

what is the least fun killer to play against?

Member Posts: 945

i would add them all but im limited to 10 so i picked the least popular or hot topic ones

what is the least fun killer to play against? 140 votes

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  • Member Posts: 3,666

    I just hate going against him, especially with slowdown builds.

    I feel me and my teammates waste to much time waking up.

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    If I have a decent team then I don't mind going against any killer. But going against Hag without a good team is a nightmare, especially when going for hook saves.

    You have no idea how many times I've saved someone, only for them to immediately run, trigger a trap, and then be put right on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 344

    For me it's Oni. I can't really estimate his flick degree or the curves he can run on loops with his power active. Maybe this would be easier if i'd face a lot more oni's but i rarely see him atm.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Out of this list, most likely Freddy. I think he is too braindead and I highly dislike the way many Freddys are playing, by simply spamming Snares around a Loop, basically reverse-bloodlusting the Survivor. Also not happy with the Pallets, because while you can remember them when you are awake, you will eventually come to an area where there is obviously a fake Pallet (two Pallets next to each other), but you dont know which one is real and if any of them is real.

    This is because of his Sleep Mechanic, which I also dislike - even if you are waking up all the time, you will be put to sleep eventually or with a Hit. But both is necessary to give Freddy access to his Power, so while I dislike the mechanic, it is the most logical way to implement it, since you cannot have it one or the other, it has to be both ways.

    And, not forget that Freddy can ignore BT, this bothers me the most.

    Also, on the list:

    Plague-->But mainly because there is always that guy who cleanses every time. And also, it seems like almost all the time I decide to bring a Med Kit, I am vsing a Plague.

    Ghostface-->Since he does not work properly.

  • Member Posts: 1,284
    edited March 2020

    Dream Pallets are ridiculous. There is no reason for Freddy to have up to TEN CHANCES to instantly end a chase as long as a survivor is asleep.

    Omega slowdown builds are also extremely annoying, because it's almost like Old Ruin, stacked on full Dying Light, stacked on Thanatophobia. There's NO reason for an add-on that slows down the game such an exponential amount to be tied to a killer's power that activates automatically.

    He also has an unnecessarily long lunge, in my opinion.

    Post edited by thefallenloser on
  • Member Posts: 3,387

    I seem to be a Ghostface magnet. I'm sure I get more than my fair share of Ghostface matches, he always comes to me first and I'm never paying enough attention to avoid getting instadowned at the start of the match.

    If I last to the end of the match I am trying to find the exits while facing the outer wall just so that I don't accidentally "spot" him. Oh and of course no terror radius means that's he's probably watching this potato survivor hugging the wall trying to get out. And probably recording it to post on YouTube.

  • Member Posts: 16,662


    Freddys Lunge is the same as any other Killer. He just looks odd because he is so small and has not a big weapon.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    Interesting... Killers sure do all have the same lunge range for the most part. Missed this change somehow lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    The Plague, The Plague, The Plague holy frick the plague. The plague seemed cool at the time when she first released, she has a pretty cool weapon using the incense censer, new projectile attack is always cool, but in retrospect and with the benefit of hindsight she is arguably the most poorly designed killer.

    This is not to say she's super powerful, and it's not to say she's super weak either, it means exactly what I said, she's absolutely poorly designed.

    As a survivor you are put in a no win situation. The classic point is when it comes to the plague you have two choices: Cleanse or don't cleanse. NEITHER choice is a good option. You don't cleanse you're stuck broken the entire game, and stealth is that much harder because you're constantly coughing, throwing up, and leaving a green haze on objects you interact with like generators.

    If you do decide to cleanse you give plague access to what is singlehandedly the most powerful aggressive ability any killer has access to. Corrupt Purge: It's a projectile so it can reach up, down, left, right, over pallet loops, windows, etc. Because it's a stream of acid like fluid it is incredibly easy to hit because you don't have to aim just thrash your screen around. And on top of both of those facts it can hit multiple survivors, combined with a pretty short cooldown (even if you charge it completely) and you can just spam this one after the other.

    Not to ######### mention, she is the ONLY killer that basically nullifies an entire bloodpoint category. You are guaranteed to get less bloodpoints in the altruism category simply because you're never going to be healing your teammates, yourself with self care, etc. You're hardly going to be cleansing yourself because most smart survivors will pick the former option over the latter and even then the bloodpoint scoring event for cleansing is worth hardly anything. So even after all this ######### you have to put up with you're still going to be coming out on average with less bloodpoints than you would otherwise against any other killer.

    People hate Legion but at least you get bloodpoints from the constant healing and mending that you'll be doing in that match, it's very easy to max out the altruism category against a legion.

  • Member Posts: 474

    None of those, I find Wraith is generally used to be a toxic camper after getting a hook. Additionally, he's just boring to go against.

  • Member Posts: 687
    edited April 2020

    I would've said the Nightmare but chose Ghostface because his power is literally busted. You can stare right at him and he doesn't snap out.

