I Freakin Love Ghostface

Honestly probably the best $4 i've spent on this game. Ghostface and Spirit are probably the best DLC Killers hands down. I love Ghostface because you can play a lot differently than Chase, Hit, Chase, Hit while being looped. I love that you can have no TR, hit someone, let them run off and heal, find someone else, hit them and then try and find people healing and get quick downs, I also rarely use Stalk and when i do it's mostly because they are way out in the open and i know i can hit them but even then i still rarely use it. You could take Stalk away from Ghostface and it would be an issue to me at all.
As this Killer i genuinely feel like i am the Power Role because even against high rank players i still have a chance at winning and thats what this game needs more of. Viable Killers.
I've played 4 games today in a row with Ghostface and had roughly the same results each time 4 man 5 gen, 4 man 4 gen and nothing lower as well as 2 pips each time.
I really hope this Killer does not get nerfed because honestly him and Spirit are probably the last bit of fun i have in this game, taking that away from me i may just need to consider moving on to other games.
It’s awesome you are having a good time! Are you planning on getting his new cosmetics ?
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Cool. I got him a couple months back I don't usually play him, but when I do, he's fun.
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He has kept me playing the game from time to time. He's super fun, and when I have a good game I always imagine him belting out a Macho Man Randy Savage "OH YEAH!"
Deathslinger is also fun, but I don't know that anything will replace Ghost Face as my favorite.
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Oh..... it's Tru3face.... ugggggghhhhhh!
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Ghostface is great but I wish they would rework him to make actually using his abilities the optimal way to play. Right now just using the shroud for quick and quiet map traversal and a free first hit is infinitely better than wasting time crouching around and stalking.
Also the detection is still messy for both sides but I've given up hope on t at being fixed.
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Yes, Ghostface is a blast. Glad you're having fun with him. His upcoming outfit looks badass and I bet we'll see an increase in people playing him
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I've tried GhostFace so many times and failed :(
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I play him just to goof around. Group butt dance. Peek a boo around corners.
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Try 99ing the stalking before chasing, and soon as you run up and jump scare them, 100% that bad boy and down them in one shot!
Love that killer!
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I'm not sure. SWF can completely counter his power, rendering him a weak M1 killer. If the survivors know how to loop optimally, the timer runs out before you can get a hit on them. Certain maps are also terrible for him. I'd say he is mid tier.
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while I agree that ghost face doesn’t need a nerf, I will say that the reveal mechanic definitely needs to be looked at. too many times it has happened that I will be playing against gf and we are standing not even 3 meters apart and he will still give me the exposed status. that is literally THE MOST tilting thing that ever happens in this game (in my opinion at least). and before you ask, no, the killer never has the reduced reveal range add-ones when this happens.
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Ghostface is fun, he brings the scary/suspense factor back. His stall is so bad and buggy it should probably be looked into, but you’re right just having zero terror radius with a decently short cool down is amazing
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SAME ghost face was my first dlc on pc and I've had the most fun with him so far.
I agree with stalk not being necessary but I like to stalk especially early game if I play it right and with a little luck I can mark and down the first survivor I find on a gen.
Plus I kind of like how goofy his sneak and stalk feels when players are on to me. Feels like I'm playing the killer from scream.
Sneaking tree to tree trying to build stalk while the survivor CLEARLY sees me is hilarious to me.
Plus tbagging never gets old to me
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I dont play as ghostface, but he's one of the killers I love and hate going up against. Plus, it seems that when I'm in a match against him or Wraith, my teammates are potatoes when it comes to looking for the shimmer of the cloak or outline of the killer that has no terror radius, while fixing gens or healing others. I'm always the first to spot both since I'm always scanning my surroundings and I leave my potato mates right when I know killer is heading in our direction. I may be a bit paranoid when I'm facing those 2. Especially when it's in Haddonfield
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Yeah, GF you can play, chill and have great results.
To be nastier with him, use Devour Hope.
Muahuahuahua (evil laugh)
I got P3 with him and didnt even feel the grinding, so smooth he is. It was like "oh, P3, already?".
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Glad your having fun. Thats how it should be in a game.
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That's how I was with Huntress and Pig.
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Glad you're having fun with him! I have him on Switch but I need him for PS4. Keep it up!
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He's basically everything wraith wanted to be.
A better stealth power, and a stalk power as a cherry on top.
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Your mistake was having corrupt and not blood warden.
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Same too lol
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You doctor are the best killer in the game.
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Why would i need Blood Warden if survivors only finish a gen or 2 on average in matches i have with him? Blood Warden would just be a wasted perk slot
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I got gebated by a Ghostface today he walked one way pretending not to notice me then used shroud and walked back the same way but I had turned my camera where I thought he would go just to get grabbed by him from the original direction he walked
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No trust me I use blood warden on doctor wraith and Myers and work well and is not a waste because most of the time people are waiting on the game and wasting your time waiting and t bag but if blood warden get activated then they got F up also that will help you get a kill or so if you got none so it really will help you like it help me.