Doctor’s racing to take Freddys crown for most unfun to play against



  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    To be fair you can’t spend all your time waking up it’s kinda how like with legion you can injure people all you want but it doesn’t translate to hooks you kinda don’t have time for waking up which is compounded by forever Freddy

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,483

    That's actually really petty. Instead of trying to improve against a Doctor you just DC. And saying that playing against him is not fun is a fact is honestly just hilarious. You can't actually believe that or? So am I wrong then when I say that I highly enjoy going against him? It is a matter of opinion whether he is fun to go against or not, even if you have met like 10 people who all say he isn't fun to go against.

    I also love that you accuse Doctor mains of not wanting survivors to have counterplay, yet what makes Doctor strong is that he himself also has counterplay to survivors in chases. But survivors have counterplay as well. The fact that he can prevent vaulting and pallet dropping is the one aspect that makes him strong in chases, not sure why that ability needs a downside.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
    edited March 2020

    Drop the pallet and leave, hope your teamates have more combined intelligence than warm porridge and slam the gens(admittedly unlikely in Solo Q, but that's not Freddy's fault)

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Your profile picture being Calm Spirit makes your comment pure gold.

    Agreed, Doc received tons of buffs with 0 downside. This needs to be changed.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I've been playing a lot of Doctor trials too and he's much more difficult than before. I don't have good matches against him, his shock radius covers a lot of ground and he's hard to evade most times.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Not sure that: make distance, drop pallets early and use exhaustion perks is challenging.

    It's kind of sleeper and un-interactive

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Then don't complain when you go down. It's like telling Killers to ignore the guy with DS that jumped in a locker

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Its almost like losing isn't intended to be enjoyable.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I myself don't find either unfun. To outplay a doctor you CAN'T play like against other killers,you need to adapt. The aspect that some killers have that forces survivors to adapt is what I like personally,cause variety is good.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    He is supposed to be played that way, why would anybody play them differently?

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    this “counterplay” statement of yours is fundementally wrong. his only counterplay is if the player misses shocks or you have calm spirit. thats you being at mercy of the players skill and not skill based. anyone with good hours in the game knows that good shock timings have no counterplay ans loopjg isnt the best option against a good doc

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Doc himself isn't annoying but his chase music is ######### irritating!

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited March 2020

    Old Freddy was horrendous to play against. Bloody awful.

    I dislike playing against Spirit and to a lesser extent, GhostFace.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,483

    Throwing down pallets early enough is one counterplay. Clever routing among pallet loops and loops around pallets is another. Maps that have multiple pallets or windows close by are particularly good, because if the Doctor denies you one pallet or window, it's very likely you'll be able to get to another pallet or window that you can use against him. He does have counterplay, I've seen survivors do it against me and I've been able to counterplay Doctors as well.

    Of course it's map and loop dependent, but that's kinda with every killer, and he needs to be strong in chases in order to keep up with the very fast gen times. Survivors counterplay isn't to survive a chase until 5 gens pop, it's to waste as much time against the killer as possible for your team to make impactful progress on gens, and you can do exactly that against Doctor.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Typical reply from a doctor main though. Look at your profile picture. You try to insert yourself into these statistics when you're biased.

    There is no learning against the doctor. I've learned the best ways to play against the doctor and that still isn't enough cause he has little to no counter play at all against him. If Dr mains want to be able to spam shock me so I can NEVER vault or use pallets and my location is constantly revealed ALL GAME, he at least needs slower movement speed like the nurse or he needs to slow himself down, get exhausted, stunned, or have a cool down on these cancerous abilities.

    Cause compared to all the other killers, the Dr is the ONLY one who is STACKED with unnecessary abilities that make him overpowered.

    Sorry I'm not gonna play against cheats dude.. cause that's basically what it is.

    Devs probably haven't realized how much of the community hates him and does not have fun playing against this pile of feces killer.

    Do I have fun playing against the nurse? Hell yes. Even if she kills me.. cause she's balanced.

    I know DCing against the doctor is kinda petty but it speaks volumes to the devs over just complaining about it. I know other people who do it too. This number is A LOT. Then we rate it 1 out of 5 did not have fun at all.

    That's the only way to express to the devs "statistically there's a problem with the community and this killer, the doctor.. Hmmm maybe we should give him a nerf and make him balanced so people don't always instaDC against him?"

    Cause the way I see it, I'm not gonna play a 10-20minute game wasting my time not having fun against this one character.

