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Some friends and I tried to re create marth88’s perkless depip squad and here’s the results.

All 5 gens done in 3 minutes and 53 seconds, this is unacceptable. If you watch the video you can see that we all split up on gens and got 3 done in the first few minutes of the match.


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  • Member Posts: 828

    actually 3:34, took 19 secs to load in


  • Member Posts: 1,442

    I partially agree. Why? because the gen speed is a real problem, i would say that most of the times in rank 1... 2 gens pop with your first hooked survivor. And you need 3 hooks to kill someone, there's barely time to get at least 1 kill unless the survivor team is lollygagging the entire match.

    So.. of course that less pallets and infinites will give the killer more time but the gens speed is a problem by itself...

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It's not news that higher rank survivors can bully low rank killers and finish gens quickly. That was true before the ruin changes. If you are going to make the argument that gen speeds are an issue (which I agree with btw) then you need to present better evidence.

  • Member Posts: 747

    I believe gen speed is not the problem, it's a symptom. The problem is that a good nurse can down you in 20 seconds, but a wraith could take a minute and a half for one hook if all the pallets are up and the survivor knows what he's doing.

    If you nerf gen speeds, any decent nurse will destroy you every game. If you balance the maps and make other killers easier to down survivors, gen speed will correct itself.

    I also don't want 20 minutes matches, I want 10 minutes matches where I can down and kill survivors quicker with wraith or with any killer.

  • Member Posts: 940

    I feel BHVR can prove that, since old Ruin has been ripped off and killers totally exposed we have had toolboxes changed which doesn't do anything for just people on a gen.

    Posted a solution in forums to this similar to SWFs having a thana like slow down with solos except.

    If they slow down gens this will only make it worse for solo survivors, SWFs need to be addressed to be somewhere near a level playing field.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    Me neither.. i like matches that last from 10-15 minutes. But about the problem... the thing is that there are too many killers that needs buffs to match the top ones and too many maps to rebalance, so i don't think the devs are willing to do something like that ever. They take killer related stuff very slowly... I wish they would but it would be more easy to touch the gens for them and if is necesary tweak the top tiers which are few.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    It's not really on Oni to get downs with his power imo. More like: is the survivor a meghead? Nice! One more down.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2020

    I mean then it proves the matchmaker and ranking systems are busted as all hell; so either way there is obviously a huge issue.

    Matches like this are no fun for anyone, it's not even a game anymore it has no challenge.

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    That shows how bad the ranking system is. Not gen speeds. you gen rushed a baby killer try it against a red rank spirit or billy

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Survivor mains: He made mistakes and didnt apply enough pressure. Yet survivors can make mistakes all the time and have second chances. Shits busted.

  • Member Posts: 849

    So starting off, Survivors working on different gens is the best possible strategy to use. So the fact you specifically split up to work on gens increases the chances of completing 2-3 gens in 110 seconds.

    Next survivors are less reliant on perks than I feel like killers are. Certain killers like Nurse, Spirit and Billy are the exceptions there.

    Third, you are SWF, it really doesn't matter how you play as SWF with or without mics, friends generally know how each other play and play better when together than with three other random solo's.

    Lastly, this was a Rank 15 Oni vs a SWF team with the closest to his ranks being nearly half of his (rank 7 & 8). On top of that, he had one perk. As I previously said, killers are more reliant on perks than survivors are.

    In short all your video showed is that the ranking system is broken.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Everyone thinks gen speeds are the answer across the board, but they are wrong. If you looked at the stats I'd be willing to bet that low rank kill rates are quite high. Mid to low ranks are a killer's domain. It is bot until purple or red ranks where you start to see the gen speed issue come to the forefront.

    If you tweak gen speeds, you will utterly destroy mid to low rank survivor population. The newer players will almost guarantee quit the game. That is DbDs death warrant.

    Balance on this issue is not a simple flat fix. It is a combo of finding a real match making system, then you can tweak by skill level. This game has always been in need of a progressive difficulty for survivors.

