to ruin someone's gameplay tunnelin to oblivion. I've never played toxic as killer yet i would still get tbagged by the last suvivour at the exit gate like #########.. then they message Gg ez.. It's a horrible experience as killer or survivor

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I don't think they care if it's hypocritical or not of them to do so.

    Something's bothering them enough to join the dark side, that's it.

  • Azgarthus
    Azgarthus Member Posts: 31

    If you're seeking a perspective, there are those who never intentionally slug, camp, or tunnel, but rather it just ends up happening.

    If I down a survivor, but then immediately see a survivor nearby who I know I could get a free hit on, I'll likely go for that survivor to capitalize on a mistake rather than just hook the freshly downed survivor. Also, having that survivor down still applies pressure. I've now got one down, one in a chase, and likely at least one more going for the downed survivor.

    If I hook a survivor, and they are in the center of a perfect three gen, with the other remaining generators on the other side of the map, then leaving that survivor for too long would only hurt me. So that leads to proxy camping.

    As for tunneling, there are times when I see a survivor is unhooked, so I go in that direction. When I see one set of scratch marks, I follow them. Sometimes it's the survivor that was just unhooked and in a quick glance I don't see the unhooker, so I just go with the flow and chase the closest survivor I see instead of searching for someone who evaded me, which can easily be seen as tunneling.

    Of course, there are face campers, those who tunnel on purpose, and those who take pride in having 4 little blood slugs. Those scenarios often are very toxic, but there are times when the killer does it out of necessity rather than just to ruin fun.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I'd say both sides are pretty hypocritical because they only play one side. Or if they do play the other side, its not very often. They lack empathy for the other side. Which in turn exacerbates the problem. Nice killers run into toxic survivors who constantly ruin their matches and make them feel like they have no choice. Nice survivors run into toxic killers who make them feel they need to abuse everything they can if they want to win. So Nice Killers start to play toxic, and Nice survivors start to play toxic.

    Playing both sides can be equally frustrating. It's hard to recognize that, because a lot of people play mostly one side. And a lot of people care only about one thing: Winning. I mean personally I'd rather have a really good match. Winning's nice. But I've had matches I won that I didn't enjoy, and I've had matches I've lost that I enjoyed immensely.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    You're missing the point of why Ruin was helpful for a lot of killers.

    Even if Ruin only lasted the first minute, that was a minute where survivors weren't on generators and were looking for totems. That was probably enough time for the killer to find and down at least one person and start building momentum. Hex: Ruin was rarely something killers expected to last the whole game, or even the first five minutes, it was strictly a perk for early game slowdown to start building momentum and then it was gone.

    This is why Ruin has mainly been replaced by Corrupt Intervention, as they both have the same purpose, early game slowdown. Corrupt forces survivors closer to the killer, same way Ruin did when it forced survivors to go look for totems.

    So yes, many killers have employed slugging tactics more often as while a survivor is down at least one other survivor needs to come pick them up, occupying 50% of the team on something other than generators.

    The part I"m always confused about, is why survivors complain about slugging when unless the killer is running a dedicated slugger build (Knock Out, Third Seal, Deerstalker) it's really not that hard to pick up a downed survivor? Unbreakable counters slugging hard.

    So frankly while I sympathize that slugging may not be fun to play against, if you lose to a slugger who isn't running a slugging build it's cause you intentionally chose not to get off the generator and pick up your people, and thus you played right into the killers strategy. Part of being good at survivor is knowing what the killer is trying to do and countering it, sometimes that may mean less gen rush and more picking up and healing.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    That's why I smile whenever people complain about DS and any other perk that bothers them.

    Slugging is a luxury and doesn't require a perk. If it was any other game it would have a built-in pick yourself up mechanic, like Last Year.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I dont doubt you but i would love it if you linked some posts

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2020

    Gens should be able to get rushed in 5 minutes. Wait why is that even a complaint? How about the fact that as a survivor I can come in and see my team knocked down faster than that though? How is that fair? Survivors are just as much on edge about not making a single mistake as killers are. It’s not that serious killers should be getting used to 4Ks at the end of the match 1-2/3 should be normal. Nobody will enjoy a game where all 4 gets put down as fast as I’ve seen this game will allow. The devs need to take into consideration the amount of lag survivors have to deal with. It’s not fair on my end playing a game where I can’t have fun with it because killers want more and more buffs when I already feel like they have enough. They’re so damn fast and have so many OP add ons, offerings (memento Mori’s being in every levels bloodweb - which doesn’t deserve the title “ultra rare” but more likely deserving of the title “common”)

    * Distortion needs a buff for being the only perk that counters killer Aura reading perks because literally every good killer perk has an aura reading ability. 3 tokens is just not enough.

    anybody disagree, really? Because I play killer too and I think as often as I’ve gotten 3-4 pieces pretty much every game says something. That’s great and all, but I gotta say something about that not being a consistent “thing” because I feel like it is for a lot of people that play killer. And I’ve seen rank 1-8s in my lobby’s as well.

