Best Healer Build (or NON-Meta Build) for Survivor? (or Killer)

Hello all,

I've sort of gotten bored of playing DBD lately and haven't been online as much, also some of the recent changes as you know has made the game a bit less fun overall for most people.. but anyways, that's the reason I began trying to test out unique builds and playstyles to have more fun with.

One of the first ones that has kept my interest so far is playing Survivor as a "Support/Healer" and honestly overall it has been quite the experience, despite having been Deranked to Rank 17 for not playing and getting mostly completely new players as teammates that have no idea what is going on and make this playstyle extremely difficult to be effective XD

What I am looking for your help with is coming up with the ideal - perfect Survivor Support Healer build, as far as Perks go. What would be the absolute best combo of perks to run for this specific strategy?

Currently I have been testing & messing around with a couple of different options so feel free to add to it if you can come up with something new:

  1. Empathy, We'll Make It, Babysitter, Distortion - See injured, Quick Unhook, No Scratch marks, Quick Heal.
  2. Empathy, We'll Make It, Second Wind, Inner Strength - See injured, Quick Unhook, Quick Heal, 2 Free Self Heals.
  3. Empathy, We'll Make It, Second Wind, Botany Knowledge/We're Gonna Live Forever. (Solidarity?) - See injured, Quick Unhook, Quick Heal, 1 Free Self Heal, & Increased Heal Speeds or BP Gain or % Self Heal.

This is what I've been playing around with so far, curious if there is anything better that I may be missing. I just purchased Solidarity at the Shrine so I am thinking of potentially using that one as well. Not sure if there are better builds for it that I don't know about though.


At first I was only interested in Survivor Support/Healer Builds. But that got me thinking, I bet there are many other Builds & Playstyles that I am not even thinking of that are NON-Meta and might be fun to try.. such as Saboteur builds for just 1 example, but I'm sure there are others as well... so I updated the Discussion Title within the (Parenthesis) to Please Feel Free to include ANY "NON-Meta" Perk Builds that you find fun to play that would be considered a completely different "playstyle" than the standard you see.

You may do this for EITHER Survivor or Killer if you have a specific choice in mind, however, if you choose Killer please let us know which Killer you use the build on and why it works with that Killer.

Please include the 4 Perks that you prefer using for the Build, as well as any Addons that you find help make it work for you, and explain just a little briefly about the playstyle so that we can understand how it works.

Thank you very much, I'll be looking forward to reading your suggestions and trying them out! 


  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Empathy - Kindred - we'll make it. For the fourth I switch between Solidarity or Better together.

    Empathy and we'll make it are self explanatory, but Kindred gives you great information if you are the type that doesn't kamikaze run for the hook. It also gives you the added benefits of letting you see which direction the killer leaves the hook in if you are on a gen in their path, and which direction to head for healing if you are coming off he gen.

    Solidarity is useful but I find better together more useful for he fact that an injured survivor knows to run to the yellow gen for a heal.

    This build gives you a LOT of information to work from if you are prepared to be patient, and you can swap that end perk for things like Botany or borrowed time, or even the exhaustion perk of your choice.

    I don't rely rely on items or addons, but a couple of tips i would add is save your medkit for non hook heals unless you find yourself in an emergency. Also if you have an injured friend on a gen or are injured on a gen, stop at 99% to heal. Hope this is somewhat useful

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Ooo I actually have thought about using Kindred, to help with the unhooks. Worth mixing that in for sure, although I had not thought about using Better Together. Interesting, I'll have to try that out, ty for the suggestion... I honestly only Repair gens if no one is being hooked or needs healing with this strategy, which hasn't been too much given that Rank 17-20s are constantly being hooked and need saving/healing.. but I can imagine that with better teammates it may be useful to have Better Together to get them to come to me easier. Like you said, between all these Perks there is definitely a lot of information being given which is nice.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    On my Feng I run: Auto Didact - Aftercare - Reslience and Solidarity and its pretty fantastic

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597
    edited March 2020

    Thank you all for the suggestions! Although I was expecting to get a few more haha..

    That being said, to respond to what you said about Botany Knowledge.. I am curious, what would you replace in one of the builds that I was using above from my OP for Botany Knowledge?

    I don't have Autodidact, I do have Solidarity though, is there a better Perk combo that I am not thinking of?

    I was thinking based on the other suggestions to perhaps try out using: Empathy, We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Kindred/Second Wind.

    The thing is, I like Empathy because it gives me the largest range of Aura Reading and for all injured Survivors, so I would pick it over After-Care personally. I also prefer We'll Make It to almost any of the other Speed Increase options because I will certainly be going for Unhooks so I plan to have it activated as much as possible, and in 90 Seconds I can really heal a ton of teammates up pretty quickly, I've healed someone completely off the ground to full + 2 more people from injured to full before in that 90 seconds. So I don't want to get rid of those 2 perks because I find them too valuable..

    Which means that I only have 2 more perks to work with to interchange and test out.. so I'm trying to figure out what the best possible other 2 perks would be to run for this type of "Support/Healer" build that I am running. I'm sure all of the options that have been listed, including the ones that I listed myself, are probably viable, but is there a "best" or "most efficient" version of it?

    Again, with the sole purpose of saving and healing other Survivors, even if that means getting myself killed in the end. (Which often does happen I noticed after I save everyone else multiple times and then I get hooked once and they just leave me to die and escape without me) haha. Funny how that works out isn't it? XD


    I thought about it some more and I would run a few interesting arguments toward why I think some of the Perks I am choosing are better than others, in case this may help determine if I am on the right path...

