Anyone want to help me with my build creations around Off the record?

Hello there
Currently i try to find unique and fun builds since i am getting very bored with all the meta perks.
I want to do some saftey after unhook build with the new perk "Off the record".
Here is what i thought about:
- Off the record (My Aura can not be seen for a while and i am not grunting in pain)
- Lucky break (wont leave pools of blood)
- Deliverance
I am not sure about the 4th perk tho. Maybe Lightweight or Dance with me?
Anybody any thoughts which perks might work with Off the record and Lucky break very well?
Kind regards
Use OoO since your aura cannot be read by the Killer, so you basically get a free aura reading for 80 seconds.
Or use Breakdown so you know where the Killer is for 6 seconds, also it Destroys the hook for 3 minutes.
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I like those ideas, especially the OoO variation. Ty
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My favourite perk build with it is:
- "Off the Record"
- "Second Wind"
- "We'll make it"
- "Borrowed Time"/an exhaustion perk
As item you can use a medkit to make sure to be healthy if wind is not ready and record goes off.
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Cool build i like it. So the sense is, you can unhook someone even right in front of the killer, he can smack you down and you have a far better chance to escape from that hook after beeing unhooked.
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Yup, pulled it off a few times, even with autodidact instead of make it. Really fun synergy.
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What I was using was Distortion, Off The Record, Lucky Break, and poised. It’s honestly really great and if the killer chases you while OTR,Lucky Break, and poised are all activated. He will 100% lose you if he loses line of sight