Deep wound is too weak and does almost nothing.

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

The devs finally "fixed" it against abuses from "Moonwalking to avoid chase to let a survivor bleed out" and also by zero Terror radius Killers. Now Deep wound cant be abused by any tactic or perk. Now the problem is that Deep wound does barely anything, you can still repair for a good amount of time and can continue a chase like nothing happened. The base idea of Deep wound is used to be a "trade off" for Borrowed Time, a life expanding perk for a short time and then it got changed to a "chase" mechanic for old Legion. Imo that was cool and something new but also has flaws. Now Deathslinger also uses this and I guess more perks can follow using this mechanic. Deep wound itsself is a nice mechanic and should be looked into more. Deep wound should be a state where survivors dont want to stay in long. It should get buffed to be more dangerous and more interesting.

Currently Deep wound does nothing and you dont really feel beeing in a "critical" state. Hell some ppl even FORGET that they have it and sometimes die from it. Not because it doesnt require any effort, the effect is so little and meaningless that you even can forget it. Also the snap out over mend is annoying, that should get switched so you mend first instead of snap out. If the Killer comes after you again and again it will be impossible to mend before you bleed out.

My suggestion:

You are oblivious while you mend. Also your screen should be already bloody and moderatly darker right away to reduce the vision of survivors. Also you cant repair, heal others, sabotage or open exit gates while you are in Deep wound.

Any thoughts?


  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I am not sure if that would be too strong thought but could be a idea worth^^

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    mending costs like 10 seconds. Its a third helath state. So there should be some restrictions

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    It should at least slow progress speed by 50%, for everything, including mend itself

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    Deepwound is too weak? What about bleeding sttus effect?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Hemorraged weak too but its not used that often compared too Deep wound.

    Borrowed time is one of the most used perks and now we have 2 Killers that also use this mechanic. If the devs would buff Deep wound they would nerf borrow and buff both Legion and Deathslinger aswell.

    Not saying that Deathslinger is weak but the deep wound is just a joke.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    The only things you should be able to do in Deep Wound is mend, vault, and drop pallets. Your vision should also be much darker than it already is. The only thing Deep Wound had going for it is Doctor being able to force you to Snap Out of It before Mending, but then people realized that you could Snap Out of It before the Mend timer ran out.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree. But I dont agree with the Doctor part. I had once a situation where the Doctor kept going for me and let me go for a few sec to snap out and then he came back over and over again. You know the classic situation that if you want to let go a skill check comes right at the same seccond. Because of that I missed sometimes a few and my snap out got delayed. I was forced to run over the entire map while in T3 and dee wound. A other survivor should mend me but they didnt wanted to for some reason until I eventually die in a chase. That was not fun at all imo.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited March 2020

    BT's Deep Wound lasts 20 seconds and Snap Out of It takes 12 seconds, so even with a a couple of messed up skill checks, you should still have enough time to finish them. Look at it this way, if you're running around the entire map and he's still chasing you, you're keeping him distracted while the others do gens.

    There needs to be a greater emphasis on other Survivors mending you. It feels like nobody knows about it.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    It slows the game down, just a little bit

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    It's sad that I saw more people die from BT than DW... 30 second timer is just a big joke.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    It forces people to waste 12 seconds each time. Considering the characters inflicting it can do it easily, those 12 seconds stack quickly. That's not nothing.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Yes. All 1 of them. Or 4 depending on your use of terminology

    Deathslinger while being able to apply deep wounds cannot do so quickly, without suffering a 4 second stun each time.

    Legions the deep wounds killer, for deathslinger it just feels like They hacked it on so that having your chain broken against a healthy survivor wasn't too much of a downside to make the stun almost worth it.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited March 2020

    The Deathslinger might not be good as Legion in injuring many survivors, but he can get the first hit quite easily. If survivors are grouped up it's possible to injure many.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    With a normal m1 attack. Yes. But to apply deep wounds to them? No. You also have to take into account that the chain has to be broken. You can't just cancel it to apply the deep wound. And that'd take more time to do that it buys the killer.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Thats not enough thought, imo deep wound should effect the chase aswell. This would make a chase more interesting and risky in deep wound.