    I can just DC quickly get into another match where I can actually play a balanced and fun game for the most part.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Calm spirit does nothing against the doctor actually. Yeah I think you don't get revealed cause you don't scream and that's nice but when he's chasing you and tries to make you scream by shocking you.. Don't scream but you still can't vault or drop pallets.. you still can't vault windows.

    There is absolutely no counterplay against the Dr. He needs a huge nerf for that to even be a thing.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,483

    Ah yes, accusing me of being a biased Doctor main is of course the easiest way to go. He is one of my most played killers, but I play others as well, and I'm not biased towards him. I even made a thread about wanting his cooldown after using shock therapy to be increased shortly after he was released, but the more I played as and against him, I came to the conclusion that he is fine the way he is now. His abilities certainly aren't cheats, there are still killers in this game that are stronger than Doctor.

    Im curioius, what statistics are you referring to? The 10 people that told you they hate going against Doctor?

    Regarding your nerf suggestions, Nurse moves slower than survivors. Do you know how much your suggestions would cripple him? A stun after he uses his ability? In that case his power would benefit survivors, because good survivor don't get stuck at windows or pallets when shocked. Just because you don't enjoy going against him doesn't mean the devs need to gut Doctor.

    Also, if the devs got rid or heavily nerfed every killer some people find annoying, we would barely have any killers left in this game. I hate going against Hag, but that's no reason for me to want her nerfed. People have different opinions on what killer they like and dislike to play against. There are people who enjoy going against Doc, some people that responded to this thread said they enjoy going against Doctor. This game isn't just designed for you.

    The devs just reworked Doctor as well. I'm pretty sure they won't nerf him in any impactful way, now that they reworked him into a viable state, and also because of the killer outcry that would cause. People who play killer want viable options to play as. And survivor players need people to play killer in order to play survivor.

    Furthermore, in all my matches with and against Doctor, only in like 1% of those matches do people DC on him. Sure, when counting survivors suiciding on hook, it's probably more like 5 to 10 %, but people do that against any killer in the matches I have played. But I guess if you think DCing on Doctor will get the devs to nerf him, then do so. I honestly doubt it'll do anything other than perhaps getting you banned.

    I'll admit he is definitely in control of a chase, he's very strong, but I feel like that's what every killer should be, and there are killers that are stronger in chases as well, such as Nurse or Spirit. Killers need to have a reliable chance of downing survivors fast in order to keep up with the very fast gen times. And Doctor can do exactly that. But survivors definitely have counterplay to try and waste as much time of the Doctor as possible.

    I certainly wouldn't mind some small tweaks to aspects of Doctor that most people who dislike him find annoying, and maybe increasing the cooldown only of his shock therapy after using shock therapy to like 2 seconds, so he has to wait slightly longer before he can use shock therapy again after using it, but I personally think he is in a very balanced spot. He has a fair chance of winning even against really good survivors, at least on the majority of maps that aren't too survivor sided, but survivors also have a fair chance winning against a Doctor of any skill level as well.

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    He literally said that did you not read it? He said can’t be looped like other killers. The shock dodging isnt hard it’s actually easier to dodge it than to hit it as doc. And you don’t have to pre throw pallets to beat a doc

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    As a surv, I could complain about other Killers being unfun to play agains, but you could figure out a way to be somewhat efficient 

    playing against them. 

    But Doctor... I am annoyed with Doctor. Should I always wear Calm Spirit and Urban Evade to the corner bush and stay there for entire match? 

    1. His ability is a build-in surv detection perk, he don't even need bbq and chili

    2. Reverse skill checks on DS? F...k I miss DS sometimes when I am being tunneled. 50% chance to passively waste my perk, just by being Doctor?

    3. So should I waste one perk slot for Calm Spirit just for Doctor? What about other killers? Can I get 10 more perk slots and built-in flashlight? Can you also add a Locker as s survivor skin, so I could wear a locker and run with it around the map without being detected?

    4. Madness state == waste surv time without event need for Sloppy Butcher? 

    By far, as for me, doctor now is the most "effective" or the most annoying to play against. 

    So my strategy is do die earlier cuz F...k it, or DC when I sometimes get 3 doctors in a row. 

    Or play other more fun game.

  • MabusHades
    MabusHades Member Posts: 38

    I think what's most annoying with him is that he spams it everywhere so you're bound to get found no matter what he doesnt even need point in your direction anymore its practically 360 which is just a lazy buff.

    So if your too close you're usually gonna get chased not too fun for hiding so most time it's just chaos going against him and have to risk survivors for objective which you wont be able to survive 1v1 never happens.

    I will admit he was needing a buff I just think needs tweaking.