I've played the game for 5 months now after not knowing much about it. Ask me anything

I'm a killer main with survivor on the side. Rank 7 for Killer and Rank 12 for survivor
Not trying to be rude but 5 month isn't too much in this game xD
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How do you feel about the dev's balance choices?
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OP is probably aware of that; I don't think they were pretending to be a veteran player, just explaining their situation so others understand where they're coming from in their answers.
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I feel like there giving more stuff to work around the killer than vice versa. Me playing in a SWF group a few times has taught me a few times how much they get to communicate vs being a solo. Killers are (in my opinion) getting the boot more and more with no changes to some of the meta perks the survivors get. With killers it's more open ended and you have to experiment with the killer and his power but survivors just chose a character and get the perks they need and there good. I just hope the killers get a buff sooner than later
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No where near veteran status. I do give appreciation to those who are veteran players being from the beginning because this game wouldn't have been big back then and it might have been fun as well (haven't seen any gameplay from launch until the saw update trailer)
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And I almost forgot to add the stupidity of power the doc gets now. With the iridescent add-ons there op but I haven't come up against them yet but I have got them in my inventory but dont wanna use it yet cause i don't wanna be that player that's spams op stuff.
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Well, I personally thought it was fun back then, but I can't speak for anyone else. Presumably, if they're still playing, they also enjoyed the game when they first started. But I also think having posts like this is great, because the whole point is that you don't have that kind of background and so you might see the game, the patches, the patterns in changes differently from how I would see them, and so bring some unique insights to the table.
On-topic, my brother is also a killer main who has been playing for about as long as you have. He has different ideas about the game and the balance from those I typically see from killer mains on the forums, and I'm trying to figure out why that is. So my question for you is, what is your general attitude to the matches you play? What expectations do you have going in, and how do you react if you lose, especially if the loss felt unfair (bad matchmaking, RNG, etc.)?
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Interesting you had it back then. Anyways the answer to your question is I have a chill attitude for the first match of the day cause I can get easy games with the lower ranks or get completely smashed with red ranks in my lobby even though i'm in purple (what's up with that?). After my first match I get a feel of what i'm coming up against. I normally think that im gonna get at least two killers before the others escape but the times I have been completely smashed I normally look at perks first to see why different things happened in that match with those players to find a solution either by myself or surfing the forums. And if I do lose to RNG, bad matchmaking I either report issues I have with it to the support team or completely lash out and quit for the day. Hope that answers your question :)
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what are your thoughts on the new killer The Deathslinger?
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It does somewhat, so thank you. My current theory is that it's largely a matter of attitude and possibly also background. My brother is super tilt-proof and he's also a game designer who enjoys games like Hearthstone (hugely RNG-based) and Dark Souls (notoriously unforgiving), so he's good at analysing things objectively and not getting too worked up over a single loss.
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Why did the dinosaurs die out?
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Awesome and he looks fun to play. Im saving my iridescent shards to get him. For thoughts he's gameplay he reminds me of basically any shooter on the planet. I just don't know when he's coming out.
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idk why?
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Dinosaurs never actually existed. It's a gov't fabrication.
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And to add he's perks don't seem good except for his hex: retribution which will be decent and might be funny to use against low leveled survivors.
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bruh LMAO
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Do you main a specific killer or play multiple killers?
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Oh, game designer. I'm interested in seeing his work but is probably busy with something else. Adding onto the answer I gave I also look at ranks and what that specific rank comes with what specific perks. If im in purple i'm normally with purples (and the reds that are in my game for some weird reason) so I find what perks are normally used in that rank so I can prepare myself early (unless the dudes farming everything then I overthink lol)
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I mainly play doc but I have the tendency to switch to wraith. I think doc is just op right now and wraith being underrated and not getting the love he deserves. I also used to play hag when i didn't have ruin as a teachable and nurse who for some reason is a on/off killer for me. I get a 3k one game and I miss blinks and don't get killers the next. Once gunslinger comes out though im gonna play him for a bit
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And to add a bit more my favorite to play atm is wraith and the one I'm spending my blood points on billy to get tinkerer and enduring.
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Doc will get a slight buff with his madness not degrading. Tinkerer is ok. Surveillance is fun on Billy and Wraith especially Pop goes the weasel. Keep an eye on the shrine for them.
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When is the game going to be fixed?
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When starting the game, what was the most difficult thing to go against or play against on both sides?(hardest killer,most difficult map, etc)
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Being a Soulsborne vet myself, I'd love to see your brother's ideas. I think us being tilt proof (for the most part) stems from enjoying a fair challenge. I only get angry at this game when something is blatantly unfair or badly designed.
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His ideas for DBD, you mean, or game design in general?
And I do agree with you, I think that for him it's a matter of enjoying a good challenge and being able to keep things in perspective. That's why he plays Nurse, and it's why he doesn't mind bad matchmaking, because he thinks of being matched with high-ranked opponents as an opportunity for self-improvement. Playing against more skilled opponents helps you get better faster. And even if the game doesn't go well, or it wasn't fun, he just goes "oh well, it was ten minutes, not a big deal".
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We must wait for the dinosaurs' lore. ;)
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Everything was new when I started so I had trouble knowing anything. The only real thing I knew was that bond was (and still is) a great beginner perk so I was a baby Dwight. The hardest killer to go against would've had to be Micheal since I didn't know he could stalk you then instantly down you lol, hardest to play had to be billy (you can imagine the amount of of times I bumped into objects lol). I cant say hardest map cause I wouldn't of been able to make a choice back then with the maps being great with some killers and trash with others.
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After playing for 5 months: how often do you tend to face a team that is supposedly "above your skill" (I.E. people in higher ranks)
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Oh my goodness, it's SpaceCoconut. Will he notice me?!
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This isnt Reddit
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How often did you play or vsed nurse?
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Very often now. With rank reset I'm now rank 13 with survivor and get games with purple and red killers but its the opposite for killer, I keep getting the low ranks
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Stupid. The gunslinger update didn't really change any of the meta perks and games can still fly bye even with the toolbox change (did they even change that BTW). Killers still a pain to play with and the only viable killer I really can play now is doc
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OK... I LOVE nurses gameplay and I really don't vs her often, playing her is another story. I often have a go at her every 2 weeks and she can be great and satisfying to play. Don't often get 4k's with her but when you do its so good. P.S. Have not used noed + Blood warden + insidious yet but I wanna lol
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Who is the strongest killer in the game?
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Oni, hes so easy to play and hes perks being half decent can help out in play. And don't forget blood fury... just... don't
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**Notices menacingly**
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What do you like to do while you're being facecamped?
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5 months is one thing but how many actual hours played? Someone could have 50 hours in 5 months someone could have 500? Just curious as i'm someone who just got into the game about 3 months ago and I have 178 hours played. (according to steam)
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i have a question for you.
Why should i ask you anything?
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When did the game stop being scary?
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I asked my question but I’m honestly just here for the back and forth between Coconut and Ley. 😂
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Put on this tune and watch my team try to save me as I die on hook. Rarely happens but it makes a stupid situation into a laughable meme
The tune in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epb5HCZNBZQ
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After my 3rd match. I mostly then knew what I had to do and the killer I was facing the most was Micheal
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tbh I don't know. I should have pointed out that I'm on PlayStation and they don't really share that info for some reason. If there was a way I would have been able to tell you actual numbers but I would have to assume 40-50 Hours. If you do know a place where I can get info like that let me know :)
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What is the meaning of life?