I'm quitting this game after playing 2.0k+ hours

DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I'm done and just burned out by the game due to how the recent patches were basically a cluster ######### of crap.

I played 60% killer, and 40% survivor, and the recent patches essentially made the killer role exponentially harder to play, while making survivor somewhat of a breeze to play. The two worst patches was the utter disaster of the nurse nerf, and the ruin nerf. These two patches are the patches that killed the game for me.

The nurse was a killer that needed an add on rework, but not on the base kit. The basekit was balanced were the time you put in to learn and master the nurse, rewarded you equally. Now the Nurse is the opposite were the time and effort needed to learn and master doesn't equal the reward, where the reward is low. There was a ton of feedback from the ptb, yet they weren't even listened to, and decided to release the nurse in the most unfun way possible. The Nurse is an unfun and boring killer to play now, and when playing the survivor, playing against the reworked nurse feels boring, instead of exciting from the old nurse. Essentially this patch, really deteriorated the compassion for this game.

The Ruin nerf was the breaking point for me, where gen times were a problem, and ruin helped mitigate that problem for an opportunity to play fair (aka no tunneling, camping, slugging, or unfun add ons, unless I'm facing a 3 to 4 man SWF bully squad, then all fair play is off the table.). Also the fact that Ruin got nerfed because of new players, and apparently players who can't hit skillchecks (seriously if you are at red ranks and can't hit great skill checks, you shouldn't be there). The Ruin nerf made red ranks a sweat feast for killers against optimal survivors, and SWF, and a breeze as a survivor with optimal red rank teammates. The dev stream after the nerf, just added fuel to fire, when they said to expect to "Lose 3 gens in the early game". The ruin nerf just made about 80% of the killers unviable at red ranks.

The fact that you have survivors having a lot of second chance perks that cover up any mistake a survivor makes. Especially with the Unbreakable + DS combo where you are untouchable for a straight minute and don't get punished. I've been hit by DS at times where I don't even tunnel, in which I just down survivors too fast because they are potatoes.

Lets also mention how toxic some players can be and just attempt to bully you when attempting to have fun at the game. This game has the worst toxicity on a level I haven't seen before, especially from survivors. The amount of butthurt some players get just by being outplayed and the amount of spam they attempt to flood you with by just playing in a way someone doesn't like. I've been DDOSed by a survivor just because I slugged them.

The last thing that just annoys me is how the rate of survivor bugs get rapidly fixed compared to killer bugs. Survivor bugs like the DS bug, and the Basement bug got relatively fixed in a week or two, compared to the killer sound bugs, which have been going on for at least 3-6 months. We had bugs on the nurse, which made her unplayable there for months but still not fixed, but a DS bug can be fixed in at most two weeks? I'm sensing a pattern here.

I said in some previous posts that after I spent all my ebony and ivory moris on killers, I would quit after ruin was nerfed, and today is the day. I gave the Devs one last chance, and so far they shown me that a 2.5 sec sabo is fair, the toolbox "nerfed" ended up making toolboxes essentially mini-BNPs, and releasing a killer who is arguably worse than clown, despite the amount of feedback.

Currently, I'm find games like Minecraft, War Thunder, COD, and Plague Inc Evolved a lot more fun and enjoyable, and actually rewards you for putting in the time and effort to learn.

I'll still lurk around the forums, and watch youtube vids of DBD, and might come back if the game changes for the better, but for now I'm gonna spend my time and money on games that don't favor one side of the spectrum, and has a better community.

TL:DR: Burnt out from the game due to how crap the recent patches are, and how certain patches essentially deteriorated the game for me, and essentially killed it.



  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited March 2020

    I've said it once, and I'll say it a million times BHVR has big competition over the horizon and they are clearly not doing due diligence to combat it. So much, it would be easy to assume they are pulling back on the reins - milking as much money from the current playerbase as they can, and then continue with a cult following after the triple A companies take the asymetrical scene. If they are planning on competing for the best asymtrical game than they would be balancing the game so EVERYONE can have fun, not just entitled survivors.

