Is deathslinger the most divisive killer to date?

Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

I am seeing a lot of discussions on the forum revolving around deathslinger and I am honestly surpised how mixed the opinions are on him, there is people saying he is in the bottom 5 of the killer tier list and others saying he is completely busted and has no counterplay.

The way I see it, he is a decent killer, not really bad, but not the one I would use every match at rank one, he can sometimes be frustrating to play as and against due to the miniscule and unpredictable hitbox of his harpoon.

What are your opinions on him? Too strong? Too weak? Balanced?

Why do you think that way about him?


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    As you said. Its like The Huntress, if they're amazing they'll hit you, but you can do so many things to delay them in the chase.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Are you new here? This is the case for every killer released ever.

    Killers dont understand them quite yet and are far to fast with a conclusion that they suck.

    Survivors dont understand them quite yet and are far too fast with a conclusion that they are OP.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I like him. I wish he had increased map mobility outside of a chase. There also seems to be some weird inconsistency when it comes to speared survivors. Like when I'm speared, it seems like I can barely shift my position as I'm dragged by more than a foot. Then when I play as Deathslinger there are a number of survivors that after getting speared will almost instantly shift position by 4 feet or more. Maybe it's dedicated server nonsense but it doesn't feel like it. It just seems like some survivors have figured out some trick to get extra mobility while speared.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Lol, too true. It does seem to be a little more intense than usual though.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I love him personally. I'm reserving full judgment for now with respect to how strong he is but he's a blast to play as and against IMO. I don't think he's either OP or "unviable," though.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Plague was worse in my opinion. A lot of higher rank people thought she needed buffed or she was balanced. Lower rank players were demanding a nerf to her corrupt

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    After playing dozens upon dozens of Deathslinger games since I really love him and found in him my new main I'd say that he's pretty balanced and doesn't need many changes.

    The main buff that I would love to see would be increase in Redeemers lethality. Something along the lines that harpoon hits on surviors who have deep wounds status effect on them cause it to decrease by 50%. That would solve his inability to beat some of the strongest long loops since he would eventually down survivor running it at the cost of it taking more time (basically 3 harpoon hits on the same survivor would always down him no matter whiffing attacks or breaking chains after landing it).

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    As from what I learned playing him it all comes down to the way you pull. If you want to give surviors least amout of ability to struggle you need to reel them towards you while also walking back. That causes them to get pulled to you faster and makes them also push around obstacles them put in the way easier. If you just spear them and reel while walking toward them, they'll be able to wiggle far more then when walking back.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    You don't have Deathslinger's real strength. Line of sight.

    Most all Killers, even Huntress and Demogorgon, can have long moments where they see Survivors but can't interact with them. Other side of a wall, mid loop just out of reach, above/below, and so on. All Killers have those moments. Deathslinger has far less of them.

    If you have half a second of LOS with Deathslinger and good aim, you can harpoon a Survivor. Might not be able to end with a down but you at the very least can wound a lot more Survivors where no other Killer can. Demogorgon is kinda the same. Shred on a Demo allows it to land hits where other Killers can't if he has a straight path. Deathslinger can land hits in ALL of those very same spots and more. If Deathslinger was a 115% Killer, he would be too strong. There would almost be no looping him at all.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    Chase way to strong

    Map pressure way to weak.

    The worst killer they have designed since Legion 1.0

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    Divisive? I'd say that one still goes to Spirit, don't think I've ever seen quite as much sheer polarization (and to some extent hostility) before or after. And when it comes to sheer outrage I doubt anything will beat Legion.

    Deathslinger really doesn't feel that divisive to me. I don't see much "he's completely #########" or "he's disgustingly OP", it's more like... "yeah he could use some buffs/nerfs here and there" which makes for better discussion if you ask me.

  • Keelah
    Keelah Member Posts: 18

    For me, he's extremely fun to play as. Hitting your shots, especially hard ones, is super fun and rewarding. He's probably my favourite killer who was relased after I have started playing the game (I play since Plague was released).

    On the other hand, he's SUPER unfun to play against for me. I'm not saying he's broken, I'm not saying he needs nerfs, I'm just saying it's not fun for me to face him.

    The reason why I say that is because his terror radius is really weird. He gets super close to me every time, even without monitor. If he uses monitor it's even worse, because you basically have no time to react as he can almost instantly hit you with his chain. Besides that, his shots are much harder to avoid than, for example, Huntress's hatchets because of no wind up time. For me it's really unrewarding to avoid his shots because my skill barely matters, if he misses - it's because he messed up.

    Being in the state of deep wound when u can't see s#%t is also unfun, but I don't mind it that much.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2020

    This may just be a guess or speculation, but I think deathslinger is beta/alpha of this killer could down you through pallets. It just kinda makes sense because he has a gun, but on release, they purposely added a deep wound timer to his gun to make sure he can't down you with the single shoot. The result is that he is now clown-type that moves at 110% where the way you play against this guy is you don't respect him until he injures you and when injures you, every safe loop you go to, you just put pallet down early and he has break it, and when he does, you can make huge amount of distance and run to the other side of the map. It will take forever to catch up as 110% when playing this way. In essence, survivor has no incentive to play pallets because a safe and full proof option exists. If you can crush a 1vs1 designed killer that easily, than it no wonder that players say he has no map pressure, he isn't able to generate any in the first place therefore generator pop very quickly against him.

    With that being said, I don't think every killer who is 110% needs to able to down people through pallets to be strong. Tossing 5% extra movement speed is a lazy solution to improving a killer. What is more interesting is figuring what would make deathslinger worthy of a 110% killer. I think if hook shot just applied injured+deep wound on-hit as opposed to chain-break, he would be worthy of 110% as he could harpoon+reel+basic attack someone into a down. He would be only killer on roaster to have a low terror +the ability to instant down someone out of position. It would very unique as most killers who have 1 shot are 115%+Normal TR or only have 0 TR. He would be only killer to have both. Only Myers would be close, but Myers can only be in evil within 2(Stealth) or in Evil within 3(1 shot), Not both at the same time. I don't think they'll do it based off looking at his add-on's, but I think the change would make him worthy of 110%. In general, I think killer prefer a strong ability, less movement speed over a weak ability with normal movement speed because it allows the killer to have better skill expression and mastery of the said skill over relying on movement speed/survivor mistakes. This may sound ironic but when I play survivor, I prefer when the killer has weak ability+normal movement speed over a strong ability+lower movement speed because it allows me to completely control the chase outcome from start to finish. I suppose this is the reason why it is hard to balance asymmetric game because both sides have conflicting requests. In the end, I think killer powers should be powerful but you should be play to outplay them to certain extent.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    He needs a sound effect like huntresses when she wind up hatchets. Overall he's fine.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Always feel some opinions here are on a disconnect because we play on different systems. Take Nurse (prior to nerf) she was apparently a common threat to pc people that some killers found boring to play because she was ‘easy mode’ but down here in the land of console I barely see her or felt threatened.

    I feel Deathslinger opinions shift drastically between pc and console, so much so that I feel people should reveal what they play on prior to giving a opinion on him.