no longer fun to play as survivor

Boba Member Posts: 10

This game used to be a lot of fun to play but now with the reduction of toolbox progression and the hatch being able to be closed by the Killer. Makes damn near impossible to survive. Especially with the killers seemingly to be overpowered over the survivors abilities. . Game no longer fun as you never have an opportunity to escape and it seems your best bet is to only try to heal and rescue other survivors from hooks. Not fun. Not really worth the time to even try to play or progress. . Dead by daylight team I would suggest Changing and nerfing some of the killers abilities and taking away the ability to close the hatch so that the game might be evenly squared-off between Survivor and killer and return the fun back to the game.


  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm hearing is oh no I gen rush the hell out of a killer or force them into an annoying Hatch standoff looks like survivors boring to play.

    ( also before this discussion gets brought up the action of gen rushing is not a bad thing it's the survivors' objective it's the speed at which it can be done which is a problem)

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I did not like the changes to the toolboxes, because I think they were extreme. A toolbox, even a purple one, is used up very quickly, to the point I stopped using them, trading them for medkits. But this change is minor in the match, overall. Not everyone used toolboxes and it was true that gens were getting fixed too quickly. But good killers would still kill you without the toolboxes changes and bad killers would still mess up anyway. As for the hatch closing, I prefer it to hatch standoffs.

  • Boba
    Boba Member Posts: 10

    Very true Oh, I'm used to playing sfw however lately have been playing solo and it just seems With The Changes being in a lobby with a bunch of random survivors who seem to want to hide in lockers and not necessarily contribute to the overall performance of our survival. Has made the game A Little Less Fun. ... Just my rants. Just need to hook back up with. Sfw

     Nickleye did take your advice and started playing as killer. And finding a little bit more enjoyment in killing some of these Survivor bastards, LOL.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Yeah but that is all survivors being bad, if they actually do what they are supposed to be doing and do it half decently survivors are near unstoppable.

    Those are just solo queue problems; they are also one of the reasons the game is so broken. Devs see those matches where the killer 4ks, and then gets bullied and no kills on a 4 man SWF and goes "Well that means killers are 2 kill average so the game is fair and balanced"

    The logic is just mind boggling.

  • Boba
    Boba Member Posts: 10

     Thanks, Papa such an enlightening comment. . Act as if you never got frustrated about anything playing the game, but whatever. Again, just my rants what the forum is for or am i wrong....if theres a ######### and rant section let me know and ill get out of the "i got gud a long time ago and now have a right to clown others" section of this forum

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Solo survivor isn't fun, but it already wasn't fun before the changes.

    The killer being able to close the hatch is one of the most necessary mechanics they've added to the game. Having a match last forever when it's down to one survivor was complete BS.

    The toolbox changes were overkill. They're useless now. It drives me nuts when this game bounces from one extreme to another. The same thing happened with Mettle of Man and Legion's Feral Frenzy ability. And when they nerfed Nurse's ability instead of just testing out nerfing her add-ons, first.

    That's my two cents. Solo survivor is mostly miserable, not because of the changes, but because teammates are random and often suck, or they're a three-man SWF who don't return your altruism. Killers will absolutely take advantage of the solo survivor whose teammates farm off the hook, meaning that in many of my matches once I get hooked once I might as well suicide because I'm never getting five steps from that hook again. I had a match against a Ghostface yesterday who didn't tunnel off the hook and actually made sure to "spread the love." We all died in the end, but I still had fun because at least I got to play.

  • Boba
    Boba Member Posts: 10

     very true comments Tragicsolitude.

    Really appreciate the insight from all on this post....even you ball licking "get gud" commenters😄

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I think there needs to be more incentive for survivors to interact with the killer.

    aggressive survivors that enjoy the high risk of being chased serve a purpose and so do survivors that prefer a low risk stealthy approach.