    1. I prefer Second Wind over Solidarity possibly because of a few conditions. If I am healing someone and already have full health, as far as I know Solidarity will not be helping me at all whatsoever. If I am healing someone at all, chances are I am healing them for a full health slate, which means that Second Wind will actually activate which ends up giving me a Full Health Slate (after 30 seconds) rather than only a 40% Health Slate which is what Solidarity would do. The Major difference here being that Second Wind only activates after I am unhooked, where-as Solidarity could heal me 40% whenever I am healing someone, although typically I might not be running around injured unless I just got off of a hook. (If the Killer is good they will down me and end the chase) so in my case Solidarity would give less advantages overall and be more beneficial only in a situational circumstance.
    2. Empathy I've already mentioned I prefer over After-Care as they are both Aura-Reading perks but I think Empathy provides much more.
    3. I do not have Auto-Didact so I am actually not really familiar with how it works to be honest, could use some information on this, but not sure if it would outshine other perks such as We'll Make it which is a definite must for me. Similarly, while Botany Knowledge gives an all around 11% increase to healing speed which is quite nice and beneficial, it does not stack with We'll Make It (if I am to understand 100% is the maximum speed allowed for healing) and while I won't always have We'll Make It active and available, I would argue that with 90 seconds of activation and me going for regular Unhooks, it is going to be active over 50% of the game or at least in 80% + of situations where I have to be healing someone. So I would also prefer We'll Make It over Botany Knowledge as well, though the 2 can be used together.
    4. While Resilience does give an additional stackable 9% increase to healing speed while injured, if I'm running around healing people all game long (especially if I am using Solidarity) then I highly doubt that I will remain injured myself long enough throughout the game to be able to really take advantage of the 9% increase from Resilience, so I would argue that perks is no good for me.
    5. As for the rest that have been mentioned I'm honestly not really sure, still trying to figure out what works best with what I got.
  • Blackhouse
    Blackhouse Member Posts: 15

    Here's a little game I like to call Tag Hag: Iron Maiden, Infectious Fright, Nurse's Calling, Bitter Murmur, Rusty Shackles and Willow Wreath.

    As repetitious boredom easily sets in, it's important to create your own fun as a killer. Tag Hag is a simple game of tag with the survivors, with the only rule being that nobody can be hooked until everyone is lying on the ground (undoubtedly laughing and exhausted from the hilarity).

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    That sounds interesting, so it's overall a Slug build? But for fun? I might have to try it out for sure

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    My favourite support healer build is:

    • "Empathy"
    • "Autodidact"
    • "Solidarity"
    • "Botany Knowledge"/ any exhaustion perk

    As item you can use a medkit to fill your solidarity heal full if you need it.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    That actually sounds like a very nice solid build, I might have to work on unlocking Autodidact so that I can try it out! Is Solidarity really that good though?

    I just recently started running Kindred again after someone suggested it above and it's pretty amazing for unhooks actually.

    I was thinking of maybe trying Empathy, Autodidact, Kindred, We'll Make It.

    Does Autodidact just work in a way that when you have tokens each time you get a successful healing skill check it automatically jumps progression of the heal slate by a certain %?

    Like example, "Great Skill Checks" typically increase the heal slate by like a small % immediately, does Auto-Didact essentially work the same way?

    I'm bummed I didn't pick it up when it was in the Shrine recently, now I'll probably have to level Adam Francis to 40 to get it haha :(

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Actually been playing around with Spine Chill...

    Empathy, We'll Make It, Spine Chill, Kindred... surprisingly not bad, Spine Chill is always good to have, and the extra 6% speed at certain times is a nice little bonus.

    Will be trying it out with Autodidact soon though, almost got Adam Francis to 40

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Right now, my build on my main (Feng) is: "We'll Make It, For the People, Borrowed Time, Inner Strength"

    Now you can definitely argue that some of those may be redundant, but I'm all about being a team player.

    We'll Make It if I know the killer is a good distance away

    Borrowed Time if the killer is close but I need to make the save or the person will die.

    For the People if I have to heal someone quickly in a situation where I didn't pull them off hook.

    and Inner Strength to heal myself when For the People broken status wears off.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    "Autodidact" works best without additional healing speed, because you need to get three skill checks to get value for the first time. It's godlike with five tokens. :)

    "Solidarity" pairs well with "Autodidact", because the healing buffs from "Autodidact" give "Solidarity" progress. Me like this!

    The combination of "Kindred" and "We'll make it" is really good, i agree.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Sorry to ask you, but does that mean that you wouldn't recommend running Auto-Didact together with We'll Make It?

    In which case I would imagine that a build such as: Empathy, Auto-Didact, Solidarity, Botany Knowledge/Resilience/Spine Chill

    would actually be BETTER than a build using: Empathy, We'll Make It, Kindred?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    "Autodidact" is essentially a build-up "We'll make it". Skill checks are random and autodidact needs them to build up it's stacks. The faster you heal, the less checks you get. And autodidact on five needs no lore healing boost. :)

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214

    I love to play a healer support but play around medkits (green ones are so good I love them)

    My build: pharmacy, botany knowledge, streetwise, balanced landing (or any left defense perk you’d like)

    Another option: aftercare, kindred, we’ll make it, solidarity/inner strength.

    lots of other ones have been mentioned. Love it when people play a variety of builds and people aren’t super meta try hard on either side.