    So anyways I am waiting to see which direction they take when the next games comes, and if BHVR let's Dead by Daylight take the same course Deathgarden did.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    You do you man, I mean, I disagree with a lot of the points you make on your post, but if you are not feeling comfortable with playing this game anymore its great you arent playing it anymore, I know some of people that simply cant quit this game and would rather complain all day about it. Sunk cost fallacy hitting them hard, I guess.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    You're not wrong about any of it. I was about with you until deathslinger. Something about that killer just meshes with my play style and made the game fun again.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited March 2020

    From the survivor side, sitting on gens is boring and getting caught up in a snowball is boring.

    From the killer side, damn I suck, oh well I'm bored.

    I'm looking forward to Last of us 2 to get lost in that deep narrative again.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    i honestly don’t think they could give killers much more without making it frustrating on the survivor side too. The reason for your anger and frustration is probably because you run into survivor teams with communication? I mean.... from a solo survivors perspective I don’t often make it out as much as I want to. I don’t think ruin is anything but a crutch. Killers already have a crap ton of abilities and advantages dude. Survivors wanna survive too and 90% of the time I’m seeing my team get slaughtered solo. How’s that fun for me? Idk ######### you’re experiencing. But I see red and purple rank survivors on my team as well. It must be doable

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I feel you. I personally do every game. Even if we got stomped or I didn't particularly like their play style. I just send the gg wp.

    I cant tell you how many killers appreciate it and are so shocked after they get the message. I try to limit the toxicity and respect the person on the other side, like I said even if I wasn't a fan of their play style.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Here we go again. Just a killer that obviuosly cant play the game properly and has a huge lack of game sense. its gettin boring guys.

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    The main problem is this game is not nice to new players. Secondly they need to fix bug problems killers and survivors have. Fourth they need to do certain changes. Change DS and NoED. Once this is done I think that the game could finally start going up after too long

  • AddictedToMosh
    AddictedToMosh Member Posts: 116
    edited March 2020

    I've heard civilization is a good game.

    Jokes aside, this game is completely unbalanced, which is something killers have to get used to. I'd suggest playing it casually: have some music on in the background (metal is always a good choice) and try not to get annoyed by the braindead survivors. Don't even look at rank, experiment with new builds or killers and turn off the end game chat.

    Edit: it seems like I mentioned the wrong post. I was referring to the op, sorry for that.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    To be honest I've taken a break from dbd and instead I've been playing bl3. While there are frustrating elements about it the devs actually HOTFIX changes into the game around one a week I think and it's really apreachiated.

    My main gripe is that I have to wait a month and a half for 2 or 3 changes that could've easily been number buffs slid through in a hotfix... My ac keeps correcting hotfix to be fully capitalised idk y

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    atleast u can play the game......My EAC somehow decided to kick me every third game after the new update.

    Other than that i think u just perfectly described wy most of the veterans leave the game. Your just getting burned out and every update is making it even more easy for a coordinated team but harder for solo.

    Killer: no fun anymore since you need to play dirty af to not get gen rushed by noobs (ruin nerf)

    Survivor: eac kickes me every third game. killers tryhard like hell (not their fault) and solo is impossible to play since every damn red rank is a potato that cant loop.

    New killer is also just a worse huntress and the nurse was made useless without recharge addons.

    I feel the game is getting more and more RNG and not skill dependend.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Don't quit :(

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Yeah, all they seem to do is cater to survivor. The game has to be enjoyable and fun... for them. Who gives a ######### about the killer enjoying the game and having fun though right? And why do people gotta always be so damn toxic? I've been playing matches a deathslinger, Barley got ######### for decent perks, can't move fast, can't insta-down you, have ######### for nap pressure, yet you play me like I'm spirit or Billy. Burn the most toxic map offerings (farm,autohaven,haddonfield)Drop every pallet on me, tbag me, blind me, break my hooks, and gen rush like theres no tomorrow. Why???

