Why dead by daylight devs are not incompetent

chenais Member Posts: 69

Many people say that the devs are incompetent. "Why is gen rushing still here? What a dumb team of devs!" and "Why you do not fix hitboxes? Behaviour is lazy!" Well here is the answer: If the devs try to fix anything, they will trigger all killer or survivor mains of dbd.

For example, survivors are frustrated to get victim of bugs and lose the game to them, and they call behaviour an incompetent team of devs for not fixing it. But if we fixed hitboxes and dead hard, killers would be mad: "dead hard is already a strong perk that often gives undeserved second chances, so buffing it is stupid, and buggy hitboxes are necessary to face the gen rush", would argue killer mains.

Now, what would happen if devs tried to fix killer frustrations? For example, they decide to remove swf. "Solo queue is just a hell! I get to enter stage 2 half the time on first hook, teammates do not do any generators in a 3 minutes chase and they get downed in 2 seconds, after having wasted half of the pallets on the map", would argue survivor mains.

"But why not fixing things like bad matchmaking, which sucks for everyone"? Well, 2 reasons: first off, they are so many posts on these forums being "killer main vs survivor main" that seeing a post being neutral is rare. Then, even those "neutral aspects of the game" benefit someone. Don't you think 4 man swf, all in red ranks, will enjoy bullying baby killers? And then, they will argue that they give those baby killers a learning opportunity.

In conclusion, the devs are stuck: if they make a decision to please one side, you can be sure every single player that does not benefit from those changes will mercilessly cry on the forums about it. And you, what do you think devs can do in this situation?


  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492
    edited March 2020

    Exactly. Obviously in a game like this they will NEVER please everyone. In a game where both sides objectives are completely different, balance will be nearly impossible. One side will always feel stronger than the other. Any change, no matter how simple, will piss off a good amount of the playerbase

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Right now they are triggering killer and survivors mains. So where would be the difference?

    I never experienced dead hard to be bugged. You just get screwed by the latency/ping. For me it totally works fine. How do you come up with hitboxes being bugged? Its also just a server problem that you get to see "unfair" hits connecting.

    Removing swf is just not gonna happen. I think people rooting for swf removal are just frustrated and try to voice their anger without deep thoughts. On the other hand if you argue with solo q's I thinks its another topic. If you play solo and your team lets you die on hook or isnt good in chases it comes down to matchmaking and ranking system. If that would be fixed Im pretty sure you wont have these games at high ranks that often.

    I dont get your point about fixing matchmaking at all. maybe you can explain it to me pls.

    In conclusion you are saying it would be better if the devs wouldnt take action at all to not stress the community even more? Imo the devs should work on many things the community is concerned about. The devs take action and not everyone is happy with that but i think thats totally normal. E.g. the mmr system. I dont think the devs are incompetent. But their way of handling some things is sometimes quite weird. Still you can argue about that. For example I dont get how a competent team allows silent slugs to be still a thing after months.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited March 2020

    While it's true that they will never please everyone, that's not a good reason not to do anything. Some complaints are legitimate, and some are not. For example, the gap between SWF and solo players is legitimate cause for complaint. Dead Hard hypothetically getting fixed so that it finally works as intended is not. So in my opinion, anyone complaining about silly things like the latter can safely be ignored.

    Just to be clear, I do think that the devs are working hard on improving the game and fixing bugs, and I don't think they're incompetent (certainly not compared to the majority of their playerbase, who tend to think they personally know far more about game design than they actually do). And I do think that the desire not to alienate large chunks of their community probably means that more time is spent working on certain changes than there otherwise would be. But I don't think that the reason some changes are slow is because they're scared of making people angry, because I think the devs are smart enough to know that that's unavoidable in their line of work.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    -Devs please improve your servers and put p2p back we can't even use deadhard and we all want them off

    -No, and we will put them for consoles too

  • chenais
    chenais Member Posts: 69

    The thing is: devs do not want to piss off people, they are to scared.

  • chenais
    chenais Member Posts: 69

    @YaiPa they did not want to piss off survivor mains.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    They're not incompetent. They just are very biased in what they want to change.

    They are more about getting as much money as possible. Whether they are pressured by the company or they actively want to... that's up for debate.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I do agree. People are going way too crazy on the devs. Especially when it comes to balance, people just see changes to the problems they have with this game and never think about what other effects their suggested balance changes would have on this game. Increasing objective time for example would also make camping and tunneling way too viable, and make certain killers op.

    However, the rate at which they make balance changes does feel a bit slow at times, and they are constantly just releasing weak perks now. That and the bugs this game has does make me think there probably could be dev teams that would struggle less with this game, and perhaps do a better job at solving issues this game has. At least when it comes to the game's polish. The fact that the sound is still so bugged and hasn't really seen any improvement at all after multiple months is quite baffling to me. But I don't know of course, I don't have experience in gaming development and have no idea how challenging the problems are that BHVR faces.