Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

any survivor who use DS can be moried by the killer

notsonew Member Posts: 269

whenever i eat a DS i simply want you to die even more and NOW i want to tunnel you, DS is so overpowered and honnestly, we killer don'T want to slug all the time because we found the same survivor again so if they use DS on us, we can mori them when we get them, i wonder how many survivors will run DS after this, problem solved.



  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Facts. I feel the anti tunnelling effect of the perk is nothing. DS is still OP, but its less frustrating than old DS, so its a step in the right direction. I would rework it quite simply. DS increases your wiggle speed, thats it. Done, simple as that

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    With no other changes that doesn't really change a lot, because people could just exclusively use DS after their second hook/struggle phase. At that point the only thing they lose out on by being a mori target is any potential flashlight/pallet/head on/sabo saves that might've happened if the killer had to take them to a hook.

    This would also result in more people just happening to have it at endgame where it's the most powerful, even the people that go out of their way to use it on the killer as soon as possible will keep it until endgame as a result of this.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    you are right but i'D rather have 2 hooks so more points and waste less time during mid/early game

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    That's fair, and I honestly agree there. I just know some people would be way more angry about losing more kills at endgame to DS than now than they'd be happy about getting more hooks and points earlier in the game.

    Guess it comes down to a player's goals. Pips/points vs raw kills.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    every killer ability and half the killer perks/addons need negatives, so perks like DS and adrenaline need one too~

    I more feel negatives should be removed rather than spread, but i mean, it needs to be more even. especially considering its an asymmetrical game where the 1 has more penalties than the 4...

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I had a game today, in which someone was pulled off hook, I injured a second survivor, and downed a fully healthy survivor and hooked them.

    When I re-found a the first survivor who was unhooked, I downed him quickly as he was just self-caring on the tractor. He gave me the D... I caught up to him and downed him. I hooked him, before I was even 24 meters away, he was unhooked, so I downed him and hooked him again.

    He called me a tunneler in end game chat, which sure I did... But if you punish me for tunneling, when I was not tunneling, you bet I am going to tunnel the crap outta you.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    to me a win is 4K, but still having lots of points matters too, but id' rather have lots of points and 2 kills than 4 escapes and no points because of 1-2 early DS

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    nice bait lol

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    DS on its own makes sense. The problem is that survivors know they can abuse is so they intentionally run at the killer after being unhooked. I'd prefer if the game could measure if you spent more time running away from the killer after the unhook or more time running towards the killer while in their terror radius after the unhook. If it's the former, then DS should work as intended. If it's the latter, then after you get off the killer's shoulder, he automatically swings behind his back and smacks you straight into the ground.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    easy fix: getting into a locker removes the remaining timer, or being grabbed out of a locker doesn't allow the perk to trigger.

    Thats the biggest point of exploitation imo. Even respecting it and giving up is time that you're ignoring another chase that could have happened. Or better yet, give the killer a timer that tells how long is left. why not? survivors get it for every Exposed timer....

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Thats a bit of a one sided outlook at it. Think of it this way:

    DS is a perk that you need to respect, regardless of whether the player has it or not. There is no indication until you get hit by it.

    Sound familiar? NOED follows a similar rule. except you can do 5 totems and make it not exist, or better yet, do a few of them then camp the others as the last gen pops and do them if they light up to remove it instantly. Either way, it can be removed entirely rather than just played around.

    On top of that, up to 4 survivors can have DS. Its definitely better and more respectable than it used to be, but its still less surmountable by comparison, especially in situations where it can be forced, AND with no ingame information/timer.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    So, you want a free mori one because I use the anti-tunnelling perk as intended?

    A lot of survivors these days have taken to using it since more killers have been tunnelling after the Ruin rework. If they all stopped, then the number of DS users will fade naturally.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited March 2020

    If DS didn't exist you would still be slugging. You can easily go perkless as survivor and the opportunity to be a "tunneler" and a "slugger" is still there for a killer. DS is not strictly an anti tunnel perk and has never been.

    If we're gonna be honest about one perk being too "strong" let's also be honest about a built in mechanic that is constantly abused.

    I only mention it because you brought it up in the same topic. I'll agree with DS changes when the unlimited slugging stops too.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Down and hook someone in the EGC, especially anywhere within half the map of an exit. If there is BT they'll get away for free anyway, but even if not, you have to respect DS. If not, they get away for free anyway too.

    If you jump in a locker, the killer can't even slug you. they are FORCED to grab you and eat the DS. Unless they sit in front of the locker for a minute and then boop you when you eventually get out (or it wears out, which they have to time mentally anyway). either way, they gave up anything they could have elsewise gotten JUST to secure the kill.