    I don’t agree with how fast killers can kill because it’s deflating for people. So how is it really a thing that anyone can complain about gen speed or any perks survivors use? they’re all very necessary. Some of them need a buff imo. Why is decisive strike a one time use and people still complain about it? Saying it needs 30 seconds instead of 60? Or saying it needs to have more ways to get disabled if some specific event takes place? I think that’s Ridiculous because it takes up a perk slot to prevent you from preventing me from playing the game 😂 while killers get to use aura reading perks you guys want to complain about a perk that lets me keep playing? Smh.... Yeah watch people quit playing survivor soon if you keep that attitude up.

    Post edited by SurvivorsAreRuined on
  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2020

    In a post-unbreakable game, survivors have no excuse for losing to a 4-man slug strategy. You have a perk meant to mitigate or negate this kind of pressure, and it has disgusting synergy with decisive strike (60 second invulnerability in lockers), a perk likely used in more than 70% of all games. Most of the survivor-sided maps in the game are still heavily survivor-sided, even if they've seen some minor tweaks here and there. So let's summarize:

    • Most maps that were broken years ago are now just 'overpowered', some having legitimate 'lose points' where if the chase goes there, you either abandon it or lose the game. A 'safe space' in a horror game, if you will.
    • Most of the new perks that are coming out for both sides are either extremely niche, require other perks to be usable, or are just complete garbage.
    • The killers that are being released for the state the game is in, on average, are totally underpowered against more coordinated groups. If it wasn't for new/terrible players in DBD, it would die overnight, as no killer would take a single win off of any survivor team.
    • Camping and tunneling are still two highly effective strategies due to the speed at which generators are completed, and, while not enjoyed by survivors, is almost essential to some degree if a win is desired on the killer's end (especially with ruin being rendered useless, for the most part).
    • Killer variety at red ranks, based on my own experience and those of the few players I watch play this game, is still at an all time low. Same 3 - 4 killers with an oddball thrown in on the rare occasion.

    What we all need to understand at this point in DBD's cycle is this: the developers do not wish to create a balanced game where the skill of either side determines the victor, they want to nurture a live service business model filled with cosmetic microtransactions. Survivors outnumber killers by a vast degree, and thus, from a business perspective, it makes the most sense to cater to them, as their buy power outstrips that of the killer by a staggering margin. BVHR has proven time and time again that they do not know how to balance or program, and while I'm not a professional in either category, I've played enough games in my life to have an idea of what a reasonable standard is for both. The only thing keeping DBD relevant at the moment is a lack of strong competition, as other games in its genre have long since died out.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    You'd think a real team of devs would see this crapfest and beat it.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Any other game wouldn't give one side half a dozen second chance perks that can be abused.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited March 2020

    Quote 1:

    Killers should be able to win without using good set ups.

    If killers are required to use specific set ups just to win then something is wrong.

    Quote 2:

    So in the end, yes: killers can in fact be more powerful. But most dont like that, as it feels not fun to get only brutal killer after getting a 4k.

    Tl;dr killers are overpowered when you put on the strongest things.

    "What would be fun?"

    I mean like doing the ultimate kind of build with, for example, freddy with the ultimate gen defense, slugging at 5 gens and doing bringing the ebony incase someone loves.

    Then again, my definition of fun and someone else's is different, so I will edit that part out since that is down to opinion.

    P.S. Many thinks that killers indeed suppose to be overpowered.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    Actually there are many great perks on Last Year, and even Friday the 13th. Also, you can actually fight back in those games AND have obstacle advantages.

    Oh, and the most important part. You can fight back with weapons.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2020

    Such a killer sided response it’s ridiculous. Do you even survivor? Smh. I highly disagree with almost everything you say except for shortage of killers. The shortage of killers is most likely due to ruin crutch players that threw a hissy fit at the nerf. Or just the fact that the devs made it harder to help manage gens enough to slay all 4 with ease. I am a strong believer that killing all 4 needs to be far from a consistent thing for anyone. I play killer and I get nothing short of 3 kills a game even whilst playing higher ranks. It can be too easy for most of these killers/perks yet you guys still complain and want more. It grows tiresome.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    You do realize that without killer the game will be ruined? So they cant really cater to 4 survivor players.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    After being moried by poor killers every 2nd game, I agree with the topic starter.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2020