    I personally get extremely bored and like to get closer to the killer. I enjoy helping someone on a gen, finding the odd totem, saving and taking protection hits are my favourite. I’m not a Loop Master but I won’t learn any new tricks if I don’t risk dying. I like when a killer genuinely outplays me and then I get to try it out when I hop on as the killer and also improve on running around a certain area as survivor.

    I’ve been avoiding playing Killer a bit lately. I don’t care about going for sweaty 4k’s but there’s a lot of survivors out there that seem to enjoy doing gens and leaving in 5 minutes. I literally just open the door myself on those games. Goes both ways though.. it’s not exactly enjoyable for anyone if chases last for a few seconds and everyone is either hooked or slugged with 4-5 gens left to go. I tend to let people wiggle free and finish a meme game so everyone has a little more fun. Sometimes I get hate mail or a D/C before I can even show them I’m not going to kill them all. That’s always a punch in the heart lol.

    I had a SWF about a month ago that was so much fun though. I put on Thrill of the Hunt Franklin’s etc on Billy, they 99’d the gates and then went along with the shenanigans. I messaged them after to thank them for playing along and they said they were dying laughing in their group chat because of the setup I had going on. Long story short, I let them all get their items back and escape but I kept my precious totem.

    I love playing against Piglettes that don’t down me with a ticking trap on my head because I like to try and see how many saves, totems, or gens I can get done before I absolutely have to try and get the trap off. DBD could thrive with more things like that.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Personally, on the occasion where I torture myself by playing survivor, I dare not to bring an item as it will likely trigger the killer. I often have killers go off about bringing a map, or toolbox, or healers kit. They see one and go straight to a mori. So, if the wife asks me to play, I load up goof perks and ignore items. I wish there was an option to ignore items in the blood web.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I agree. So many killers on here complain nobody fares about their fun, but how often do you see killers camp and tunnel one person out of the game as fast as possible with no remorse? They couldn’t care less about anyone elses fun.

    not to mention most are extremely toxic in game and post game now. “Ez ez” and hitting on hook

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    I’m sure others have told you this, but this game is HEAVILY survivor favored. If you’re dying all the time, then that’s your fault 100%. It just takes time to learn the game, perhaps you just need more practice.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    You all have to be some seriously low rank survivors.

    also, keep in mind that rank reset is always a ######### show for at least the weekend it happens.

  • Boba
    Boba Member Posts: 10

     Trust me i know i need practice, my rank is 9 after reset, was ranked 6. Difficult to practice because there is no practice sessions on this game If you don't have teammates to create a private lobby.The people i generally play dbd with have all moved on to Modern Warfare. I've stuck with this game cuz I truly enjoy it. However Practice is difficult. The only practice you can get as a solo player is in the game. And 75% of my survival lies in three other people's hands. I wouldn't say it's a hundred percent. Me because I don't know any player that can go into a match and get five generators on their own and survive ....but yes I know...I have to "git gud" lol

  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Member Posts: 58

    I can agree with the title of this discussion, I too have become bored of playing survivor. Mostly because of how easy it has become. If you're on a team of survivors that do gens there's no counter for the killer. 4 survivors on 4 separate gens has no counter. Most games I do a couple of gens get an unhook, get chased once, then the match is over. Matches are over in less than 10 min. There needs to be more skill on the survivor's part. I feel like I'm playing on autopilot when there's a dozen safe pallets all around me and I just run to them and throw them down. The killer is forced to break them, then I run to the next one. I want a challenge, instead I feel like the devs are pandering to me when I play survivor. Not fun. Some of the newer maps are good. Hawkins, Saloon, these maps have short loops that require you to use the pallets with at least a little skill. You can't just throw the pallet and expect to be safe. I like that. I guess basically all the old maps need to be scrapped and redone. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Funny, when a baby killer comes and makes such a post, everybody shows empathy somehow. Nice double standards we have here :D

    Topic: No, the game is in a good state. Sure there are some things that have to be changed, but hatch is definitly fine (actually it got buffed compared to the past situation)

    About killers: Well, Deathslinger is a pain in the ass, and Nurse + Spirit are still way to strong, but thats about it, i would not nerf any other killer beside those.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    as a survivor? this game is no longer fun as the KILLER!.

    in fact it never really was with the gen rushes and constant looping and bullying the killer.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    The hatch should not even be a thing in my opinion. It causes people to stop trying to finish the gens. Particularly bad survivors often hide for the hatch when they think the killer is going to win nullifying strong chases another survivor may have during said trial.

