Is it just me or are high rank David’s the most toxic survivors

I made a post about a David complaining I wall hack on Tuesday and today a red rank David complained that I tunneled him when he was the last person I killed. So this got me thinking and I realized that I rarely get as much salt as I do then when I face red rank David’s.
I think it’s observation bias, I tend to think Claudettes are the most toxic, especially teabagging blendettes
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I guess but pretty much since I started playing again David’s seem more infuriating tho I also get being annoyed with master blendettes who run spine chill and are harder to see than wrath
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The most toxic survivors are the ones on after like 2 am usually.
They are usually the most toxic, treat killers like crap in post game chat, like the groups around that time are only playing to try and make killers disconnect rather than even playing the game really.
It's so bad that I have a rule, that late at night I only run ebony mori's if I am online at all. All survivors around that time are like 5000+ hours and most of them are toxic bullies so it's 100% the best way to play at that point.
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Dude, high rank dwights are the worse out of those 2.
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How could a dweet be toxic
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So one possible answer is their personal perks, David has DH so a lot of players see streamers using it and they MAY be toxic so they copy that
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It might honestly be your region because I usually have chill people after 12
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Could be but honestly I’d think Lauries would be worse then
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i feel like claudettes are the most toxic ones.
there are 2 types of claudettes: blendettes and toxic players. this is just based on my own experience.
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Yeah Dwights generally get my blood boiling as a killer, even at mid and lowr ranks. Claudette and her flashlights too 😬
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NA Region. I have NEVER gotten chill people at that hour, not even once. Every game has people with thousands of hours.
I did have one game where a mod was playing and they had like 6000+ hours but they were all running a for the people meme build and it was gonna be a fun game- but I got "rank update error" kicked from the game and a 5 minute leaver penalty for it lol.
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Shirtless Davids and blue hair Fangs are the most toxic
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You go in thinking awe nice survivor and then he’s tbagging you at every pallet.
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From a killer pov kate is the most toxic from a survivor pov steve and nancy
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Most Steve's I have played against are douches.
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How exactly is complaining toxic behavior? This community has to be comprised of the most sensitive people I’ve ever seen.
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Did you even finish the sentence before you posted the dude claimed I was wall hacking and was going to report me that’s pretty toxic
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How ironic