  • joerispekkie
    joerispekkie Member Posts: 27

    A G R E E D.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I suggest they just revert it back to what it was when it was released but just up the timer to 60-90 seconds. Which would make deep wounds actually worth something to stress about. It works for both sides a killer can chase the time away for a guaranteed drop but on the survivors side the killer would have to waste a full minute or more for that drop. Or if the killer doesn't chase they can still mend as they do now. Just not as safe as current mend is now since running would no longer pause the timer so they cant run across map as they can now. So both sides would benefit from this change in different ways. But for anyone that complains about it promotes tunneling if a killer really wishes to chase you for that long he just wants you anyway cause even in current deep wounds killers can still chase for that down.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    No? You just have to hit them with the gun then follow up with M1.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I am 100% dumb but if you are playing legion and DW someone why would you want to spend time chasing someone when you could turn around and now DW someone else by tracking their heart beats? If you DW one person then chased them for the full 60-90 seconds wouldn't that first of all be a long chase that ended with a possible 2 or 3 gens popped? Also wouldn't that defeat the heart beat tracker while in feral frenzy because it only works while you DW one person after another? I mean I guess you could then chase the last person you DW. Sorry I am really dumb.

    I just feel like at least while playing legion if I had to chase just one person I managed to DW while in Feral Frenzy for 60 to 90 seconds would almost be just as bad. I personally like legion and do well with him already. I like the way his ability works now because it makes them waste time mending and maybe it is my luck but I tend to get potaotes who then also waste time healing after the mend.

    I am not saying you are wrong at all but just saying that chasing someone that long could then cause people to complain gen times are to fast which many already complain about. Gen times with one person without a toolbox is 88 seconds so even at its lowest lets say 60 second chase waiting for DW to drop the survivor would be a problem still.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Well first the 60-90 was for more borrowed time considering it meant to a anti tunnel perk. legion or gunslingers deep wound procs those would be different times accordingly. The time can always be changed to fit what's reasonable. You could also end the chase earlier then those 90 seconds I just meant the survivor cant just run forever as they can now with the timer pausing as they run. They still would have to take the time to mend if you left them alone so it still would waste time as it does now. So overall it would still be a buff considering current deep wounds can last longer then 90 seconds if they keep running pausing the timer.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    It sounds pretty good but it would be weird to limit how different the DW effect works depending on the perk that got used. I would imagine people would get pissed saying why does DW work this way for BT but not that way for Feral Frenzy or for Deathslinger. That timer you mention would not be so bad for basic chases as Legion and Deathslinger. You run up slap them silly then as DW takes effect you can chase them and wait for them to flop on the ground. If this timer took effect as you got off the hook it wouldn't really stop tunneling because either way you know you would get them because if you didn't hit them twice the timer would. How would that help anti-tunneling if now the killer could chase you and the timer would just count down anyway and you wouldn't be allowed to mend? It would just provide the killer a new chance to guarantee a slugged survivor just by chasing the poor unhooked survivor by just chasing them and not allowing them to mend.

    I do think you are on to something though. You are coming up with a good idea and at least trying. =) Sorry if I am being dumb but just trying to provide ideas as to why people will poke holes in any idea. I personally think things work well as is.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Being oblivious with having OoO is like having a free wallhack in chases. It's gonna be a buff to mend tbh.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its dull and frustrating. But sure buff it more, especially with your legion avatar. Just suck all the fun out of the game even more for survivors.

  • Liljay09
    Liljay09 Member Posts: 19

    I agree we need a ######### buff

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    That wouldnt help legion much, Legion sucks cuz you have no power to down survivors, buffing deep wound doesnt change anything about this. Also my intention is not to buff a boring ass Killer. Its more about that Deep wound doesnt even fits with the actual concept anymore and is no threat at all, its not even really worth mentioning at perks like "borrow". It should be a "trade off" thats why this perk is even called literally "borrowed time". Because back in the days with the old deep wound it was actually just a "borrowed" extra hit for a short time. Right now its nothing like that and that sucks seeing that honestly. I thought more about the survivor side then to the Killer side here. Its just boring holding M1 like a braindead and paying any attention.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Legion gets a free hit. He only has to do half the work of other killers.

