Killer is too hard

There I said it. I believe I am an objectively good killer. I can't be 360d. I can play every killer. I can steam roll a group of average survivors and beat a solid group.
Here is a problem with dbd. If the 4 survivors are each on the skill level as the killer they will always win.
This means killers will always lose unless they are significantly better than all 4 survivors.
Survivor is insanely easy and yes I am rank 1 both sides. Looping is not hard at all no matter the killer. And if your not looping your doing gens. Which are so fast.
Any loop which the killer can't mind game and takes 15s of the killers time will cost them a gen.
Finding the first survivor costs them a gen.
There is nothing a killer can do about this. They don't even have time to 2 hook everyone nevermind 3 hook.
The only way any killer can win is getting a 4 man slug when all survivors are injured and running around eachother.
This causes the killer to depip. And if you try to 3 hook you won't have time and will still depip and get no kills.
You literally cannot win as killer.
Define "win" and also, why does Otzdarva for example 4k just about every match?
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A 3k pip or 4k pip. Or at rank 1 a 4k black pip since you can't rank up anyway
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Well there is your problem, you are not suppose to 4k against players of similair skill, you are suppose to 2k.
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So if you think you are good then you obviously shouldn't have a hard time? Haha good one.
If you want to have an easy time then maybe multiplayer games aren't for you.
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A yes my job is to kill half the survivors and derank in the process. Really satisfying win
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I do want a challenge. What I don't want is an impossible game just because survivor is so much easier and stronger than killer.
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Also all I play are multiplayer games and this is the only one where you lose consistently against opponents on the same skill level
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stop it already. killer is easier than ever. you're just bad at that role if you somehow still feel like that, play survivor then
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Ermmm you dont derank from that unless you hooked 2 people and just camped them to death...
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Otz is one of best Killers in the game. You cannot compare the general Killer populace to him.
You can change your avatar, but not your name. Your post fits your name perfectly.
Completely agree with you. The lack of support is probably because many Killer mains have given up on the game and the forums. First time I have posted here in a week or 2.
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and I dont, we are talking specifically about Rank 1 matches here soooo yeah.
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Expecting to 3k vs the same skill level is way beyond flawed. As well as thinking that playing is hard just because of pipping. Rank doesnt mean anything, so why even taking it into account for what is a win? Your mindeset is flawed, like that of everyone as killer complaining on these forums, that playing as killer is too hard.
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Otz plays this game anywhere between 6 and 8 hours a day, as a job.
I doubt outside of playing a video game being your literal job, not many people spend 40 hours a week on this game.
Even despite this, Otz will occasionally get games where he just gets dumped on.
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To be fair, you can’t compare a streamer to the average player. His career is literally playing this game all the time.
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Against player with the same skill lvl can result in 0k for the obly reason you wont catch the survivor you have the same skill lvl
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Same goes for survivor. Only survivors that play on a regular basis are going to play perfect. Killer player just need to realize survivors strong sides and weak sides. So dont expect to win if you just chase survivor without trying to bait them and using any strategy at all. Killer is power role the outcome of a trial is 100% in your hands .
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uhh what XD my name can be a corilla and it doesnt mean i am, it's a joke but of course depressing serious people dont get it. and you don't seem to see facts because you're blinded by killer main bias
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Same goes if we are talking about the Rank 1 Killer populace. Otz far better than most Rank 1 Killers. That is like comparing a Hall of Fame player to all MLB players.
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Yes and the problem is killer is wayyy harder to play and even if the extremely high skill ceiling is reached they still are at a disadvantage
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Lmao completely agree. People bring up good killers like tru3 and otz but still they agree that survivors have the upper hand. They occasionally even have games where they're getting rekted.
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Otz plays the game for a living. You can't expect everyone to play like Otz in order to enjoy the game.
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intended balance is a 2k. 2 die 2 escape
personally? a majority of my games are 4ks, playing the worst killers (legion and wraith mostly.) its not really hard.
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Because its 1 vs 4. Killer role is more preferred to me as the outcome is in your hands you re not dependant on anyone unlike survivors .
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There s a skil ceiling. If you did bad as a killer i think you wont die if you get 2 kills 😄
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Cool. Would love to see you stream as a Rank 1 Killer and get mostly 4Ks. Just let me know when. Perhaps you can give the rest of us some tips.
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Otz is my favorite streamer to date, so I am not saying this to undermine him in anyway. But when otz played against a team of optimal survivors, as arguably the best killer in the entire game, he couldn't even touch them. If you have survivors who are at similar skill to the killer and they are all trying, and not memeing, it is near impossible to win. Something most people don't understand is how incredibly easy it is to get into rank 1 as survivor, so most people in rank 1 really aren't that great, I personally barley play survivor, suck at looping, and I still manage to get to rank 1 every month, its not hard. Here's the video im referencing if your wondering.
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It's not so much that playing killer is too hard, it's that the matchmaker and ranking system is busted so entirely that most games are flat out not fair from before they have even started.
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if i could stream i would. want me to record my next couple of games and upload them to youtube?
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No good. Nothing is stopping you from cherry picking the good ones.
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The point is that, against survivors of similar skill level, you should at average get two kills. If the pipping system punishes you with a depip, then that's a problem of the pipping system, not the game's balance.
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As killer now days I can't even get a 1k sometimes
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I thought killer was so stupidly easy to play. The first time I started playing killer I got 4 kills every game and continued to rank up extremely fast. The problem was it was too boring because of how easy it is and I personally don't really like playing 'alone' and killing the survivors. I prefer to play on a team and help others survive and escape. It's fun and feels more social.. As a multiplayer game should feel.
