Preliminary Feedback on my perks/add ons guide


This isn't done. This is the start. I just wanted to know what you guys might think about it so far... the feedback and the setup of this?

I posted a feeler thread in one of the feedback forums a couple days ago. This is what I've come up with so far. This is how it will look when its done, but I'm not even close yet.

**The Dead by Daylight Perks and Addons Statement
**The idea of this entire thing is to be conservative in every aspect with respect to both sides and respect to logic. Common sense and logic will go the farthest in this whole list and explaination of perks and addons.

Also, please remember that past history of how the game HAS BEEN will influence any changes I think that are fit. I also will NOT change anything if I believe it doesn't NEED it. The conservative approach really is best here, as what BEHAVIOUR has currently as of 6/1/18 is obviously what they want in the game, or what they see the game as.

We'll start with perks first. The perks in this game are just awesome. They are unique from any other game in my opinion and really make this game intense, passionate and amazing. The artwork also is very very cool on the perks as well. I'll be grouping all survivor perks together first as they were released, then the killer perks and then add ons. I will take into consideration what the perk is, what it does, how it is used and what other perks might combine with other perks for a benefactor. I will also not use SWF as a tool in this, and assume people are running SWF together and are using "certain perks". This is objective.

Also, the idea of this is to switch it up some. As a killer main... I see the same 5-8 perks ALL THE TIME. Which means other perks aren't as good as the best ones... so this is also to conservatively create a varied chance that people will use other stuff than what is the meta or "best perks". Here we go.**

_Source for info - IN GAME MENUS and

**Survivor Perks
Format - I'll describe the perks and what they do. The 3 numbers are tiers as each perk has usually 3 tiers. Underneathe the factual definition, I'll explain what I think in italics. Easy.

Dwight's Perk Set

Bond - Lets you see other survivor's auras within 12/24/36 meter ranges.
(This perk doesn't need changed. It works perfectly as it is. Helps you know where people are in X range.)
Prove Thyself - X number of survivors within an 8 meter range give a bonus in speed to repair, healing and sabotage. 1 survivor in this 8 meter range gives 1/2/3% bonus. 2 survivors in this range give a 2/4/6% increase and if all the survivors are within 8 meters (3), get an 3/6/9% speed increase.
_(This perk needs buffed for sure. Even at its very best with all 3 survivors around you, and tier 3... you're only going to get 9%. Leader III does this already for anyone to you. The chance that people will stay and be this close constantly is very low. This perk isn't worth equipping ever. They need to increase the range to 16 meters, and bump it up across the board by 3%. So at tier III it would be 6/9/12%. Even then it is borderline worth it. With the doubled range, and assuming you'll have maybe 1 or 2 survivors that close to you consistently... you'll be getting the 6% to 9%. Which is a reverse Leader III perk. If this perk isn't buffed... it is almost worthless compared to other perks.)

Leader - Other survivors within 8 meter range get 3/6/9% repair, healing and sabotage speed bonus.
(This perk fine as it is. It is the opposite of Prove Thyself, but better as you only need 1 other person with you to give them a 9% speed buff at tier III. I personally would increase it to 4/7/10%. So a very slight buff or nothing at all would be just fine. With Prove Thyself you have to be with 2 other people for just YOU to get the 6%. With Leader III being with just 1 person gives them a 9%. Leader III is the superior perk in every way.)

Meg's Perk Set

Quick n' Quiet - When you're running and you quick vault or hide in a locker you do not make an explosion. The range is reduced by 100% (silent). This perk can be used every 30/25/20 seconds.
(This perk is perfect as it is. It lets you quick vault without an explosion (killer being notified) and lets you hide in a locker very quickly. The cooldown is great. Very balanced.

Sprint Burst - When you start to run, you'll get a speed boost of 150% for 3 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
(One of the strongest perks in the game, but I think it is completely fine the way it is. I don't see a need to change it at all. It gives the survivors a chance to escape an area consistently.)

Adrenaline - When the last generator is powered you heal 1 health state (dying to injured, injured to healthy) and get spring burst for 5 seconds. It ignored exhaustion. Even if you are healthy you get a 5 second sprint burst even. If you are being held up, or hooked, it activates once you get unhooked or get off killer's shoulder.
(This is a very powerful perk, however if the last gen never gets done, this perk does nothing. I think it is fine the way it is. The strongest part of this perk is when you get unhooked and it hadn't triggered yet, it still happens. Maybe take that away? But I think its fine as it is.)

This is what I have so far... so you'll get the idea of how it will look and sound overall.



  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    As you can see, some of the formatting was messed up for some reason....