    You also have to fix solo vs 4 man SWF. Solo play is way off in comparison. You alter gen times and you will make that even worse.

    Not so easy.

  • Member Posts: 116
  • Member Posts: 2,328

    Rank 15 oni. The hell? Try the same against a rank 1 oni main. I bet you will all die. Just the chicken run after unhooking shows you guys are probably just good at holding M1. As soon as a strong chaser is in the picture the whole team falls.

  • Member Posts: 1,303
  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Nah, the killer must of been bad.


  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited March 2020

    I mean if someone posted a compilation of 100 games where that happened youd want to see all 100 games fully which would be kinda asking for the impossible. (Just saying this happens a lot more then you think especially if its like a slower killer like clown on a giant map) also its hard because of the matchmaker also being a #########.

  • Member Posts: 580

    I get that the killer is low rank but...he did down someone within a reasonable time and 3 gens got done in that time.

    Sure the lack of pressure after that is due to the killers lack of experience but I feel alot of killers would of had to have given up the first 3 gens in that scenario.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Who's going to really do the experiment again? Not that it will matter, the data we got last time was disregarded as "that's not every game" despite Martha and his squad de-piping literal stream snipers as killers and beating every single one except a nurse...

    But that meant nurse was over powered and needed a nerf, don't you get it?

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    There are at least 300 videos that many just dismiss.

  • Member Posts: 151

    I agree with people saying that this was done against a level 15 baby killer with lack of gameplay experience. You can't expect a fairly new player to stop the gen rush against high ranking swf. This seems a self promoting video thread to get more views.

    It happens vs red ranking killers but lets not make this a huge problem because its doesn't happen every game. Some killers will just play for fun with a low tier killer and will go against a try hard swf squad.

    The problem is matchmaking which places experienced players to go against inexperienced players.

  • Member Posts: 214

    Obviously a thread by a killer main who thinks by just opening a lobby he should get automatic 4k results every round. If you make the gens even longer (remember the gen times were way faster in the beginning) you need to compensate to that for the survivors as well - 4/5th of the player base relies on survivors, remember that. If chances are close to zero for an escape noone will continue to play this game.

    Alltogether this game hosts the most toxic community I have ever experienced in almost 25 years of online gaming and a company that does a job at game design and coding so utterly poor like BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 539

    This video shows how a new player who chooses the killer role will be turned off by the game, and lead to a decline in popularity and lack of killers to go against for survivor mains.

    I'm starting to think the player base is slowly killing DBD and not the game developers anymore. Pat yourselves on the back.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    Lets do the same tomorrow with me in KYF mode? about 10 games?

  • Member Posts: 72

    They wouldn't be good against me. Probably would've been one escape through the hatch

  • Member Posts: 281

    You sound like a parrot tbh

    Killers have second chance too

    As well as that you shouldn't even conpare second chances on survivor with killer since second chance isn't what killer needs in the same way, killer needs time/information more so comparing the strenth of second chance perks on survivors to time/information perks on killer is a better way to go about balancing the game

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    It proves that matchmaking is broken. Not that anyone needed any more proof for that,

  • Member Posts: 583

    You guys bullied a baby lol

  • Member Posts: 399

    There were two toolboxes on that squad and one looked like a Commodius with a Brand New Part. Those are designed to make gens go faster. Should have not brought in any toolboxes if you wanted to make a point about gen speeds. I don't doubt that the same SWF team with the same killer would still all escape without them, and I know gens can still pop quickly when a team splits up, but there's too many variables here.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Marth and his sqaud recorded hundreds of games and posted the results on YouTube.

    I'm afraid one match won't change many minds.

  • Member Posts: 312

    Long story short. The game needs to be taken down for as long as it takes to do proper maintenance, and fix the problems that have been mentioned. Test, tweak, test, tweak. When the dev's get it figured out, and put it back up they can find a way to compensate us, if the community sees that necessary..

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