    Hes not the best but hes far from the worst killer.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    This is not true because even leatherface has a "power" in chase. He can punish mistakes and break pallets abit faster or even mindgame with a fake rev. Legion doenst have to do the half job because this Killer has nothing to Kill, just the M1.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    He gets a free hit with no counterplay and notifications of other survivors locations.

    He can have them holding m1 healing off gens all game or having them stay injured but be 1-hit all game.

    Hes really not weak

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    He gets a free hit with no counterplay

    Have you ever tried 360ing a legion? Or just running in a straight line against him when he gets his power so he cant hit you?

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    If you are talking different timers based on lvl of borrowed time is how it should work more time based on its lvl. With killers abilities again based on addons of rarity changes the time. As it should be.

    On the tunneling thing though if a killer decides that wasting a whole minute for a guaranteed drop is more worth then gen defense is a idiot. Because if I remember correctly it takes a minute and a half for one survivor to do a gen by themselves with no perks or toolboxes so that's almost a gens worth of time. Especially considering borrowed time would scale 60,75,90 secs accordingly to my suggestion. times can be changed. So max borrowed time could give you a gen worth of time. Stretch that out with let's say two hooks of time is 2-3 minutes per survivor so minimum it's a total of 8-12 minutes at peak efficiency, so if a survivor gets that much time and still not escaped they are just morons if the killer decides to wait it out instead of ending the chase. But I see where you are coming from though.

    Killers abilities just stay at 60 secs but addons can decrease it by a max of 15 seconds. So you would have 45 seconds in total with high level addons. Which killers can't keep addons so its fair.

    I mean you can make the case of slugging. but in current deep wounds they can still just do that now, just chase hit you down.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree... or jumping into a Locker right before the Legion hits. Just spread with your teammates and you counter the power completly.

    The "free" hit has alot of counterplay. And I dont know why you completly ignore the fact that Legion has literly no power to down survivors. Looping a M1 Killer is one of the easiest things in dbd.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Ye but you mend in like 10 sec. Its not that big of a deal.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Not sure if my post loaded or not but sorry for replying same info but.

    One different times is not a bad thing considering rarity of killer addons and lvl of the perk should effect times.

    Two if a killer decides to waste a whole minute for a guaranteed drop instead of gen defense is something I will say that. Also slugging is something that can happen now so not a real difference

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I mean if you look at my suggestion for changes it benefits both sides.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    Just going to throw this out there... 360s don't work against good killers.

    Legion is probably the one killer who gets more free first hits than anyone in the entire killer roster. (Aside from Nurse)

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    And what does those free hits do to you? Legion is no threat in terms to killing, you dont need to heal cuz you easily loop this Killer, regardless how good the Killer is.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Just so you and others know I am not trying to at all say you are wrong but just kind of play devils advocate. I genuinely think you are on to something but no idea is perfect the first time it is said. Keep at it and I am sure you will come up with something that everyone or at least a majority of people will like. =)

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I understand that it why I responded with rebuttals instead of attacks. It's why I see the changes I suggested to be the most fair to both sides. I gave examples and reasons to how it works both sides giving benefits and negatives. True balance will never exist I know that. But with every response you gave me which I appreciate instead of attacks. I explained in detail how the changes never truly outpaced the other side in op status. Maybe one side gets a slight benefit more but its slight not oppressive.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Maybe deep wound should drain a survivor’s overall bleed-out timer. If they don’t mend, they could die for good!

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    =) Keep up the good work and I think with more people like you on here these forums will be less scary. lol I am afraid to ever post anything because it either goes one of two ways. The typical you are wrong because I am right and you are just a moron reaction. Then the other reaction I see more than any other is just flat out name calling with no real response because everyone is tough online. lol I am glad you could carry a actual conversation. I hope you stay safe and enjoy your games.