    Its bad design. Overall its not bad, but its HIGHLY exploitable in situations that have a very high frequency of occurring, which makes it bad unless there is some type of failsafe that prevents exploitation. They removed the BT bonus on the unhooker because people exploited the hell out of it, and this is an example of people giving evidence why a similar change would be beneficial to the health of the game.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    There is actually a perk that does increase your wiggle speed. It is a Kate Denson perk (Boil Over) and it is widely considered one of the most useless perks. I love Kate's abilities and even I do not use that one. Even when fully upgraded to a T3 purple you almost always end up on another hook. And that is on a regular down when the Killer has to actually look around for a hook. When you have a camp/tunnel Killer DS is literally the sole perk that lets you get away from him.

    No matter how fast the struggle meter fills it will never be fast enough to stop a Killer from hooking you three meters from a hook.

    For people who argue that you can offer up an offering to make the hooks further apart, the difference is literally a few meters. Last I checked I think that added three meters? It still helps far less than you would actually think. And again that does not matter when it comes to a tunneling Killer.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    BT and DS are exploitable, huh?? How about tunnelling and slugging?

    Don't punish people because a few cheat the system.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    if you have DS, and are "getting tunneled," hop in a locker. I'm serious. The killer will have to wait it out or eat your DS. Either way, you're hurting them MASSIVELY.

    Same with borrowed time. If you get hooked in the EGC, and someone saves you with BT, you can body block for them because them mend is pointless, so its a free health state where the killer gets their weapon wipe stun while you get a speed boost. Pair it with DS and they cant even pick you up while you crawl to the exit, unless it takes over a minute from when you got unhooked. Its exploitable AF.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Most of the time I get tunnelled, it's nowhere near a locker, or I'm left on the ground as they run after the other guy.

    If you also try the risky unhook with BT, I'm sorry, but I owe you nothing.

    I would also propose that slugging the 3rd person for a guaranteed 4k is on the same level as DS/BT in EGC and is therefore fair game while killers continue to abuse this particular mechanic.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2020

    It should deactivate if someone else is hooked or if you touch a gen.

    Like why on earth if someone on hook hops on the gen like right beside that hook, and run to a locker nearby if I come back near them forcing me to basically either eat a 5 second stun or actively let them go back to work on that gen is considered fair- is beyond me.

    Survivors should never have that level of immunity.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    its not though, unless they make it so the hatch doesnt spawn (or at least isn't visible to survivors) until they are the last survivor alive. The hatch is a busted mechanic that has been a balancing point of contention for ages, for that exact reason: it will always favor one side or the other. Killers slugging for the 4k is them not knowingly putting themselves at a disadvantage, since the hatch isn't a surefire victory. When i am survivor and it comes down to the hatch, i just wait at an exit gate for the killer to find the hatch, then i start opening the gate the second it pops. 9/10, i get away for it (depending on proximity.) Its a surprisingly safe bet, when i legitimately "lost" based on finding the hatch as a "win condition" on top of all the other win conditions I would have lost to get to that point. Its just bad design.

    Also if you just got unhooked, there is a VERY strong chance there is a locker nearby. You might not see it, but most hooks have at least 1 hook within walking distance, barring some in places like the middle of a cornfield. Seriously, keep an eye out, they are EVERYWHERE.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I don't agree with that latter part. Slugging for a 4K is basically the only thing you can do; generally if you don't you are effectively giving them a hatch unless you know exactly where it is already and know you can make it there from a deathhook in time. The game is balanced around those existing as an option with base kit; DS and BT the game is balanced around those being an OPTION- one that happens to be so strong that everyone runs them.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    while I agree that it needs a nerf, this is not the way it should be. instead of punishing cocky DS users, we should try and prevent them. make it so that if

    1. they start working on generators, totems, hooks, unhooks, or chests the perk deactivates as to prevent the 60 seconds of essentially immunity
    2. the killer hooks somebody else while you are not on the ground the perk deactivates so that it actually becomes an anti tunnel perk.

