The lost of addons is unfair to survivors

Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Survivors have 5 time more addons than killer 90 % of them being useless , it doenst make it equal between survivors and killers because killers can get whatever addons they want way WAY easier

if you add to that , that most survivors items and addons are barely useful and game changing in any true capacity compare to killer ones and you have the most BS change ever

why should i bother wasting 200 K bloodpoint to do 10 bloodweb to maybe MAYBE get the item i want and if i am very lucky the addons i want on it but killers most of the time in 1 bloodweb get the addons they want in duplicates even

either buff back survivors items and addons into relevance or revert the addon change it makes no sense for survivors to have a way harder time getting stuff when those stuff are barely relevant to the game


  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    What you don't rely on broken keys and useless maps?:)

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    useless maps and broken keys are the equivalent of huntress iri head we all know it , in the killers eyes that is

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    killer add ons and offerings are so much better than survivors. Brand new part isn’t good enough to be equal to say the ebony Mori or most of the add ons of killers that give them even more of an unfair advantage on survivors. Brand new part still requires you to work hard for those boosts 😂 while killers just have to down hook tunnel Mori people? Nonsense. That’s too easy for killer. Killers gotta find people and they’re already good at that based on what abilities and perks they’re already given. So why can’t survivors keep their already not as useful add ons if they escape? Is it that serious to treat them the same as killer add ons? Killer ad ons are way more powerful.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    did i say "useless" ? no i didnt i said barely useful they still have value not just enough value to be consider so OP that they need to be lost

    most of the pink addons of survivors items are some of the worst addons since their nerfs even if i didnt lost them i wouldnt take them , i am more mad when i loose my green addons for medkit than any pink useless addons

    skeleton keys are not even good there is no diff between them and purple keys and keys in general are bad most of the time to use them you already won the game or loose horribly in a way that shouldnt be possible and you'll still need to find the closed hatch what isnt easy

    why can't survivors keep their addons if they do well hein ?

    btw that isnt true most items outside of keys are even more bad than normal without addons i rather keep my green addons than my item , map are worthless , medkit can only heal you once without addons what is nothing , toolbox run out even faster and flashlight even with addons i barely notice a diff

    why i should waste a perk slot for an almost irrelevant perk that is only good if you run other synergy perks with it to be able to keep my addons

    and also you miss the entire point if at leats it was as easy for survivor as it is for killer to obtain their addons why not , but survivors have a 5 time harder time to get addons compare to killer

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    No, your first sentence clearly said useless, "Survivors have 5 time more add-ons than killer 90 % of them being useless..."

    Now I can agree to a certain point on what you mean. But try looking at it from a different angle. Survivors have no specific power. Their items and add-ons can be used by ANY survivor. Yes, you may be looking for a specific item right now, but that doesn't mean those "useless" items won't be used at a later time. But killers have unique powers with specific add-ons; no one wants to play the same killer every single match. Son in that regard, they have to spend their BP wisely because they want to try different killers based on different play styles. But with one survivor, if you give it all the perks, you never have to trade it out. So you'll always have a plentiful supply of add-ons for future games that you can immediately adjust your play style to.

    One other counterpoint to consider is that killers have useless add-ons too that are just as common to get in the BP when compared to a survivor. Like Bubba having an add-on for his chainsaw that doesn't instadown people or Freddy's snares being essentially useless. How often do you see those add-ons being used and how much of those add-ons do you think they have?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I would rather see the devs improve the Bloodpoint gain of survivors. It's particularly frustrating if you have to do something as survivor that gets you Bloodpoints in the category that you've already maxed. The cap for each of the Bloodpoints category needs to be increased to 16K, or perhaps just removed completely. Then they should also look into what actions give you how many Bloodpoints. In particular I think survivors should get more Bloodpoints for repairing a gen alone. When repairing a gen with someone else you get more than double the Bloopdoints you get when repairing a gen alone, which really doesn't make sense to me.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I don't mind losing addons if I use the item in game. But it does seem daft that you loose them if you win without using the item at all.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    I agree with this honestly survivors get the BEST toolbox in the game and it now only repairs maybe almost HALF a gen and the repair bar still moves slow af.

