Best Girl
Julie(The Legion)
Where is vommy mommy?
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Oh #########! One moment
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Welp, i cant figure out how to edit a poll... and i dont really want to make it again... so if your a emetophiliaiac, i'm sorry
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Sally(The Nurse)
Best? If you mean strongest, it is of course Sally aka Nurse, she is a godess and not just a regular killer.
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Anna(The Huntress)
My murderous psychopath is better than your murderous psychopath!
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Anna(The Huntress)
Ah i see another man of culture as well
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Anna(The Huntress)
Yes. I am a connoisseur of those with murderous intent.
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Amanda(The Pig)
The second best girl would be the Demogorgon.
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Anna(The Huntress)
How could the one woman army who raised herself alone in an inhospitable wilderness and now yeets death at people not be best girl?
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Anna(The Huntress)
Tall girl always equals best girl
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Evan(The Trap)
Vommy mommy protection squad has officially directed their support to the bestest girl of them all, Trappy
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Anna(The Huntress)
Damn I saw The Trap too late xD
But Huntress... her lullaby is just so calming