Any doctor mains here?

Huntress' Lullaby is a great perk on Doctor in my experience, especially at low ranks. It also synergises well with Overcharge.
Unnerving Presence is also a good low- to mid-rank perk on Doctor, especially when combined with Distressing (which is good at all ranks), since his passive madness effect is tied to his terror radius.
I've also seen people use Iron Maiden to great effect on Doctor (I haven't personally because I don't own the perk). This works particularly well at higher ranks where survivors are more likely to hide in lockers to avoid increasing in madness.
An interesting tip for Doctor that a friend who used to main him gave me is don't use your shock power right at the start of the game. You can find survivors working on generators in the early game without it, and it's much more useful for revealing survivors' locations (because it's so easy to go from tier 0 to tier 1 madness once in his terror radius) later on in the match.
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I have only one problem with huntress' lullaby, get cleansed before even 1 token TT
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Can happen with hex perks, yes. Whether you want to accept the risk and try it anyway is a matter of personal preference, and I won't blame you if you'd rather stick to more "reliable" perks. I've used it to great effect on Doctor in the past, though.
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Impossible skillcheck doctor is amazing unnerving plus distressing plus hex run or huntress lullaby and lastly you can go with overcharge or pop.
Its what i used to climb. (I dont main him but i dabble).
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I'm rank 8 currently, and my build is BBQ, Unnerving Presence, Distressing and Overcharge, but I keep struggling. But usually I go against rank 1 - 5 survivors, so maybe this build is not enough for them, or it's my lack of skill...
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I was doctor main before spirit and legion came out. I recommand a aggresive doctor build including BBQ, Brutal Streangh, Pop goes the genrush and Corrupt Inervension or Sloppy Butcher or Ruin, its your choice in the end.
BBQ: A great snowball and tracking perk, by putting survivors into madness 3 they cant heal and have to snap out, so you have a high chance by finding survivors with BBQ that are injured and that can mean free kills and hooks for you.
Brutal Streangh: By far on of the best perks on him and REALLY underrated. If you know how to fake shock, or force survivors to early drop pallets, you can get some free kills with this perk by 20% faster destruction, you get less punished for early dropps aswell because of your shocks.
Pop goes the genrush: I preffer pop more then ruin, it is more consistend and allows you to control some gens on specefic areas, if you keep returning to a gen that is almost done and you always pop it down, the survivors are forced to leave the area, with your shocks and madness you can control areas even easier.
Corrupt Interventsion: You force survivors to come to your direction at the start of the game, faster early madness build up, that gets things even faster started for you, thats really nice and usefull.
Sloppy Butcher: You only attacke with your main M1, so sloppy will always apply the effect of mangled for slower healing, that gives you more time in the game since the survivors always heal against a doctor.
Ruin: Still a good gen slow perk but for my experience the totem anyway is active for 10 sec before it gets found so yeah... I preffer pop but still ruin is not bad if you preffer it :D
Edit: This build works well on high ranks, and is the best build, 3 gen doc will not work well at high ranks unless you are lucky and get bad survivors.
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Its really doc not saying your bad i see how you feel i played doc at rank 7 before reset (working my way back with wraith rn) its really doc himself against a good team even with impossible skillcheck build they can land ds on command your skillchecks basically dont mean crap. Doc himself is getting a rework or something for that reason hes really not that good. I still make survivors my ######### on the game though.
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See I disagree with that even at high ranks I've noticed the skill check doc tears them up at least on the small maps bigger ones your probably right
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I would gladly.. the only problem is I don't have ruin and pop at the moment lol (didn't buy them)
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Forget the addons, think it was green power extension and calm? But I don't really play Doc these days, that was my build from like 2 years ago. It always did really well, but at the end of the day Doc sucks. He usually devolves into an M1 killer who can only use his power at unsafe pallets. Rarely can you time a shock to stop a vault/drop
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Well we agree on one thing ruin is a garbage perk lol. But it's not strongee than impossible skill check. I play at red ranks as a killer main and besides body blocker hag, impossible doc is my second favorite counter to SWF there's almost always at LEAST one survivor you can exploit with the build which hurts the entire team
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Unnerving is not worth it on this build (or in general sadly). Making healing horribly slow is more than enough. I'd rather run Hex: Ruin so I at least get some time to injure survivors before 7 gens power up in under a minute. Or even gamble on Hex; Huntress Lullaby if I feel lucky.
Then I like to use Restraint add-ons for tracking purpose and play hit & run style. I've got decent results in red ranks with this anti-heal build. As in: I've moslty black piped instead of moslty depiped wich is pretty good for Doctor.