    Besides you can bring the best items you possibly can as survivor and the killer switches to Franklin's demise at the last second.

    Exactly what this other guy said here too.. Killers have ebony mori so everyone is basically dead after 1 hook.

    Thats game changing and compared to what the survivors have?

    Survivors have JUNK to work with now. Brown toolboxes repair the gen a LIL bit faster and they only repair like what 5% of the gen?

    What idiot thought of this patch??? They basically made survivor toolboxes useless and screwed us over big time.

    Killers can now tunnel and facecamp without worrying about survivors counterplaying and genrush at all.

    Its obvious some garbage killer main is probably responsible for this patch. Or someone who doesn't play the game at all #########.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2020

    yes 90 % of the survivors addons are useless the 10 % left are useful but very weak and you still didnt addres the main prob of my post the fact that killers can get addons Way way easier than survivors can , what is the injustice i am talking about

    oh cool i can take other items with the same survivor but just like i explain almost every items are wack and situational at best so it doenst matter I rather be like the killers and be stuck with 1 good reliable item/power with whom i can get reliably addons for in the bloodweb like killers can , than have the choice between 5 equally irrelevant items with whom i have to pray to the entity to maybe gimme the 1 addon i want in the 5 next bloobwebs

  • 1saltypug
    1saltypug Member Posts: 117

    Kinda wish survivors had some kind of power nothing ridiculous but something to kinda make them unique. Like claudette getting a small base increase speed to healing or less medkit charges used.

    YAMIHOG Member Posts: 19

    You legitimately get to keep everything you go in with, if you survive.

    Killers get to keep nothing, regardless of how well they do. Killers can barely get ONE PIP unless they were performing at max efficiency. Survivors can die and still get a pip.

    Survivors are overpowered, stop bitching just cause you know the devs favor survivors. If you don't like it, play killer. Don't wanna play killer? I wonder why. Because it's not fun, right? Because survivors get out in a manner of mere minutes?

    Sit the ######### down and shut up LMAOOOO. B y e

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    Found the killer main. Regarding the post, I don't really a big problem with the add on change, just gives me a reason to use my item fully.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I agree with loss of add ons being unfair for several reasons.

    1) Survivors get less points than killers.

    2) Survivor add ons aren’t as good as killer add ons. What, a flashlight bulb - maybe that’s not bad but... eh I don’t think I’m too crazy about running flashlights where it lags or glitches and your flashlight does nothing and the killer mows you down. Eh. I’d rather use brand new part but even then it’s only a small boost. and It’s a brand new part that you have to work hard nailing those small skill checks to get? I paid for that why are you making me work for that? Killers get instant buffs that they don’t have to work for!

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    The Killer relys on their powers to get kills whereas survivors dont need items to even win.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    True but its an aspect of the game that was made way more unfun for survivors while not helping killers in any way , its just bad overall , killer mains will be like "oh survivors get nerf" but in reality its not its just a big "######### you" to the survivor fun factor

  • ThePetDetective
    ThePetDetective Member Posts: 28

    im not sure what you intend with this responce, as moris are offerings, not add ons. it's not really comparable, everyone has always lost offerings, where as addons only recently were lost for survivors.

    that said, for your argument, a survivor doesn't really have any meaningful offerings. they can change the map but that is arguable if its the same thing as a mori, and the only real thing they have is vigos jar (a gamble, since its, yknow, luck) and possibly the petrified wood, if that even makes a difference.

    Their quote unquote powerful offerings ARE the items, and losing the addons which are only optional, but never required to use one effectively, seems fair. the best addons are kind of comparable to offerings, which i guess is what you were trying to say, but if you subscribe to that notion then it only makes sense to lose them.

    and again, i know im sort of sticking to this point a lot, but survivors have a WHOLE perk with an arguably pretty consistant effect, that ALSO lets them keep add ons. killers dont have that option, they have the black ward, which isnt readily available whenever they want, while survivors have both ace in the whol eif they feel confident and white ward when they dont.

