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Member Posts: 350

Only need Skilled Huntress for 100%

How many here have the platinum or 100%


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  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Congrats! That must have taken some work. I'm about 80% of the way there on Xbox, though I doubt I'll ever get to it (Looking at you T3 Myers Mori!). But good work on the platinum!

  • Member Posts: 350

    Thanks a lot! It did take quite a bit of work, mostly playing non stop for 10 months. My favorite PSplus freebie

    Thanks! I was very fortunate with Evil Incarnate, only took 3 tries or less. I didn't have any D/C or jumping in lockers fortunately

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Is this 100% achievements? I play on PC tho

  • Member Posts: 1,123
    edited March 2020

    This is the Playstation Platinum Trophy, for doing all achievements in the base game. Which is why he didn't need to down 100 Survivors from 24 meters with a hatchet to get it. :)

  • Member Posts: 897
    edited March 2020

    Yeah, DBD Platinum was my Platinum Trophy number 13 (yeah, 13!!!) and a great accomplishment.


  • Member Posts: 1,123

    :O I think I have 3. Rocket League, Dead Nation and Thumper.

  • Member Posts: 119

    I'm devotion six and still haven't got mine. This is so sad.

    But congrats, amigo!

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Good work mate! I only need Bill's new trophies for ths full set. One of the 16 platinums I've earned on playstation.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Congratulations! That is really impressive! 🤩

  • Member Posts: 25

    I need one trophy for the DBD platinum trophy which is the doc adept i'm currently devotion 4 lvl 60 and now i think i'm going to try to get it now

  • Member Posts: 635

    Hey congrats.

    I got 100% on the game. I still know skilled huntress took me the longest time. But it feels so good when you get that trophy ^^

  • Member Posts: 31

    I'm a bit of a trophy hunter, so mad respect! I want to go for the platinum trophy but I'm highly daunted by 'Where Did They Go?!' (It's the last difficult one for me besides Skilled Huntress, I got Evil Incarnate and most of the Adepts)

    I can't quite figure out if you get it from a killer match or a survivor match or either. I've only ever played solo survivor but even so a few months ago I got into a match with a group that was going for it. A guy with a map showed the location of the hatch, another dude opened it, and I was the third one out with the map guy shortly after me. I didn't get the trophy, so I've been a bit disheartened to try again after that amount of luck to find a group of randoms that did it successfully. I've seen footage of a killer getting it as well as survivors executing it flawlessly but none of them get it.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    I have the platinum but I'm not bothering with the 100% as of right now. Maybe the urge will strike me some day but I'm pretty happy just having the plat.

  • Member Posts: 350

    Where Did They Go trophy was the last trophy I needed for platinum.

    I had to get a group together to get it as getting the trophy with randoms is probably close to impossible I imagine. It took us 8 tries before we got it

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