Anyways back to my point.. I gave my 8 year old brother the controller and he got 4 kills by.. obviously just chasing the survivors and smacking them. Keep in mind this was his first and only time playing this.
But this goes to show it really isn't hard to play a killer at all. I genuinely think they can train a monkey to look at the screen and hit the thingies that are running away from you at 0.25x spd.
I'm not exaggerating or joking btw.. Being serious when I say I really do think it's that easy for any unintelligent and or unskilled being (human or not) to get 4k as killer.
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go up against a swf all rank 1 try hards then tell me that lol
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I disagree with a lot of this. It’s really not that hard. I also don’t feel like killers should de pip if they don’t kill everyone either but I guess it does? It’s just ridiculous. It’s not always easy being survivor either. I’m not getting out as often as I’d like. I think there’s quite a few killers that are just too easy to gen control with and with their abilities it’s hard once you get caught out of position to loop for long. Not everyone’s good at it and quite frankly I don’t always feel like I got a solid chance as a survivor. Ebony Mori’s and Lag are a huge part of it. Why am I leave a match with 3-5 thousand bloodpoints? That’s pretty sad. It’s like telling your players screw you you wasted your time playing. Ya know? Yet you’re over here worrying about your 4Ks. Just have fun with the game man. Chase some people down and kill some. I don’t understand why this game isn’t oriented more towards the - If you don’t get everyone oh well kinda thing. Not these sweaty Mori and ultra rare add on And offering running OP killers.
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I can tell you that because I already have and it was still easy. I literally had 2-3 people hooked at all times then I would distrupt their gen progress and go back to hooking until they all died.
It was a breeze.
As killer you have more movement speed than survivors.. Then there's this thing called bloodlust that makes you even faster.. Then there's basically wallhacks-- oh I mean.. Aura reading perks. Oh yeah and there's GIANT ASS red marks pointing you in the exact direction that they run.
Bro killers have everything HANDED to them. It is SO FUNNY and HUMILIATING for people who say it's hard to play killer. Like what?? Are you blind, deaf and or playing at 2 fps?
Otherwise I don't see how it's hard..
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your so out of touch lol ok I doubt you play killer
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So you are actually asking for a more easy rankup for the killer?
I agree, that should be the case. A 2K should normally be a blackpip, unless you only got like 2-3 hooks and camped all the time.
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I have and I've been rank 1 killer before.
I play every now and then for easy BP but do I main killer and play it everyday? No. It's too easy and boring.
You just seem like a salty Ghostface killer main. I mean bruh.. You look at people and they get exposed.
"OoOooOo I looked at you for a lil bit. Now I can 1 shot you."
Try playing nurse. Then you can complain about it being hard. Even then, that's a balanced killer and it just comes down to knowing how to aim and you still win the game.
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im Just saying there are a lot of good killer characters that are ridiculously easy especially the zero heartbeat ones. I think if you have zero heartbeat you should be slow. But rather they’re too fast imo. I just see people go down too fast and that’s an issue as well. So if you’re having a hard time getting anyone then I think that team deserves to get out. Because I’m seeing easy 4Ks sometimes. Almost too easy. I just don’t think killer players need to complain about SWF because that’s what they’re supposed to do. But Mori’s kinda ruin the fun in the game for solo players! Lag destroys games as well. Then there’s the DC penalties that actually more often than not just make you wanna uninstall the game altogether because survivor experiences aren’t as easy as you say they are. They can be infuriating. I think people take one side too strongly as I’ve seen on here all too often and killer mains don’t recognize or acknowledge what people that play survivor have to go through. I realize killer can be stressful. But it’s not fair to survivors to keep them in the game longer than current gen speed if you can wipe them out as fast as you’re allowed to. It goes both ways. I think they make it too easy for killers!
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Otz is not arguably the best killer in the entire game #########?? He is not even close the best streamer. Just to name a few, Zubat, Umbra or Fungoose are undeniable way above his skilllevel.
It depends a lot which killer you run and on what map you are. If you are a top killer and you play vs a top survivor team and you come with adept Leatherface... you probably loose that game. But bring Freddy, Nurse or Spirit and it is a totally different story.
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lol there would be nothing to cherry pick, but okay 🥴
btw, after every game i could show my player level since that would show the games are back to back
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I was not in anyway saying that Otz is the best killer, I'm saying he PLAYED as arguably the best killer in the game, which is the spirit. I probably should've worded that differently, sorry.
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what does that mean im not really a salty pug?! how dare you! I do see that as the go to insult for most people on dbd to attack whatever your name is.
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there's a lot of bs that survivors have when it comes to running and looping, there's plenty to change to make it more fair. Right now i say it's still pretty survivor sided, Deathslinger is kinda meh when it comes to pressure.
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Accidental repost of the comment below.
Post edited by MiniPixels on0 -
I realize looking back at it now that the wording I used was weird, but I wasn't referring to Otz as the best killer in the game, I was referring to the spirit, which is who he played as against those survivors.
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Survivors control the game. Killers can only capitalize on mistakes which a team of good survivors make few.
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Do you stream? I would like to learn from you
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No I don't but I'm thinking about doing that regularly. The only thing is I'm not an amazing killer. I think I'm an average player in dbd and my content and commentary wouldn't be as entertaining as say n00b or monto's content.
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Of course you'd get constant 4ks when you first play as killer and you go against survivors in low ranks.
Seriously, if you're not someone who regularly plays killer in high ranks, we'd be better off not hearing from you in these kinds of threads saying that killer is "stupidly easy" while there's obviously a big problem with balance in this game