Wow Devs, I'm still supposed to believe you don't have a bias?

I don't know how it is on pc matchmaking exactly but before the deathslinger update survivor matches took a while to find and the more people you had the longer it took, however for killer the matches were like instant. Now after many complaints of survivor queues taking ages I come to see after the deathslinger update things were literally reversed! I can play a 4man swf and find a match like nothing but killer? Nope waiting there in a lobby for ages even though i'm hosting games for people to find... devs was your best solution to this problem to screw killers over AGAIN? This makes Space Coconuts most recent video on how you devs do NOT listen to your community all the more true and we should honestly stop giving you money and stop giving your amazing game of wasted potential the light of day. Seriously, are you guys okay? What is so wrong about fixing and balancing your game? What is so wrong about listening to your community? And I better not see no "tRuStEd" tag know at all come in here talking about them doing bs community survey's and dev streams when the people that host that answer simpleton yes no questions all day and reaffirm what the people that are sick and tired of their bs have been saying for years now is that the devs don't want to change... just go listen to the youtuber "The King's" Interview with Mcote, with him literally saying "We aren't going to change the way we do things" like devs??? I honestly hope DbD gets some viable competition to steal away every sick and tired player of this game's unfun, unbalanced, broken gameplay to a superior title so MAYBE just MAYBE the devs will FINALLY have to ADMIT.... YES, the game breaks EVERY PATCH, YES, the game is unbalanced at all ranks, YES, we have bs mechanics on both sides, YES, nearly all our maps need fixing, YES, we have a plethora of perks used so little by the majority of players, YES, we have to admit this game is needs a dev team who is willing to LISTEN to their community...
But they don't have to do any of these things because this game has 0 viable competition, and what happens when a product has no direct competition in a market... they get lazy, they sit back and chill and do things how THEY want to because their customers have no where else to turn to get that type of product/experience.
Devs for a game nearing the next console generation your game looks like 2010 dogpoop there are games that came out a decade ago that look sooooo much better, your game's stability is as good as a card fortress, your foresight is as short as a donkey's butt hair and your attempts to hide your blatant survivor favortism is as convincing as my drunk cousin coming home a 3 in the morning trying to tell me what time it is... Your game is repetitive and lacking in content to fill it up. Where is the theatre mode? Leaderboards? Ranked mode? STAT PAGES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD?? Profile customization?... and that's just BAREBONES STUFF you'd expect out of a modern gen game, not to mention all the types of creative and fun modes they could make if they actually MEANT when they said they don't see this as a COMPETITIVE game even though the balance and treat it like one but so poorly.
Good luck having this game survive the coming of next gen, when this game dies people won't remember Dead By Daylight as an amazing game, it'll be an amazing game of wasted potential with a dev team that was too caught up in their own minds to be honest and real with their community.
I encourage people if they chose to gladly stop playing dbd, this game makes people FRUSTRATED, ANGRY, AGITATED, and UTTERLY PISSED OFF by all the mountains of issues the devs refuse to fix and some EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE. WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID TO SAY GEN SPEED IS A PROBLEM??? THIS IS RUINING YOUR GAME AND YET YOU STAY SILENT AND PRETEND IT ISNT A THING...
All the BHVR apologists and defenders, as well the survivor main bots who think this game is actually balanced will most likely swarm this post, if they do I have one thing to say...
Your money is better spent elsewhere, but I guess a bully simulator is fun isn't it?
Good, when are you leaving?
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I guess all those killers whom I have faces in red ranks must have been extremely lucky after successfully obliterating my teammates and I.
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Currently there is no other game where I can eat people as a demogorgon... so not any time soon, that's what is awful about this game they have such good talent on their hands such good vision for a fun and amazing experience yet their mechanical and balancing competency is as complex and thought out as a loaf of bread. They take 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards and having no competition leaves me dry...
I would go play After Dark on pc if I had one and play that newly released spider creature but 1 I don't have a gaming pc and 2... it's player population isn't the best and as such not a viable competitor to dbd
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They either used broken mechanics (noed/mori/insta *insert busted addon*) or your teammates and you are bad slash aren't very good, or just make a lot of mistakes.
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Or you know they just released a superfun killer to play and queue's are taking longer cause more people want to poon some fools
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Nice Job! You offered a potentially accurate cause to a single issue on a mountain of faults and failures... wanna cookie?
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Glad to see your coming onto a forum, a place where people go to complain about stuff to complain about the complaining and then spout nonsense conspiracy theories...
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Nice Job! You just wasted a few minutes of your life writing a post complaining about the same things you find on any other post and expect the devs to see this post and immediately change their ways! You deserve a mountain of cookies and milk for all your hard work! You Fixed the game Great job!.
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Guys he said meg looks ugly? Guys? No one? Okay...
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Great to see people like you doing nothing about it, at least I wan't to keep spreading awareness.
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Great the world is trying to prevent the spread of a highly infections disease akin to the flu despite economic consequences and you're saying everyone's gonna die in a couple years... aces.
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Actually many of them have no add ons, and I only see No Ed in lower rank killers... and they don’t count because I said ‘red ranks’.
Listen, if you are really in denial that good killers actually exist then by all means carry on spreading whatever information you want to spread.
I don’t think you are going to get very far though as anyone who has reached red ranks knows that it takes skill to play killer at those ranks instead of relying on a puny crutch.
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I will never understand why everyone says NOED is broken when you just would have to cleanse totems..
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What even is this post? I also love how op assumes that the long survivor queue times were because the game is unbalanced, which probably was the case, but then blames the devs for whatever reason now that killer queue times are longer. That‘s like trying to find as much fault as possible with the devs just because they feel this game is unbalanced.
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Gladly, he got banned.
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Everytime a new chapter releases killer que becomes longer because everybody is trying to play it and in result survivor que goes down. It is how it's been since the beginning of the game and even devs said it on a stream. See how bias and lack of understanding leads you to stoopid conversations.