For the People buff suggestion
Considering it's just a health state for health state trade-off, with negative consequences to the user, I think this perk would be much more viable if it granted the user the endurance status effect for a short time; basically, the inverse of Borrowed Time. There's already the condition that you have to be at full health to use the perk, and then the lengthy broken status after use.
Thoughts? Is anyone else finding this perk worthwhile in its current state?
It's strong enough as it is. No need to make it OP.
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Its already a good swf perk, no reason to buff it.
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Bro... its a free instaheal. It already is easy perk with a perfect fitting trade off.
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I do think it should get a little buff but i don't think this is it. Because then it legit becomes a free insta heal with no issues.
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The only buff this perk should get is maybe some sort of bp bonus. Frankly it's still questionable as to if this one is going to end up being bs.
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I agree, the perk is now meh 2/5 , maybe a better buff would be that you can use it with any health state ( if you are injuried you go down )
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So free equals:
- Perk space
- Needing to be at full HP to use
- Becoming injured and broken
Got it...
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Don't use it in front of the killer. That's all this perk demands from you. It already buffs Resiliance giving you faster gen speeds.
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Yeah its a perk that saves valuable time and enables you to make great plays. Its effect is noticably powerful and its down side for being so impactful is that it should not be used to insta rez someone RIGHT Next to the killer. It promotes careful play and smart use as opposed to brain dead "Use it when you can" Getting the barrowed time effect would defeat the purpose of the down side and this would be a straight upgrade from botiny knowlage.
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The only buff this perk needs is if you are near an injured survivor, they should see the for the people icon so they know you have it and will let you use it.
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Imagine a swf running your version of For the People + Soul Guard. Hmm, delicious, you can't do anything as a killer. It's definitely no, it's a perk for big brain moves or anti slug situations