The thing with anti-heal Doc and Restraint add-ons is that if you can tip the game over the edge in your favor you are very likely to double pip. Slugging and finding the last survivor is a breeze with illusions doing the tracking for you. But don't expect it to happen often in red ranks. Doc is still a basic attack killer with no mobility and a lot of your succes is determined by the map you get and how much time Ruin can buy.
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(a) Because they have very different functions - the only way in which they are the "exact same" is that they are both hex perks which rely on tokens.
(b) Because Huntress Lullaby has more immediate effects, and does a better job at slowing the game down and helping the killer track survivors.
(c) Because Devour Hope is a DLC perk that not everyone has access to.
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Might as well run Thanatophobia rather than Unnerving
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Don't go into treatment mode right away imo, it can waste valuable information that can be used later in the game since madness 1 is the only time that you're usually going to make people tier up with just your static field alone. As far as ideal build, I'd probably say Ruin, BBQ, Haunted Grounds, and Whispers/Infectious Fright. This gives Doc slowdown with the Ruin, information with BBQ or Whispers/Infectious, and Haunted Grounds is just a very solid perk. If it activates when you already know where a survivor is, great. You can get an easy down and possibly find more people if you choose Infectious over Whispers. If you don't know where anyone is, you can switch to treatment mode (Whispers would help with knowing when to do this if you chose it over Infectious) and track down a survivor or two while they're still exposed.
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I've played Doctor for a along time now. I really enjoy playing him every so often.
Here's what I recommend:
Use your treatment mode as much as you can. Get people CONSTANTLY to Madness 3. It catches people off guard, random screams reveal their location should you lose line of sight and even if you lose them they have to waste their time snapping out of it. If you get people to Madness 3 you can stop shocking, except if you know when to shock so you can land a hit on a pallet/window. Don't waste your time shocking and running around safe pallets too much. Play them like any other M1 Killer if the survivor is somewhat decent. General rules apply to him mostly just as to other M1 killers. Don't respect pallets, try to mindgame jungle gyms etc.
As for a build, I personally use BBQ, Iron Maiden, Distressing and Ruin.
His main purpose is to always know where everyone is, not just when you choose to hook camp someone. Your passive power needs to be up at all time, the more Madness it generates over time while survivors might be in your Terror Radius the less you have to shock to get them into Madness 3 so they once again waste their time snapping out and so on. Sometimes you passively get people into Tier 3 while you chase someone, in that case you occupied two survivors at the same time without even looking at the second survivor.
My personal choice of addons is the yellow range addon and the yellow Calm addon. You get a decently huge TR from Distressing and Calm and a nice range for shocking.
Of course you need to practice a few rounds to get used to the range and the charge time and so on.
"Impossible" skillcheck Doctor might be the "easy" way to go I guess but it's really not necessary.
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You could as well just run the usual meta perks for a M1 killer : Ruin, Pop, Sloppy, Enduring, Spirit Fury and/or BBQ.
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Well in that case if you wanna find healing survivors within your TR it's much better to just run Nurse's IMO, they don't even have to fail a skill check for you to see them
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Oh hell yeah! I love playing the Doctor! He's one of my favorite Killers!
My current build is BBQ, Unnerving, Distressing, and Overcharge with Iridescent King and Moldy Electrode. It's basically the 3-gen build plus BBQ because the auras are always helpful and because Doc can be a bloodpoint machine. With four stacks of BBQ at tier 3, you can easily get 50-60k BP a game. Iridescent King overloads the Survivors with afflictions and Moldy Electrode is the best way to anti-loop with his shock until the devs buff the base version of it. I used to use High Stimulus Electrode for the increased range so I could put Survivors into tier 3 easier, but I found myself struggling at bigger loops, so I switched to Moldy Electrode.
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Since ruins nerf ive been running huntress lullaby overcharge unnerving presence and distressing and its work wonders carried me to red rank
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As doc main I personally don't like to play him as Impossible Skillcheckdoc. I prefer to hunt with him. So I use BBQ, Save the best for last, Pop goes the weasel and Nurses Calling on him (Some perks may vary, but STBFL and BBQ are mostly fix)
His best Addon imho is Restraint Class III. If you face Blendettes, out in Discipline to make them shine in a chase.
Distressing is a trash perk imho. That little increase in TR isn't woth taking it.
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I know this is an old thread but it is still valid.
I used Distressing, Overcharge, Unnerving Presence and either Whispers or Coulrophobia on Doctor to get to rank 1.