    I play solo survivor and killer, probably about a 60/40 in favor of survivor. I can tell you right now, the main enemy I face every game isn't the killer, but my teammates who are allergic to generators. If I do poorly in a game or don't pull my weight, I realize it immediately and try to rectify it in future games to the best of my ability. Before ruin was removed, I almost never used it, and my results in games haven't changed too much, with a 4k every so often, some 2ks, and the odd blowout where most of the survivors get away, sometimes save 1. Bear in mind that I've stopped taking this game too seriously, and while I might not be making the most optimal of MLG plays at all times, that still won't stop me from calling out the BS that has been in this game since the beginning.

    I don't mean this as an insult, but what was I expecting from someone whose name is survivorsareruined? I agree that there are frustrating aspects to this game for both sides, and yet in spite of it all, when it comes to the most influential role in the game when played at its best, survivor wins this by a long shot. A combination of second chance perks and map design along with the ability to stack the deck by playing with friends on discord (which is totally understandable - game is far more tolerable with friends) tip the scales of this game in the survivor's favor. If you cannot see that, then the question here is not whether or not I play survivor, but whether you play killer at all.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    i Most definitely see that teamwork tips the game in the survivors favor and that’s the way I really think it should be 😂 however, as a solo survivor I can tell you 75-80% of the time I’m not getting out alive and more often than not within that percentage my game gets cut short from Mori’s and the fact that M Myers has insta kills. That shouldn’t be a thing either. I believe gen speed and Mori’s go hand In hand. If they nerf one they should nerf the other. Don’t make it harder on me to do gens (even by nerfing toolboxes - which they just did) and not do anything about Mori’s showing up in every single Level bloodweb Past lvl 40 for killers. Thats my biggest complaint. They shouldn’t be walking around with those things all Willy nilly. It ruins my experience because I waited to queue up too man. Someone’s gotta get caught or keep the killer busy and you’re telling me there’s something in the game that can basically count that game as wasted time for me? Pssshh.. that’s highly upsetting to say the least.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    Dying wouldn’t be as big of an issue as long as I’ve always felt like I had a solid chance at playing the game. A lot of the time people that play killer are only concerned about killing all 4. This isn’t the type of game to go around being all sneaky without the killer ever finding you. So why is there a mechanic that allows killers to cut your game short when they do? Plus dealing with latency issues on survivor side? No thanks... This games not fun a lot of the time and seems more like a chore. I’m not gonna lie it’s hard to please both sides. But I’m telling you I don’t like coming into games and consistently being someone’s b***ch every game because the game screws me.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    Latency, Killer being host, Killers having literally every ability known to man and still complaining about minute workarounds people have abused such as OP loop spots and certain perks that prevent tunneling when, people forget each survivor is a real person that wants to enjoy the game too more than they’re getting frustrated with it. The stats literally read that killers have slight advantages in every single way, yet people still suck at using them to the best of their abilities because they chase too hard, or whatever the case may be. It’s about the objectives when I play killer, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna now everyone down As soon as I see them lmao it’s about managing these OBJs man... these damn gens.. keeping them off/regression. I do fine as killer. But as far as the killing goes, it can be too swift due to lag and add ons and that pisses me off Especially If they start to mess with gen speed . I’m a solo survivor. It’s almost not worth playing. Why the complaints from killers at all when both ends of the spectrum are complaint worthy.

  • Nysos
    Nysos Member Posts: 19

    As some one who doesn't play as ahigh mobile killer. Slugging is helpful to slow gen speeds especially if I'm not using a perk for that also. Also it brings another survivor closer to me or puts a survivor some where I'll know their location this helps with map sizes . Lets talk tunneling, tunneling is when a killer ignores other survivors to focus on only one. Now if a teammate does an unsafe hook like I'm right there or i just turned around there is a high chance you'll be chased mainly because A. Your the only injured party member B. You're either dead on hook or close to it. I feel alot of survivors call it tunneling when they don't want to chased.But call it baiting when they do. Also no mitier and unbreakable let's you pick your self up.

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    Your name is toxicnancymain...

    Also after downing a survivor, killers do NOT have to pick them right ahead. Killer has a lot of things to deal with.

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    Personally i didn't see the problem with ruin the way it was, but there is thantaphobia, it may not be as good as ruin was, but still.. many times I've been told they do all of the above because it got nerfed, it doesn't make it exscusable to tunnel to oblivion.