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Okay, see you next week

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Its fine, but mainly as a player who played both sides, and made it to rank 1 on both sides before the pipping changes, the fact is that when playing as a solo survivor with optimal teammates, its just a breeze and pretty easy to play as gen just get finished in 4-6 minutes. When playing with potato survivors thou, it feels like you can't rely on your teammates. The solo experience is a mixed experienced, but now most of the time, it just felt boring holding m1. Yes there are some generally boring and OP add ons to face against like Iri heads and Ebony moris, and some boring tactic to face against like tunneling, camping, and slugging, BUT when facing those, you can't blame the killer considering how much harder and stressful its getting to even play them.

    Also when playing as a solo player, the lack of variety of killers at high ranks are boring, but that's due to how poorly mid-tier and low-tier killers preform there, and that by nerfing killers, you reduce that variety makes the games feel the exact same. A good example was the Nurse nerf, and how previously I would get a decent number of nurse matches where it was fun and excited, with some being God nurses, but now that number has drastically reduced and to the point where I have only faced a maximum of 10 God nurses since the nurse nerf, in which now I rarely have a nurse game.

    I probably could have worded it better in my post, but the fact is the Devs are catering to new player survivors, which indirectly buffed survivors with the changes they made to some killers and ruin. Which Is now causing killer players to leave the game, switch to survivor, or to just keep playing killer, but with more stress.

    I feel as if the game is heading towards Dark Times again, but with gens as the problem (the toolbox nerf didn't solve anything, gens still go by so fast).

    There is a reason as why survivor que times are long, and honestly if the game keeps going in this direction, the game will die as there will be very few killer players left, which essentially will make the que times for survivor so long that they will begin to quit to.

    I'm really hoping Resident Evil: Resistance is the competition DBD needs, as this monopoly that BHVR has is making them run the game to the ground just like they did with Deathgarden.

    I probably should have included this section in the beginning of my post, but I was just tired, and forgot about it.

    Either way see you around when the game gets fixed, or when it dies.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    "The Nurse is an unfun and boring killer to play now, and when playing the survivor, playing against the reworked nurse feels boring, instead of exciting from the old nurse." Not at all because you can often with an unskilled nurse literally run them into the ground...how is that not fun?

    And ruin...killers were constantly crying about how useless it was as good players could do gens anyway and the hex was found in less than 30 seconds anyway and now after the rework...ruin was the only thing that made killers viable and now we'll just have to quit the game. So what is it? Was it trash or a god-tier perk because I am really confused as to which. If you needed ruin to be successful you just weren't all that good.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Because you are a killer and that is sorta what I have to do. Actually I never blind killers as I have never tried to learn to do flashlights well...but if I could I would. But drop pallets on you and break your hooks...oh yeah...for sure I'll be doing that. Had sabo and a killer (the deathslinger) was carrying the survivor and broke the hook right in front of his face...it was in a word...priceless.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    See you, good bye. 2k hours and you cry about ruin? Good and smart killers never used pre nerf ruin. I have seen GOD killers without it over the years. We don't need more tears, we have enough already.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    I don't think you got the point of me complaining about ruin. I didn't need ruin to win, I needed ruin if I wanted to play nice, and to not sweaty my ass off from optimal survivors.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Another killer that got too used to the easy 4ks and the competitive down/bbq/wash, rinse, repear combo. Survivors have had to learn to, "git gud" but heaven forbid killers gotta work for their 4ks.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    I agree with you the worst patch was nerfed ruin. This perk balanced the game but nowadays all patches are to help survivors I have not seen a nerf to a skill of survivors ... after the ruin began the problems of long waits and bad matches ..

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Help survivors? What game are you playing? In the last 6 months survivors have got hit the hardest. No more instaheals/toolboxes. Balanced Landing. Sabo nerf. Breakable walls. All the new maps have loads of unsafe/useless pallets. Hooks everywhere.

