What if survivors had unique bloodpoint bonuses?

What if different survivors had different bloodpoint bonuses in different categories? Like get extra bp for certain actions. For example, Claudette would get double the bloodpoints for finishing a heal. Dwight would get double bloodpoints for co-op actions on gens. Kate could have double for killer grasp escapes, Jake could have double for completing a sabotage, David would get double for protection hits, etc. It would add a little variety between different survivors but I think it could also encourage players to fit that character's intended role when playing, even if only a little.
The problem i have with any kind of advantage one survivor has over other survivors is then we're gonna have a lack of diversity in survivors because one or two will become meta. Everyone's gonna be a dwight or everyone's gonna be a claudette. That just gets boring.
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Did you read the post? Bloodpoint bonuses for specific actions aren't that big of a deal, just a small incentive to play the character as intended and add variety to the survivor roster.
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Why would anyone who wants to level up play Kate instead of Claudette? Healing is far easier and more common than grasp escapes and in turn make you more bloodpoints. Having them skins promotes more variety than any bloodpoint advantages would.
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I dont like this idea. We would end up only seeing certain survivors. Just have it the way it is. Just skins