    The experience with sluggin I've had is horrific, i should have explained maself better, aye sluggin in some cases isn't so bad, but the games I've been in just made unbreakable completely useless as soon as i was picked up or used unbreakable i was suddenly targeted again and again until i bleed out, i get ofc the killers job is to kill as much as the survivors job is to do gens and live, but if u're continuously targeted, and face camped, it just makes it unplayable and unfun.

    I find it sad i have to run borrowed time and DS, and still it doesn't stop the tunnelin, i DS after bein targetted off the hook again after it bein camped and still come after me, and it doesn't matter if i unhook someone and they get smacked with borrowed time, the killer still obliterates that person straight off the hook ignorin the others around them, I'm not sayin u're like that, but there was a time people use skills and outplayed survivors when it was so much more fun that way.

    I can empithse with the killer believe it or not as i used to main killer where i would come amongst very toxic survivors with their tbaggin ect.. ect.. aye there are very underpowerd killers, and i understand all the pink add ons, but still to facecamp and tunnel is ma complaint, sluggin meh, whatever so long as u have a strong team which is very rare now, so many selfish survivours now.. Each to their own on how they want to play so if people want to facecamp and tunnel then oh well.

    I'm not here to be toxic or argue as i said everyone has their own opinion and each opinion should be respected even if we don't like it, have a nice day.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Keep in mind theres 4 survivors for every 1 killer. If indeed most complaint threads are from killer it means one of 2 things.

    A: most killers are cry babies


    B: the game is very survivor sided and killers have reason to complain

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2020

    i mean to be fair, the only way a killer can 4 man slug is if the entire survivor team makes a LOT of mistakes... you all have to be grouped up, nobody can have unbreakable, the killer most likely needs an insta down/exposed perk (like haunted grounds) and if not that everyone needs to be injured, and then all of you have to go down extremely fast.

    and with tunneling, yeah it sucks, but i mean its their decision. just let go on second hook and move onto the next match.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    Killers enjoy hack n' slash while survivors like crouching simulation.

    Surviviors can crouch all day, but if a killer doesn't get his daily dose of slashing?


    On a more serious note, Killers are always ganged up by 4 surviviors. They are more easily bullied than their counterparts so if they don't get their way, it would frustrate them for sure...

    But at the same time, survivors can't chase killers, have unique attacks/passives and put them down in 2 hits so both parties are fair IMO.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I wouldn't call killer hypocrites. Everything you mentioned is the only way killers can win, if they win at all. With no ruin, no more nurse with excellent gen pressure, you have to be a slugging billy with infectious freight to play at rank 1 unless you want to be noob stombed. Survivors are not on the same playing field as killer. Gens are entirely too fast, chases last waaaaaaay too long with loopers for the majority for the killers. Now we have a new slow killer with a Legion-like power.

    The only way to win is to play like a fill-in-the-blank. Survivors, on the other hand, can relax and play with so much freedom especially in a SWF. "His harpoon got me, run over here and stop the chain" Killers are a complete joke.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    This x100.

    Remember: if you unhook someone, take aggro! Otherwise don’t complain about killers tunneling.

  • KerkDeller
    KerkDeller Member Posts: 4

    Something that happens when I play killer is that unintentional tunneling can happen. Whenever I hook someone I leave and find someone else to chase. Sometimes I genuinely may end up finding the same couple survivors and have 2 hooks on them and no hooks on the others. It's not intentional, but I do end up getting hate mail sometimes. If I recognize this happening I will purposefully avoid certain survivors that I may have but tunneling, but most of the time it comes back to bite me in the hiney. In situations like this I'm weighing which is more important: my "honor" or my rank. While I do get hate mail for playing normally I have only ever once gotten a message thanking me for sparing them which I will admit felt kinda nice.

    I guess the point of this is that players need to remember that it is just a game. Looking outside of themselves and towards the other players perspective could be a good change. Assuming that the other players are a**holes just for being on the opposite side isn't really a healthy way to live.

    (If this were real life I wouldn't pull any punches regardless of what side I'm on.)

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    To answer your question most people are hypocritical in general it's not just most Killers it's not just most survivors it's genuinely a lot of people.

    You don't have to make it an us vs them type thing most people don't like feeling cheated whether it's because they felt like they got gen rushed or if they feel like they got slugged or camped.

    The way you phrase this question in itself comes off as very hypocritical as it seems that you don't take into consideration that both sides complaint just as much as each other it's not one side does it more.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    OR for a little perspective, have you realized that survivors genrush BECAUSE killers camp, slug, and tunnel and if you don't have enough gens done to counter that, you're going to lose every time?

    It's a "which came first, the chicken or the egg argument?" and that can go in circles.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I dont run the meta or add ons and I dont camp or slug but I guess im just weird like that