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General Discussions

New Console Generation and DbD

So, with the announcements of the Xbox Series X and the Playstation 5, how do we all think Dead by Daylight will do? Will we get a new release for the next generation? Will it be considered backwards compatible? Will all purchased Chapters/Cosmetics be transferable between generations if they are? Are all the Archives that we have completed transfer between generations?

Would there be a considerable drop in the playerbase if it isn't on the new generation?

I want to get on top of this conversation now, since there are specs being released for the new systems. If the devs have already started to work on a version for the new generation or getting Microsoft and Sony to make it backwards compatible, then it would be nice to know.

This is also NOT an open invitation to go after the devs over console optimisation, or anything similar. This is just a talk about how the console players of Dead by Daylight will be affected by the new generation of consoles.


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  • Member Posts: 19

    You really think the game will make it till then?

  • Member Posts: 1

    This game isn't even optimized for current gen. Why would I waste the hardware and power of the next gen consoles as well as my time and sanity playing a game that doesn't even run at even 30 frames on current systems? Lmaooooooo

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    PS5 will be backwards compatible with many PS4 games. DBD might be one of the games that won't be, but we'll see.

    It doesn't need to update to next gen though, probably.

    Also, PC isn't changing so... yeah.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited March 2020

    XB Series X is like a HQ Gaming PC.

    If this thing can't run DBD at 60 FPS, the developers need to step it up on the optimization! 😁

    Also, yes, if you can transfer your XB account to the Series X then you should be able to keep your DBD progress.

  • Member Posts: 897

    There is no reason for no backwards compatibily for PS5-PS4. The game core will still the very same. It doesnt use all PS4 processing power already... as we can see at the low fps. They wouldnt make a improvement for the next generation, for sure, as they dont optimize for the current. So, the same program, just in a PS5 instead of a PS4.

    But, i wont buy a ps5 so early, them... i dont really care... :)

  • Member Posts: 3

    Personally, I hope we're able to link two console accounts together and be able to transfer data and cosmetics to our main account. Some people who stream have two accounts to stop harassment. Sony also had come pretty late with their software version 6.5 with the update to change your name. Alot of people have data on old accounts, started new accounts in fear Sony would never implement this feature, are it wouldn't happen at least until next gen.

    We'll definitely see a graphical overhaul with the next gen PS5 and Series X versions. I say they should release a remastered version too, it would give them more opportunity to realize the game in full of this gen's software.

  • Member Posts: 940

    The golden goose will have been killed shortly after the next gen

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Xbox has been very good with backwards compatibility. I don't think they'll need to make a new version for it.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    It's time for DBD to be released as a fully WELL OPTIMIZED AND WELL CODED FRESH game release for PS5.

    If they're doing CROSS SAVE PROGRESSION, then I'm all in. If they don't, I will not be buying Dead by Daylight again.

  • Member Posts: 126

    i bet you’ll have to restart. feels bad being a console player

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I've been playing over two separate Xbox's for the past few months with all my data copied, so it's not that bad. Only real difference is less Nurse and Huntress. WAY more Hillbilly in my area.

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