    I swear that a killer's idea of a balanced match is whether or not they get a 4k.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    I am main survivor and it is too easy escape that is starting to be bored. Advantages to survivors Big maps, infinite loops, pallets so strong that the killer has to break, you can make 3 generators in 2 minutes, nobody wants to break totems anymore, before it was fun to find ruin, it was the first objective and then to make generators. Today survivors Just do generators a lot of games I must chase the killers in order to have fun running from him because so fast that the generators are made that sometimes you escape and the murderer never saw you. And the worst thing is that before to be rank 1 as a survivor it was a true challenge. today anyone can be just for repairing generators. I love this game and I buy everything that comes out, but if it continues like this I will look at other games.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I hear ya. The incessant bugs and map balance at high rank play is starting to get old. I still enjoy the game, but I'm going to take a looooong look at Predator: Hunting Ground next weekend.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Ruin is arguably stronger now for a number of killers. Admittedly it is weaker on killers like Trapper.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Its only easy to escape against killers that are stuck in the down/BBQ/down mindset. I'm a solid survivor and killers still get their 4ks just by breaking the mold and trying new things/being creative.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    A few killers use ruin, even is a week perk according to some blogs.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Annnnnd thats why killers bring mori's, and then you end up on here making a fit about how unfair mori's are, and how they need to be nerfed. It's a lose lose situation anymore.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    As a killer if you want to get 4 k you have to use Billy, spirit, buba or Myers because they are strong but of you try to use another killer is so stressful for killers the genrush and for survivors it is very easy... The main example that this game is for survivors are keys, if there is only one generator and three survivors the hatch comes out and the effort of the killer to try to fit into the game goes away and the survivors escape very easily. and I don't want to say that the first 3 generators are very fast to do.... Devs need to listen to community a lot of discussions are

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Can't blame you! I play a lot of survivor but I main killer because it requires more skill. I've taken a break from killer because of Nurse and Ruin. Played survivor and on day 3 I got bored and took a break. Now that I'm back, I've lost all hope in BHVR.

    Killer is too stressful, and survivors get mad when I play a killer that actually stand a chance. When I play survivor, games are too easy and killers don't pose a threat anymore, simply because they are easily countered (especially nurse).

    The game is like cake with no flavor, and no matter what I do, what builds I try out, it's still meh. The game has a lot of potential, it's just the devs are focusing too much on survivors fun and not looking at it from a killer prespective

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Again, the down/BBQ/down mindset. Let it go. After the ruin nerf those days are gone. If you're aware that a survivor has a key and they're down to 1 gen and you sacrifice the 1st survivor and allow hatch to spawn then that's on you and not on them. That would be an ideal time to start slugging for the 4k.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    It's Illfonic. You will be bitterly disappointed. Just look at moving hazard.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    Your statement would be valid if survivors wouldn’t rely on DS, Deadhard combos, many of them just good because of those perks. You fail to understand that ruin helped killers (Myers, Trapper, Hag, etc) who have no early game pressure at all. I’m having difficulties to understand why is it a shame to be bad in a video game? I think you should rather start asking why those killers need to go into matches where they don’t even have a chance for a draw...

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    None of the things you listed are toxoc except teabagging

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I feel the same way, but as soon as they know they are winning that badly they will just use the extra time they know they have to teabag, taunt, chainstun you, and do everything they can as a SWF to be toxic. If you DC or afk because they are bullying you, which is what they want, they will take it as justification for their behavior and escalate it further in chat and postgame and in any game they see you again in; if you try and play it then you get bullied until they all finally HAVE to leave after tea bagging and making sure you don't get any last hits in, and still trash on you in post game.

    There is literally no winning that scenario from an enjoyment standpoint. Landslide matches like that shouldn't even exist, if survivors can bully a survivor and not get hooked or die at all for wasting time doing that; it indicates a HUGE imbalance in matchmaking- and in almost all those games if I were to check the profiles of the bully group, they all have thousands and thousands of hours compared to what mine may be.

    I don't know how to solve the problem entirely, but an actual good, functioning and proper matchmaker and ranking system would go a LONG way with this; since it's hard to bully a killer if it actually starts costing you the game.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Okay, then me slugging you and watching your ass bleed out or hook camping you after doing that stuff to me isn't toxic then either....

  • shards
    shards Member Posts: 95

    funny post op and goodbye.

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458
    edited March 2020

    if the resident evil resistance beta convice me then it's bye bye dead by daylight for now

    i may come back one day but really i didn't last a year and that's a true shame