Maybe spawning already hearing the heart beat is a little close

kone19 Member Posts: 72
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
Title says it all. Also next to the generator so basically I was served up on a silver platter 


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    You can still hide.
    I see survivors all the time immediately hammering down shift after their spawn and then blame RNG afterwards if I spot them accross the map :wink:

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Nah, you can just loop us for fifteen years. I usually have to shave after each encounter and check if I missed my birthday. 
  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72
    @Master this wasn’t across the map. This only happened once so I’m laughing at it now but it was spawn next to a generator that had no over and a second and a half the killer turned the corner next to me clearly just starting his patrolling at the closest generator. I hadn’t even registered my surroundings or moved more then a couple feet by the time I was seen with the where to go. I still loved a little longer but there was no where to get away. By the time there was enough terrain for that I had already been hit once 
  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2018
    @DarkWo1f997 can’t loop without the terrain to do it. I had no chance with my area of the map 
    Post edited by kone19 on
  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Classic example, survivor spawning and hammering down shift, you didnt spawn in line of sight :wink:

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    Ive seen clips where the killer spawns with 1 or more survivors in the shack.

  • Jigsawn
    Jigsawn Member Posts: 19

    It happens quite frequently when I'm killer, that I will meet survivors in the first few seconds, around the generator that's closest to my spawn. You can say hide but on some maps there isn't the cover around some gens. Take for example a map with generator next to a hill. When I find survivors there in the first 5 seconds of the game its a guaranteed Chase and usually a hook.

    I've also had spawns where I am in direct line of sight of a survivor not too far away, giving me an immediate advantage of where to go first. For example on the Autohaven that has 2 hills across from each other on a pallet field, I have spawned on one hill and a survivor on the other. Needless to say I caught then in 10 seconds.

    Spawns are definitely something that need a bit of tweaking as its a little too close in some circumstances.

  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2018
    @Judgement yep pretty much lol but even closer 
  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    Is there a clip of the main branch, not ptb?

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    and we get the same thing with object of obsession i always am hearing i have been spotted right off the bat.