Real people are dying right now. Are you guys seriously asking for events and BP fests??

Is anyone else reading these posts? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
I'm probably one of the least politically correct persons on this forum, but... REALLY???
I'm seeying like 5 or 6 threads asking for bloodpoint fests, events, even a "Corona Challenge". #########?
How about an HIV fest? or a Cancer Challenge?
Jeez... you really need a BP event to be a good citizen?
After following AITA on twitter... you don't really get surprised by the ######### things people do/expect anymore...
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I really need a Bp event
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So you don’t want more bp?
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If Corona is gonna take me, than at least let it be with max BP.
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Title may be in poor taste, but then, we're playing a game about murdering people. A BP event would be nice, seeing as a lot of us are now stuck at home over this mass hysteria.
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How is a BP event going to make anything better?
If you're stuck at home and want to play DBD, just play DBD. A BP fest is not going to prevent people from going outside.
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I think your taking the thought a bit too seriously. It wouldn't hurt, it would be a fun a event when many (and I mean many) people are being reccomended to remain indoors (Please for everyones sake stay indoors). All at the same time BHVR can make some extra profit which would only go into making the game even better in the long run.
There literally is no downside unless you be negative minded and accuse everyone of being bad people just because they thought of a fun idea to do while everyone is stuck indoors. Kind of like that kid that get's mad and cries when they first get shot in a water fight, and demands to go inside because they don't like being wet.
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Gives incentives to stay indoors. Good for the community.
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The greed for BP is infinite...
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You are aware BHVR has done double BP weekends randomly right? Stop pretending this is some kind of unreasonable suggestion or it's going to cost the developers money, it's not.
Oh and I'm not against a double BP charity event for HIV or Cancer by the by, or maybe a double Auric Cell deal where 50% of the proceeds go to a charity. World of Warcraft used to do this all the time by selling various pets for disaster relief.
Just cause you think double BP weekends aren't necessary doesn't make anyone else's suggestion less valid, and it's certainly doesn't make them "insensitive". It also isn't "too soon". This virus has been going for a while and by all accounts it's going to be here for months to come.
Post edited by drimmalor on21 -
I literally live in South Korea, where we were the top 3 most contagious countries next to China and Italy for 3 months now.
I can say that as long as people remain sane and stay indoors with proper cleaning then it's not a big deal.
What we need is more fundrasers who are willing and able to supply/donate equipments and resources to those in need.
I think it'll be a pretty cool event if BHVR does a charity event for Coronavirus. Just like Blizz with breast cancer.
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This is literally a video game forum...
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I'm OK with a charity event, but I have not read a SINGLE thread asking for it. All threads are like "well... now that I'm bored at home, I'll ask BHVR for more BPs"
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I see no problem with a bp event . You should have it for your customers. And for no other reason.
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There's a fine line. I think if the devs want to do a Blood Hunt because so many people are holed up at home right now, that's okay. It's even okay to politely suggest such a thing. But if the way it's worded makes it sound like all people care about right now is bloodpoints, that can come off quite insensitive, which I'm guessing is why you take issue with it to begin with.
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People are gonna want a double blood event regardless of the situation. If it's for Easter, Valentine's or anything. While the Coronavirus is so bad right now many aren't "affected" by it.
However, there shouldn't be a corona based challenge on it. That's too far, just having a double bps this weekend or during the pandemic isn't bad.
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dave chappelle put it best:
just because people in Africa are starving doesnt mean im not hungry
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Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.
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Ofc, I want a coronavírus themed event
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Plague needs a skin to earn for the event.
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She comes with a complimentary protective mask she has to pull down when she vomits.
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Calling it coronavirus bloodpoint fest would not be good, especially with "coronavirus challenges".
Now if they came up with something like in order to encourage social distancing, we are making the game free + granting double bloodpoints, I don't think that would be an issue.
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Sorry, you're right. I just find it difficult to ignore trolls. Back to the topic.