    Post edited by Awkward_Fiend on
  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I just LOVE getting proxy-camped out by someone who can't take two minutes to think with their head rather than a trap! No no, I don't mind getting tunnelled off hook because you gave me an impossible situation between running and setting off your trap, or crouch walking so slow that you'll be back in time.

    Other than that, it's any killer who lrans on a base-kit instant down. Half the chase, but about 1/10th of the fun.

  • Member Posts: 288

    For me it's:

    1. Plague

    2. Cannibal

    3. Nightmare

    All of the other killers are fun to play against at times at least

  • Member Posts: 14,110


  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Oof. You hurt me so.

    I find Pig great to go against, but then again, I know exactly how to counter them. Kind of hard not to when you main that character, though.

  • Member Posts: 14,110
  • Member Posts: 1,138

    He is too weak and cant do nothing to me. I feel 100% safe.

  • Member Posts: 889

    If Spirit was here....

    I hate Spirit and Legion

    Both are super boring and uninteractive

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Plague, either the whole team has to loop, or the whole team has to sneak. Good luck getting solos to coordinate that info with only crouches, pointing and waving.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Ez Freddy so easy to play shutdown loops shuts down saves shuts down progress. Requires all four to play optimal and the first person in most games against all killers suicides on hook.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    I don't see Spirit on here. But I guess Legion comes in second

  • Member Posts: 99

    Out of this list, The Cannibal, but I really wanted to vote for The Hillbilly.

    Matches against either aren't fun, or enjoyable. Their Powers are spammed way too much.

    If The Legion and The Nurse have such intense cool downs for their Powers, why don't the Killers who have the actual ability to put a Survivor in the Dying state? It makes no sense.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    Clown is OP

  • Member Posts: 1,118

    Don't get me wrong, I love doctor rework they did and his new powers. I personally haven't played him much as a killer but I've played against him. The thing that irritates me the most every time is the the seemingly ridiculous amount of time it takes after getting shocked to interact with anything. It is by far, the most annoying and irritating thing if you are unable to reach the pallet in time to throw it down early or vault.

    People are hating on Freddy but honestly, he's not even that bad. I think people hate him because he is the ultimate killer in terms of stopping Gen rushers. Do you know how frustrating it is as a killer to be in a 15-20 second chase and 2-3 gens are done? Admittedly, I say this as someone who Mains Freddy pretty often. However my add-ons and perks I use don't mount up to slowing Gens down, but I easily could. And I've met other Freddy players who don't resort to the sluggish build that people speak of.

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    Lol my top 4 killers are most voted. Maybe that's why I have so many people bm me in post game chat LUL

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Freddy is just boring. Snare-lusting at pallets and basically anything to do with slowdown is a snoozefest.

    I guess Freddy does his job well of putting me to sleep because that’s what happens when I face him.

    Wake me up when the round is over. zzzzzzzz

  • Member Posts: 83

    Plague is probably one of the most annoying killers to play against.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Aids killer tbh.

  • Member Posts: 197

    Freddy is just obnoxious, he is Satan for solo queue players, since even one player refusing to do gens optimally absolutely destroys any chance of escape. Forever Freddy makes games incredibly boring, and most survivors I see against him DC out of frustration or boredom, even with the DC penalty. I like that Freddy isn't useless like he used to be, but now he is just outright obnoxious, just Clown that wastes your time like legion, the worst part of both of those killers

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Ghostface. His broken reveal mechanic just gives him easy free downs.

  • Member Posts: 41

    It's a tie between Nightmare and Ghostface, but honestly he pulls ahead just because he doesn't work properly. Intentionally breaking his stalk seems impossible, but you bet your ass you'll do that by accident when you're not even trying.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Nurse is the worst for me. The only times I see her any more is players who are super good at her, who proceed to rip me and my team to shreds, and it's really hard to feel like I can do anything when they're able to ignore most terrain, lol

  • Member Posts: 392

    100% of the times will facecamp. I will rather wait 5 minutes in lobby than play through that.

  • Member Posts: 48

    Pig and Legion

    Pig because who has time for 4 boxes for every single RBT

  • Member Posts: 32

    You basically have to crouch walk everywhere if you don't have a flashlight and she can teleport, I hate her.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I am surprised so many people dislike the Hag...

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Spirit. She isn't fun to play as or play against.

  • Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2020

    I'd say my answer is pretty self-explanatory. He's really easy to win against, just heccin' annoying, with a small amount of counter-play.

  • Member Posts: 550

    Freddy is balanced and unfun. You could go up against the clown who's boring as ######### and still win since he's a low tier killer. But Freddy? You'll have a stupid boring experience and die in the end, since he's a high tier killer even though he takes next to no skill. And when he has pop, thana, sloppy butcher, and dying light plus double rope addonns? I want to delete my game.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Hey, I think he's pretty fun to play as AND against. Lol.

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