    however, we should also add that the perk timer will not go down while you are down so that slugging is no longer necessary

    this will help make DS a fair perk without gutting it like ruin

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    It’s NOT OVERPOWERED! It has a one time use and ITS TO PREVENT YOU FROM PREVENTING ME FROM PLAYING THE DAMN GAME. Rather in fact I think it needs a buff. It needs to be EVERY time you get off the hook. It’s there to protect people from getting tunneled and you don’t deserve some of the hits you get off on survivors anyways. Why would anyone want to play a game where as soon as they’re found you just get to do what you want with them without hassle? Nah, I’d want a refund. It’s not all about you man. Killers need a nerf or survivor perks need to stop getting nerfed. The DS perk needs a bit more help tbh to justify taking up a perk slot. If you hook me that doesn’t mean you should be able to rehook me without me defending myself . Sorry bro. It’s just fair to everyone else. Selfish person you are.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    This game is full of So many whiny people 😂 killer players have plenty of fun, just learn and adapt. But yeah I’m gonna stand by the fact that DS needs a longer stun duration. It doesn’t cover the 7 seconds of track marks so killers are just gonna come after you again. It only has a one time use. And the skill check is super small. It’s not really a fair enough perk for its purpose.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Maybe you played fair and it was not fair to DS you, but in general killers like to tunnel to death survivors, so DS is ok. Endure.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    I think they should just get rid of Mori.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Boil Over doesn't actually increase wiggle speed or else it would be a meta perk. It makes the killer sway to the side a certain percentage more than usual which is what's essentially useless.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Oh, yes! You're right! Thank you for the correction! 😅 It has been awhile since I have looked at that perk.

    I still do not think that converting DS into a true wiggle speed (as opposed to wiggle resistance, silly me) perk would be a viable solution.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I think that it's a fair trade-off as both DS/BT prevent the other side from doing their ojective. And yes, in this case the hatch is the survivor's objective.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    not even going to argue. Just going to suggest, play killer more. I'm a survivor main, yet I'm probably one of the more sympathetic to killers on the boards because of how much stress and imbalance they have to deal with. Thats one of the reasons i dont bother with the role, aside from the accessibility.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited March 2020

    Hatch isn't an objective, its a participation trophy that gives an extra 5k bloodpoints.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    I do play killer more. As soon as I got to level 40 I saw 3 back to back ebony Mori’s and who knows how many more when I keep leveling. It’s kinda ridiculous they call those “ultra rare” when it should be more like “common”

    I main plague. But I have no problem getting 3-4K a game. I also have Astro A50s and a 50 inch 4K TV with a 4K Xbox. So... you’re not really hiding and not injured unless you have IW.

    look all I’m saying is, I don’t think Ebony Mori’s should be in the game as they don’t allow people to keep playing. I think with how easy it is to get someone hooked once why should you be able to kill them after that? The game is handing you different ways To either sneak up on survivors or find them using aura perks. I just don’t think it’s fair. There’s nothing that gives survivors the ability to make up for that death is there? Can they insta repair a gen to make up for that? No they can’t. I’m telling you it’s not as stressful as you think, some killers are really built for gen control. Those first 3 gens will fly but once they get down to the last 1-2 gens on me it can be rather difficult for survivors to get it undetected. Killers get off unfair hits all the time from lag, vaulting, lunging. I think they give killers too much. I’ve played both sides. But there are so many games where I see teammates getting laid out and idk what you guys really should be complaining about playing killer... only complaints I see are ones that are just so situational that nerfing them would only make it useless. Yet killers wanna have all their stuff go untouched? Okay.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It is a means to escape. My "objective' as a survivor is techincally to escape the trial.l

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    if you're playing on X1, its understandable. TBH the game is pretty wildly different in playerbase on console vs pc, let alone between regions. For everything you mention about stuff like "unfair hits", false positives happen a lot as well, which ive specifically been able to take advantage of as survivor where the killer thought he hit me and also seen while window hitting someone and having them mysteriously run from the window unscathed. thats dedicated servers, and it punishes anyone who isnt acting like 5 seconds ahead of what they see sadly because 200ms is a-ok.

    Also literally nobody LIKES ebony moris, they're yet another bandaid fix to how absurdly fast gens can potentially go. I hate using them and i hate being killed by them. But i also hate games being over in less than 5 minutes.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    and the "objective" of the killer is to kill. Are we ok with the killer slugging everyone and letting them bleed out so nobody can theoretically get the hatch?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    This, in my eyes just turns DS into a tunnel perk, get DSd as fast as possible so you can mori someone out of the game ASAP, lol.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    this isn't tunneling and you shouldn't be punished for such plays

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    this isn't tunneling and you shouldn't be punished for such plays

  • Xify
    Xify Member Posts: 35

    You 100% a rank 20 killer

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Boil over does not increase wiggling speed, it just increases the side to side movement of a killer while they carrying a wiggling survivor. It also blocks hook auras

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    I find DS pretty useless. I only seem to get tunneled if I don't have the perk. Same thing with unbreakable, I only get slugged without it.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited March 2020

    And now survivor who does NOT use DS but the killer insist of tunnel Mori him - can now Mori the killer instead, making him depip while all the survivors pip