    the bottom line is any decent survivor could do with or without items/add ons, while some killers pretty much need addons at higher ranks.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    it's not fair to compare an add-on to an offering. we both lost those in the past anyway. and brand new part can do 25% of a gen in 5 seconds, and don't tell me you have to work for them, it's 2 skill checks, and even if you miss them you still got 15% of on the gen. besides, it was consumed on use before the patch, so you wouldn't keep it anyway. and even if you want to say that killer add-ons are better, remember its a 4v1. if 4 people bring the same decent add-on, it can have much more of an impact than a killers. in total, the survivor team can bring up to 8 add-ons, vs a killers 2. on their own it makes sense a killers add-on is more powerful, but 4 of a survivors can easily overwhelm a killer. a team with 4 brand new parts can bring a shroud of binding to all spawn together and finish a gen in 5 seconds, and even if the gens a 3 man gen its still 75% of a gen in 5 seconds, and then you got 3 people on the gen still.

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488

    Few more tears to this river and we'll have a flood on our hands. XD "It'S UnFaIr" XD

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2020

    and we already have a lac of crybaby killers tears cried for stupid reason at leats my tears have some truth and meaning behind them

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488

    So adding more time to your purple flashlights, medkits, and toolboxes Is fair? 8 against two is fair? Most killer addons I've seen barely make a difference especially at high ranks, and yet here you are busting out a gen in WAY LESS than 80 seconds. By the way I think that's the point of a consumable you snowflake, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CONSUMED.

  • Unironicalygoth
    Unironicalygoth Member Posts: 175

    This post has made me laugh I'm happy survivors are upset about something for once its not like ruin was nerfed into oblivion and anything that killers have ever had that was some what decent us nerfed and actually made useless anyways this some low quality bait 😂😂

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    It was a weird change, since Franklin's Demise exists, and killer addons are typically far and away more powerful when combo'd correctly. Most of what survivors have are very nerfed from what they used to be. Particularly, toolboxes (Brand New Part) and flashlights are nothing compared to before.

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    The thing is survivors don't need tools to win. They're only in the game to boost the game if the survivors are in a bad spot. Killers need their power. Without them every killer would be an m1 disaster.

    Some add ons and tools survivors have are useless, that i can agree on but a lot of killer add ons are useless too. SOME EVEN NERFING KILLERS (speed limiter) and to be honest even though add ons from a killer may be better survivor perks are better than killer perks by a mile. With so many 2nd chance perks it gets overwhelming. The game is a 1v4 and that means you can have 8 addons verse 2. I'd say that's more devastating.

    I'd say the survivor tools and add on situation is in a good spot right now.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
    edited March 2020

    Just bring Ace in the Hole.

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    You know thats how killers felt when ruin was change all of a sudden. I understand your point but times change and people need to figure out how to deal with it. Maybe play more killer to save addons and to grind BP WHILE also filling in as killer since surv ques are insane. I literally have all killer challenges done but can barely get any survivor ones done. It doesnt help there was 4 to 5 more surv challenges to killer challenges.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Interesting. This entire time I was under the impression that killers were only able to get addons from the bloodweb. I had no idea you could get addons mid game as killer. I definitely didn't know we had something like Ace in the Hole that lets us keep our addons when we're done to help pile them up either. Boy, do I feel stupid right now.

    Though not quite stupid enough to think that survivor addons should be as strong as killer addons. Basic math makes it quite clear that killer addons should be 4 times stronger than survivor addons.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Yes, let's let survivors keep all their styptic agents where they get a free extra health state every game. Enjoy seeing Ebony Mori's every game.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I agree that survivors have too many things going on in the bloodwebs.

    I disagree with the thinking that survivor addons should be as strong as killer add ons. There are 4 Survivors. Killer is supposed to be stronger. To balance the game killer needs to be stronger.

    Like someone said above, a good portion of the killers need addons to make their power usable.

    I don't understand the logic of losing add ons. But being able to keep the item is a good bonus. No you can't do a full generator with 1 toolbox and that's fine. Because the boost of speed is not negligible.

    I personally never bring items in so all of survivor bloodwebs except perks and bloodweb offerings are a waste to me.

    Just my opinion

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    100% agree and also rarely bring items unless for a challenge.