    Toolboxes are not necessary to win in the slightest. Finishing a generator takes 80 seconds / 1 min 20s for one person without perks or items. That's nothing. A strong survivor can easily get chased for 80 seconds in one chase.

    The reason gens often take so long is because 99% of all survivors are bad at the game (especially the "post ruin change + rank reset change red rank survivors" who will even Sprint Burst away from a 90% generator if they see the killer coming) and hide in a corner while others get chased.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    I'm glad we have players like you in this community! 💗

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2020

    Hey look, another 'git gud ball licker' 😂 But in all seriousness, it's not ALWAYS your fault if you die. I've had several instances where I'm 90% on a gen and some potato runs up to 'help' and misses skill check after skill check and BAM the killer's right there and the gen is now 50% with me on a hook. Just one example but I dont feel the need to elaborate any further, you get my point

    Post edited by Dpooly on
  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Stupid comment. Even players who are "gud" can have frustrating matches. If anything, they whine even more because they believe it shouldn't happen to them.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Hold on. Let me get this straight. You want Deathslinger to be nerfed. You complain about the unplayable buggy mess that is the Nurse, and you dont even mention Freddy.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Ysee, its probably a response to what (SOME not all) surv players post whenever a killer complains about the stupid amount of second chance perks in the game. Which is "git gud". So for some, its like a taste of their own medicine.

    May I add, before you heathens assault me, that generally on these forums, the people I interact with are very pleasant (for the most part). And most of those people are surv mains.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Oddly enough, I'm kind of the opposite. I tend to play Survivor more seriously than Killer. I think because, as Killer, I feel I have more control over the situation and I'm decent enough at it that I get decent points even if I'm not stellar that particular game. At the very least, during Bloodhunt I tend to play Killer because I quickly get sick and tired of the super sweaty Killers that emerge.

    "What's the diagnosis, Doctor?"

    "Well, to me it looks like we have a severe need for electroshock therapy." (The Doctor laughs)

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Are you really complaining that theres looping in the game? Do you want survivors to just stop for you?

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264 impossible to survive?

    toolbox nerf was needed after the ruin nerf, and much easier than before...what you consider fun? escaping every game without sweating?

    my idea of fun is having some challenge otherwise, why play?

  • Xify
    Xify Member Posts: 35

    wait, ######### did I just read? ######### this i'm going to bed.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes that is correct, but i dont want him to be nerfed, i want him to be changed. Deathslinger is like old Legion. There was nothing you could do to stop him in chase, but he just got genrushed. This kind of killer is very unfun to play as and to verse.

    The "unplayable" nurse...? I am a pc player, you are apparently a console player. On my plattform, the nurse is still the best killer by far.

    Freddy is very strong and maybe his snares should be nerfed a bit or at least the cooldown of his teleportation idk. He is definitly not as much of a problem as Nurse or deathslinger.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Stopped reading at 'nerfing some of the killers abilities'

    I am all for difference of opinion, but you can't be serious with that. Survivors have DS, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Instant Heals, not to mention pallets, jungle gyms and infinite loops. This game has been and probably always will be balanced in the survivors favor. You need to seriously play as killer for a while and then tell me this thread makes sense. I've been rank 1 on both sides, so I am talking about things objectively before I get called 'killer main'

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited March 2020

    im not complaining that survivors are looping nor gen rushing, im complaining that the game was made in a way that they thought THAT was the summit of fun. rather than focusing on actually staying hidden, they have made a game thats over in 6 minutes and one guy running from one boring loop to the other.

    Pretty much what THIS guy said.