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People play video games to forget about stuff and chill out for once — the world is a cruel place and life can be difficult.
The last thing we need is to cause more panic.
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I have to agree. Calling it "Coronavirus Blood Hunt" is just stupid.
If they have or want to do a BP event, maybe the "Virus awareness event" or something like that would be less grotesque.
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I'm going to play the Plague again because of this post. Thank you for raising awareness.
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I’d be up for having a BP Hunt, if it means it’s going to create more awareness to stay safe.
There is a positive side to an event, yes it is unfortunate that there have been casualties and my heart goes out to those people all over the world who have lost someone due to this virus.... and I’d like to believe that we have the power to take care of ourselves by doing the right thing, and prevent it along the way. Maybe an event about the situation isn’t the way to go but maybe an event for BPs might keep some people indoors where it’s safe.
I think, as with everything else it is all about how you suggest something.
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Your answers have already broken the rules a long time ago, now you're just trolling the thread.
Please leave. Thanks.
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Yes, as I said before, something related to "Awareness event" could work. However, I don't think that would be the difference between people going outside and people staying inside. You'll be lying to yourself if you think that's the case. Maybe it would be the difference between people watching netflix and people playing DBD, but I don't think double bloodpoints would "prevent people from going outside".
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People are over reacting lol I just want double bp
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No I think i'll stay. I still think that a bp event not only would encourage positivity, awareness, and benefit for the company during a hard time. It's not my fault you wanna be a negative nancy and get butthurt about it.
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you make a PainsChamp post about how people are using the meme virus for BP
its a joke dude lol
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I don't see why this would upset anyone. Battlefront 2 is giving out double XP due to the pandemic. A lot of people are staying at home right now, giving them down time during which they can do stuff like play video games. It makes sense for companies to want to encourage players to choose their games over competitors' games. And hell, it also makes sense to encourage people to stay in and play video games right now. You don't want people to get so bored they leave their homes.
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They could raise the BP cap to 1.9 milliion (COVID-19)
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Of course I don’t expect everyone to not go outside simply because of a DBD event, that’s why I said it would at least create some awareness and possibly invite people to stay home and play DBD instead of going out to gather/see their friends while they are not in school/work etc.
I also want to clarify that when I say outside I don’t mean going for a walk, I mean more like going to a party with friends etc.
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Warframe's doing it, and according to another commenter, Battlefront 2 is doing it. But no, it's a crime if people bring it up as a possibility. The smell of "holier than thou" is strong.
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No offence to you op but after reading to some of your answers you might want to rethink the statement "probably one of the least politically correct persons on this forum"
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Please remember to keep discussions civil, and to be respectful of the sensitive nature of the topic.
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The mortality rate of the Corona Virus is not that high. You need to stop looking at absolute numbers, sure they look higher, but when looking at percentages, it is not that high.
The problem with Covid19 is that you can basically be infected and dont know about it for up to 14 days. So people who are going to social meetups because they have no symptoms are insanely stupid, because not having any symptons does not mean that you are not infected. But this is the difference between Corona and a regular flu - you run around, possibly for two weeks, infecting others, while not knowing about the Virus.
This is the main reason why Countries are on lockdown and are closing basically everything where people meet, except for the things you really need to live.
As long as you are not super-old or have some serious illness already, you will get away with a mild Corona illness. The goal is to protect those who are at risk (which is the reason why I am currently not visiting my grandma). But in the end, the majority fo world population will get the Virus anyway.
And when it comes to people asking for double BP-events... Many people need to stay at home, and even if you have work to do at home, it can get boring really quick when you only stay inside. So asking for double BP-Events is not a bad thing in my opinion. Hell, Italy got Pornhub Premium for free, so other platforms are thinking about the people inside as well.
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I think you've looked at it from the wrong perspective. Offering double BP would give people more incentive to play and it could also help to distract them from everything going on in the world right now. People cope with things in different ways, for example, when I am feeling anxious I turn to TV and video games. Giving people double BP will make their time playing Dead By Daylight more enjoyable, and in a time like this, how is a little joy, no matter how frivolous it may seem, a bad thing?
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The actual lethality rate is low, unless you have an underlying medical condition. Same as the COMMON FLU, which COVID-19 is in the same viral family of, called the Coronavirus family.
Humanity has endured against other viral outbreaks, but nobody battered an eye when the Plague was released. Same with electro-shock therapy and the Doctor.
People cope in different ways. I personally make insensitive and insulting jokes and largely ignore a problem, or remove/solve the issue. Then I play video games. The whole Bloodhunt or BP Fest ideas are more a way to keep self-isolated people playing DbD rather than branching off to other games.
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actually, it's more of a way to mitigate the detrimental effects of the virus, perhaps allowing people to have a little more fun and be a little more comfortable in an otherwise stressful situation. You're just looking at this the wrong way.
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Random bloodhunts have been a thing in the past, and in my opinion doing one now would be a pretty good move on BHVR's part. Countries are going on lockdowns, people are encouraged to practice social distancing and thus need to find things to do at home. Anxieties are running high basically everywhere around the world, so things like a bloodhunt on DBD would be a welcome change to the new rhythm we're facing, at least for the time being.
There's always going to be people who don't go about the subject with the tact it deserves, but it doesn't take anything away from people being in need of something good to happen amidst all the chaos.
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Yeah, of course, if somebody wants something in a video game because people are dying out there it means that he doesn't take things seriously. It's not like the person asking is also possibly in danger.
Just saying out there people being told to not leave their apartments not even because that way they can't be infected, it's also to delay the moment when they will be infected, so medics have the time to breath and don't have to chose, whom to treat. You probably talking from a country that doesn't have a problem yet and don't really know, what's going on in a head of a person that's locked up in the room with a real risk of scary disease on the streets.
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Hey, in this time of uneasiness, the small gestures could help slightly brighten the day of someone who could really need it.
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As I have said before: 2x bloodpoints is the least they could do, with no effort at all, and it would make people want to stay at home and play the game more than ever before. Especially since the numbers of active players are currently on a rise.
The second thing they could do, with a bit of effort, is release simple t-shirt cosmetics. They don't even have to go through much trouble with those - just take the basic skin of each character, recolor the shirt, and put a COVID-19 awarness logo or something on it. Release that as a DLC that people can pay for and have all the proceeds go to a hospital(s) in need. We haven't had a charity DLC in ages, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to show the community that they care about everyone's safety and health. They should put these skins into the store for shards as well - for those who can't afford to spend money right now.
Nobody wants an event to "celebrate" that people are dying. But let me tell you - it's extremely frustrating not being able to leave my house. I want to spend my time playing DBD, but I really do not want to feel the grind that I usually do. We just want to have fun, and take our minds away from the fact that our next trip to the store could land us at the ICU. Most companies understand that, and that is why we have "events" in other games out there going on right now.
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Welcome to the player base
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I don't see why asking for a double bp event is disrespectful to the people who have died to the Corona virus. There is nothing we can do except listen to the advice we're being given by the health officials and government. Stay in doors as much as possible. Wash your hands.
Beyond that our hands our tied. Having a double bp event does not disrespect anyone. Many of us are staying inside like we've been told. Not working because of this situation. Thus are trying to find ways to pass the time and make this situation more tolerable.
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Somewhere around 150,000 people die worldwide every day from various causes from age to murder.
Why do people go to carnivals, fairs, play games, go to parties, or do whatever fun thing they want to do when so many people are suffering and dying?
Because life goes on.
If you want to judge someone for asking for a BP Event during this time then I'd suggest giving up fun altogether because you'd be a hypocrite for playing games or having fun while people are dying.
So yea, how about a BP event for people who are choosing or forced to stay home who choose to play DbD?